CDZ Labor Participation Rate...Everyone who wants a job has a job?


Gold Member
Nov 15, 2009
Here are a couple links.

Bloomberg - Are you a robot?

Analysis | Kevin McCarthy claims that the labor participation rate is ‘going back up’ under Trump

So if I understand right this means the writers believe darned near everyone who wants a job has a job? That's the case with folks I know, there are a few failure to launch individuals sucking off their parents and there are quite a few folks who are underemployed but generally everyone has at least a McJob.

We can argue if that is true.

We can also argue what to do to make Americans more productive. Or even what that means, I keep reading about the hand holding of higher wages and inflation but I figure that's a problem we can live with as long as folks have better jobs.

IF it is true that we are at near full employment it means a couple things to me:

1-We need to aim to do better with our jobs than just working to ship Chinese goods from one side of the country to another or flip burgers.

2-A bit higher birth rate (to slow?) or more immigration would not hurt. Ten years ago I learned how much of our economy was tied to property values and we have empty decaying houses all over creation. My half empty glass tells me racism and justified fear of crime are what maintain property values in our suburbs.

What are your takes and take aways?
It's a paywall but from what I could read their numbers were wrong anyway. Labor force participation rate is just average.
My takeaway is that you tried to sneak the race card in there and failed.....People have gone into decaying urban areas and revitalized them, only to be accused of "gentrification", which itself is a sort of left-handed racist accusation.

Service occupations aren't limited to "burger flipping" ...Jobs in nursing, auto/truck mechanics, property management, etcetera, are all very well paying and worthwhile occupations....Belittling them as "burger flippers" is as elitist an attitude as you can get.
My takeaway is that you tried to sneak the race card in there and failed.....People have gone into decaying urban areas and revitalized them, only to be accused of "gentrification", which itself is a sort of left-handed racist accusation.

Service occupations aren't limited to "burger flipping" ...Jobs in nursing, auto/truck mechanics, property management, etcetera, are all very well paying and worthwhile occupations....Belittling them as "burger flippers" is as elitist an attitude as you can get.
If these University educated folks were forced to live off of 10 to 15 grand in the trailer parks or in the projects for five years, that chip on their shoulder would disappear real quick. Either they have had "AA privilege," or "white privilege," who knows which. Their lack of empathy sure shows, b/c they never learned the lessons that those folks attempted to teach them.

My takeaway is that you tried to sneak the race card in there and failed.....People have gone into decaying urban areas and revitalized them, only to be accused of "gentrification", which itself is a sort of left-handed racist accusation.

Service occupations aren't limited to "burger flipping" ...Jobs in nursing, auto/truck mechanics, property management, etcetera, are all very well paying and worthwhile occupations....Belittling them as "burger flippers" is as elitist an attitude as you can get.
Point on the other service jobs. They still cycle money instead of creating value or pulling in money....unless folks come here for whore houses or treatment I suppose.

Far as the racism goes, sorry if it was sneaky but yeah, racism. No sneak intended. It fuels our local real estate market
Your link is to a pay per view of WAPO, the Bezos run Libswill factory. So no go. Anyway I'm not interested in labor participation RATE, we need more taxpayers period. Especially young ones. We need the latest generation of 20 somethings to get off their parents' sofa, drop the joystick controls and start pulling their own weight. We have people massing at the border risking their life just for a chance at a job in America. Let's go twinkies, let's see what you got.
Here are a couple links.

Bloomberg - Are you a robot?

Analysis | Kevin McCarthy claims that the labor participation rate is ‘going back up’ under Trump

So if I understand right this means the writers believe darned near everyone who wants a job has a job? That's the case with folks I know, there are a few failure to launch individuals sucking off their parents and there are quite a few folks who are underemployed but generally everyone has at least a McJob.

We can argue if that is true.

We can also argue what to do to make Americans more productive. Or even what that means, I keep reading about the hand holding of higher wages and inflation but I figure that's a problem we can live with as long as folks have better jobs.

IF it is true that we are at near full employment it means a couple things to me:

1-We need to aim to do better with our jobs than just working to ship Chinese goods from one side of the country to another or flip burgers.

2-A bit higher birth rate (to slow?) or more immigration would not hurt. Ten years ago I learned how much of our economy was tied to property values and we have empty decaying houses all over creation. My half empty glass tells me racism and justified fear of crime are what maintain property values in our suburbs.

What are your takes and take aways?

Wages are stagnant, the cost of health insurance is too high for the working poor and my management investments as of yesterday have the same value they did, less the management fees, since 1/1/18.

Trump took credit when the markets went up, and blamed the FED when they went down. The stock and bond market like consistency, the Orange duffus has brought chaos to the financial world.

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