Ladies & gents ... Kindly start yer


Platinum Member
Oct 10, 2021
utter Bullshit.The kind bullshit artists of the Woke persuation
daily live for.Like MEDIAite propagate.Looking to influence and
dominate the abject lies of the Left.Like this ...
Kamala Harris' address in Wilmington to Biden's former
campaign staff.
She " gave a barn burner of a speech ".
Yeah like chickens or certain ducky can lay golden eggs.
Or how Trump is the new Humpty Dumpty.
It's just that Joe Public doesn't or can't fathom it yet.
So the deal is expect the drat left to increase pressure as to
how and when to lie like thieves.What they exist for.
Let Kamala Harris think she's some kind of Miracle Worker.
The thingy is this ... Folks.
This is all an attempt to Divert attention away from Trump's
Asassination Attempt.The left's been caught red-handed.
Not only IS there a Deep State.But it's not nearly finished with the
bidness of Destroying Donald Trump.In fact,it's only begun.
Kamala Harris wouldn't know or understand the history of
what a " Barn Burner " is or it's origins even if explained by
Guys who used it ... Like The Dean of SEC basketball.
Joe Dean the voice of SEC basketball.No finer announcer
and fan of the game.Famous for another college basketball
phrase " String Music " denoting his being called " Mr.String Music ".
The other *"stringy" thing about Kamala Harris is her use of
plagarism. Like her cohort being replaced.
Joe " String Bullshit " Bidens.

* Stringy meat or Stringy weeds
utter Bullshit.The kind bullshit artists of the Woke persuation
daily live for.Like MEDIAite propagate.Looking to influence and
dominate the abject lies of the Left.Like this ...
Kamala Harris' address in Wilmington to Biden's former
campaign staff.
She " gave a barn burner of a speech ".
Yeah like chickens or certain ducky can lay golden eggs.
Or how Trump is the new Humpty Dumpty.
It's just that Joe Public doesn't or can't fathom it yet.
So the deal is expect the drat left to increase pressure as to
how and when to lie like thieves.What they exist for.
Let Kamala Harris think she's some kind of Miracle Worker.
The thingy is this ... Folks.
This is all an attempt to Divert attention away from Trump's
Asassination Attempt.The left's been caught red-handed.
Not only IS there a Deep State.But it's not nearly finished with the
bidness of Destroying Donald Trump.In fact,it's only begun.
Kamala Harris wouldn't know or understand the history of
what a " Barn Burner " is or it's origins even if explained by
Guys who used it ... Like The Dean of SEC basketball.
Joe Dean the voice of SEC basketball.No finer announcer
and fan of the game.Famous for another college basketball
phrase " String Music " denoting his being called " Mr.String Music ".
The other *"stringy" thing about Kamala Harris is her use of
plagarism. Like her cohort being replaced.
Joe " String Bullshit " Bidens.

* Stringy meat or Stringy weeds
Furthermore ... Ladies & Gents ... Do not,even for a mere
nanosecond get sucked into their Totalitarian web of
deceit,projection and lies.They are the last thing our
Founders expected.That being agin Constitutionalists.
It really doesn't take a college degree to understand
todays Democrats.These Democrats are not Liberals.
Thomas Jefferson was a Liberal.
Daniel Patrick Moynihan was a Liberal.
Bill Bradley { N.J. Senator } was a Liberal.
Sam Nunn { Georgia Senator } was a Liberal.
Dennis Kucinich { Cleveland Mayor,Congressman } was a Liberal.

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