'Lame-Duck'? President Trump Shatters Term - Announces 4th Mideast country normalizes ties with Israel in US-led deal


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Trump announces 4th Mideast country normalizes ties with Israel in US-led deal

Breaking News
Trump announces 4th Mideast country normalizes ties with Israel in US-led deal

....part of the reason President Trump has EARNED 4 separate Nobel Peace Prize Nominations....

President Trump's latest success continues to prove, as the late USSC Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg said, 'A President does not stop being President his final year in office.'

If only he had put half as much effort into covid as he’s putting into preserving his own legacy and trying to overturn the election, the vote would have been much tighter, and he probably could have won fair and square

Bwuhahahaha...... Need a tissue, snowflake? That's your response to Trump being proven once again to be the most successful US President in DECADES, in some cases EVER?! Poor pathetic lil' snowflake...
If only he had put half as much effort into covid as he’s putting into preserving his own legacy and trying to overturn the election, the vote would have been much tighter, and he probably could have won fair and square
its not the job of POTUS to tell [people what to do or keep them safe other than by foreign threats like bejing biden,,
Trump announces 4th Mideast country normalizes ties with Israel in US-led deal

Breaking News
Trump announces 4th Mideast country normalizes ties with Israel in US-led deal

....part of the reason President Trump has EARNED 4 separate Nobel Peace Prize Nominations....

President Trump's latest success continues to prove, as the late USSC Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg said, 'A President does not stop being President his final year in office.'

All contingent on Trump willing to sell the U.A.E $23 billion worth of military hardware..some of which will be used to arm conflicts in the area..
Trump announces 4th Mideast country normalizes ties with Israel in US-led deal

Breaking News
Trump announces 4th Mideast country normalizes ties with Israel in US-led deal

....part of the reason President Trump has EARNED 4 separate Nobel Peace Prize Nominations....

President Trump's latest success continues to prove, as the late USSC Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg said, 'A President does not stop being President his final year in office.'

Podunk country #4. And still, no resolution to the Palestinian issue.
Sorry, no prize for you. :)
Democrooks are the stupidest assholes on the face of the earth. Even their "intellectuals" are jabbering retards.

Trump announces 4th Mideast country normalizes ties with Israel in US-led deal

Breaking News
Trump announces 4th Mideast country normalizes ties with Israel in US-led deal

....part of the reason President Trump has EARNED 4 separate Nobel Peace Prize Nominations....

President Trump's latest success continues to prove, as the late USSC Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg said, 'A President does not stop being President his final year in office.'

Podunk country #4. And still, no resolution to the Palestinian issue.
Sorry, no prize for you. :)

Morocco has a population of 36 million souls, hardly a "podunk country".

And this is part of the strategy to resolve the Palestinian issue, BTW. Every country that makes peace with the Jewish people puts more pressure on the pals to give up terrorism and come to the bargaining table.
Podunk country #4. And still, no resolution to the Palestinian issue.

Pathetic attempt to minimize the historic achievements of President trump, accomplishing a peace deal Democrats declared we would never see in our lifegtime.

If only he had put half as much effort into covid as he’s putting into preserving his own legacy and trying to overturn the election, the vote would have been much tighter, and he probably could have won fair and square

You would have been dead by now if Hillary had been in charge.
Podunk country #4. And still, no resolution to the Palestinian issue.

Pathetic attempt to minimize the historic achievements of President trump, accomplishing a peace deal Democrats declared we would never see in our lifegtime.


Nothing to see here. He's gone on 1/20/2021 anyway. You can laud his achievements and open your wallet while he basks in the sun at Mar-A-Lago...assuming he isn't under indictment already. :)

Sorry, these show pony deals are just a way of trying to box the Palestinians out. Won't work.
Trump announces 4th Mideast country normalizes ties with Israel in US-led deal

Breaking News
Trump announces 4th Mideast country normalizes ties with Israel in US-led deal

....part of the reason President Trump has EARNED 4 separate Nobel Peace Prize Nominations....

President Trump's latest success continues to prove, as the late USSC Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg said, 'A President does not stop being President his final year in office.'

Another dog and pony show which does nothing to address unrest in the Middle East. Getting cooperation deals with non-combattants. Big Yawn.

In the meantime, another 3000 Americans died today, while Trump focuses on his fading dream of a re-election, and one last grift of the taxpayers, and his desperate attempt to win the Nobel Peace Prize.
Trump announces 4th Mideast country normalizes ties with Israel in US-led deal

Breaking News
Trump announces 4th Mideast country normalizes ties with Israel in US-led deal

....part of the reason President Trump has EARNED 4 separate Nobel Peace Prize Nominations....

President Trump's latest success continues to prove, as the late USSC Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg said, 'A President does not stop being President his final year in office.'

Podunk country #4. And still, no resolution to the Palestinian issue.
Sorry, no prize for you. :)

Morocco has a population of 36 million souls, hardly a "podunk country".

And this is part of the strategy to resolve the Palestinian issue, BTW. Every country that makes peace with the Jewish people puts more pressure on the pals to give up terrorism and come to the bargaining table.
Give up terrorism?...they are blockaded by the IDF in two small land areas, West Bank and Gaza and denied statehood. Bargaining table?..they did that once back in 1947 but the Jews just said the hell with negotiating, we will just take what we want and build settlements..
President Donald Trump is the 1st and ONLY US President to ever earn 4 separate Nobel Peace Prize nominations.
President Trump has been nominated for 4 separate Nobel Peace Prizes for accomplishing peace deals Democrats and others declared we would never see in our lifetime.

Only 4 US Presidents have ever won a Nobel Peace Prize:
- Woodrow Wilson
- Jimmy Carter
- Al Gore
- Barak Obama

Only 2 US Presidents have ever deserved the Nobel Peace Prizes they received:
- Woodrow Wilson: For 'his efforts in ending World War I and for playing a pivotal role in creating the League of Nations.'

- Jimmy Carter: For 'his efforts in finding “peaceful solutions to international conflicts, advancing democracy and human rights, and promoting economic and social development'.

Al Gore received the Nobel Peace Prize for 'his efforts in obtaining and spreading knowledge on climate change'
-- The scientists in Gore's movie at the time declared Gore misrepresented their comments / thoughts on 'GLOBAL WARMING', a term that has since had to be changed to 'Climate Change' due to scientific evidence exposing the Earth was not 'warming' as Liberals / Gore had claimed.

Gore received the Nobel Peace prize at the time for warning that EVERY US coastal city would be under water by now due to the melting ice caps....


Barak Obama was given his Nobel Peace Prize for 'POTENTIAL'...potential for being the 1st President in decades to promote and bring about 'PEACE'...potential Barry never lived up to.
Instead of 'peace', Barry armed, trained, supplied, protected, and defended global terrorists and Mexican Drug Cartels...he aided Al Qaeda militarily in killing a sovereign nation's leader and taking over Libya for their own. Barry made it possible for Putin to send troops into the Ukraine to annex Crimea. He also dragged the US into yet another war by invading Syria, by U.N. definition of an International War Crime - Invading a sovereign nation without permission from or being asked to do so by the nation's leader or Congress. At the end of his Presidency, Barry walked out of the WH with his Nobel Peace Prize, leaving US soldiers in Syria to continue to fight HIS war.

Trump announces 4th Mideast country normalizes ties with Israel in US-led deal

Breaking News
Trump announces 4th Mideast country normalizes ties with Israel in US-led deal

....part of the reason President Trump has EARNED 4 separate Nobel Peace Prize Nominations....

President Trump's latest success continues to prove, as the late USSC Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg said, 'A President does not stop being President his final year in office.'

Podunk country #4. And still, no resolution to the Palestinian issue.
Sorry, no prize for you. :)

Morocco has a population of 36 million souls, hardly a "podunk country".

And this is part of the strategy to resolve the Palestinian issue, BTW. Every country that makes peace with the Jewish people puts more pressure on the pals to give up terrorism and come to the bargaining table.
Give up terrorism?...they are blockaded by the IDF in two small land areas, West Bank and Gaza and denied statehood. Bargaining table?..they did that once back in 1947 but the Jews just said the hell with negotiating, we will just take what we want and build settlements..

So what's your suggestion?

That the Jews should pack up and leave the Holy Land?

Where would you suggest they go?
Trump hasn't won anything. "Wishing" he had a Nobel Prize is like wishing he had won the election..Pssst...Neither happened. :)
Nothing to see here. He's gone on 1/20/2021 anyway.

Pathetic attempt to diminish the importance of the fact that President Trump is the most successful US President in decades, in some cases EVER, simply because he is leaving office soon.

Poor lil' snowflake....your 'orange boogeyman' that has beaten every attempt by the Democrats to oust him from office will be gone soon enough...but his record as being the most successful President in DECADES, in some cases EVER in US history, will live on.


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