Landlords are required to deny reality and play along

The landlord is not only responsible for his or her own behavior, but the behavior of everyone else on the property as well.

That's why these laws are outrageous. This is why sane people fight so hard against them. They should continue to fight, as hard as they can, do whatever it takes to end this insanity.

Um. Wrong.

I would think he's right since general common law principals apply a landlord's duty to invitees onto properties.

If a tenant is owed a duty of quiet enjoyment, then the landlord must protect tenants from invitees.

Are you denying that if the mailman was blasting music the landlord wouldn't be obligated to tell the mailman to stop if it were disturbing tenants? If there were repairmen on premises sexually harassing tenants the landlord wouldn't be responsible?

blah blah blah.

One word defines your claim=Hogwash
The landlord is not only responsible for his or her own behavior, but the behavior of everyone else on the property as well.

That's why these laws are outrageous. This is why sane people fight so hard against them. They should continue to fight, as hard as they can, do whatever it takes to end this insanity.

Um. Wrong.

Well, to some extent that can be true. In my city, if there are more than eight 911 calls to a property within a year, the city starts billing $500 per call thereafter. And if it is a rental property, the landlord is the one stuck with this bill.

Since it is the homeowner who ultimately receives the bill for 911 calls in excess of eight per year, landlords are responsible for controlling their tenants under this law.

Landlords who have tenants who constantly make 911 calls will either have to make them stop calling 911, evict them or pay up.

So, if a landlord rents to rowdy, trouble-makers, they can be held accountable for those tenants' behavior.

Therefore, in some cases, landlords can be held accountable for their tenants.
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This is such a vast brush the OP is carrying, it would take YEARS to explain to him tenant/landlord laws...and I just don't feel like being in a class room touching on every aspect of said laws. So...Hogwash and Um Wrong will suffice when I see that brush sweeping everything in one big dustpan.
The Landlord/Tenant law in my state allows a landlord to terminate a month-to-month rental for no reason with 30-days notice.

So, while it is illegal to evict someone because they are black, or a couple who is not married, etc. you can just give someone 30-days notice to vacate simply because you want to reclaim your apartment.

Don't know the law where this particular landlord is, but if it's like our law, just evict the person. Don't EVER admit it's because they're transgender, though!!!!

I know this because when someone purchased the 4-plex I lived in, I was given 30-days notice to get out of an apartment I'd lived in for 12 years, always paid the rent on time, in fact was such a good tenant the previous owner made me manager of the place. They gave no reason, just a 30-day notice to vacate. Perfectly legal. : (

It turned out good for me, though. Found out I could qualify for a home loan and became a homeowner instead of a renter. : )
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Um. Wrong.

I would think he's right since general common law principals apply a landlord's duty to invitees onto properties.

If a tenant is owed a duty of quiet enjoyment, then the landlord must protect tenants from invitees.

Are you denying that if the mailman was blasting music the landlord wouldn't be obligated to tell the mailman to stop if it were disturbing tenants? If there were repairmen on premises sexually harassing tenants the landlord wouldn't be responsible?

blah blah blah.

One word defines your claim=Hogwash

So in california there is no right to quiet enjoyment?
The Landlord/Tenant law in my state allows a landlord to terminate a month-to-month rental for no reason with 30-days notice.

So, while it is illegal to evict someone because they are black, or a couple who is not married, etc. you can just give someone 30-days notice to vacate simply because you want to reclaim your apartment.

Don't know the law where this particular landlord is, but if it's like our law, just evict the person. Don't EVER admit it's because they're transgender, though!!!!

I know this because when someone purchaesd the 4-plex I lived in, I was given 30-days notice to get out of an apartment I'd lived in for 12 years, always paid the rent on time, in fact was such a good tenant the previous owner made me manager of the place. They gave no reason, just a 30-day notice to vacate. Perfectly legal. : (

It turned out good for me, though. Found out I could qualify for a home loan and became a homeowner instead of a renter. : )

Problem is, if you just terminate out of the blue, a tranny will say it's becaues they are a tranny and you have to pay for legal counsel whereas the tranny gets the state to pay the legal costs for the lawsuit against you.
For the 100th time. Because I don't want to be forced to deny reality. I provide examples of people being forced to deny reality.

Smith College is forced to consider someone with a dick as a woman.

This landlord is forced to to call someone Michelle, despite the name on the lease.

A shop owner is forced to let someone with a dick into a woman's dressing room.

The genderqueer stories force people to think that someone can be neither male nor female. Can you imagine if someone could so you for calling them he or she because they demand to be called zhir or zhe?

Now please answer the questions I posed to you.

Nope, I don't buy it.

More than half of the threads you start are about transexuals.

You're way too passionate about this for it to be about "denying reality".

Each and every story I post is an example of someone being forced to deny reality or else face legal consequences.

now answer my questions. Not agreeing with my answer isn't grounds for saying I didn't answer it.

Now fulfill your part of the deal and answer my questions.


No one is ‘denying reality.’

Transexualism is just as real as any other manifestation of sexuality; and transsexuals are entitled to be free from discriminatory practices as anyone else.

There is no rational basis for the animus you exhibit toward transsexuals.
Doctor? You still trying to figure out when you have a right to a jury in a federal civil trial?

Here is the 7th amendment:

Seventh Amendment – Civil trial by jury.

In suits at common law, where the value in controversy shall exceed twenty dollars, the right of trial by jury shall be preserved, and no fact tried by a jury, shall be otherwise re-examined in any court of the United States, than according to the rules of the common law.

What does this mean?
Nope, I don't buy it.

More than half of the threads you start are about transexuals.

You're way too passionate about this for it to be about "denying reality".

Each and every story I post is an example of someone being forced to deny reality or else face legal consequences.

now answer my questions. Not agreeing with my answer isn't grounds for saying I didn't answer it.

Now fulfill your part of the deal and answer my questions.


No one is ‘denying reality.’

Transexualism is just as real as any other manifestation of sexuality; and transsexuals are entitled to be free from discriminatory practices as anyone else.

There is no rational basis for the animus you exhibit toward transsexuals.

So you literally think a "woman" can get testicular cancer?

Or a "man" can get ovarian cancer?
The Landlord/Tenant law in my state allows a landlord to terminate a month-to-month rental for no reason with 30-days notice.

So, while it is illegal to evict someone because they are black, or a couple who is not married, etc. you can just give someone 30-days notice to vacate simply because you want to reclaim your apartment.

Don't know the law where this particular landlord is, but if it's like our law, just evict the person. Don't EVER admit it's because they're transgender, though!!!!

I know this because when someone purchaesd the 4-plex I lived in, I was given 30-days notice to get out of an apartment I'd lived in for 12 years, always paid the rent on time, in fact was such a good tenant the previous owner made me manager of the place. They gave no reason, just a 30-day notice to vacate. Perfectly legal. : (

It turned out good for me, though. Found out I could qualify for a home loan and became a homeowner instead of a renter. : )

Problem is, if you just terminate out of the blue, a tranny will say it's becaues they are a tranny and you have to pay for legal counsel whereas the tranny gets the state to pay the legal costs for the lawsuit against you.

There’s a simple way to avoid all that:

Don’t behave like a bigoted moron.
I will not teach California Law to you, novasteve. Try contacting the Housing Authority or a Realtor that specializes in California Tenant/landlord laws. 45 plus years was enough for me and I have no inclination of playing your game or helping you hold that huge broad brush you are trying to paint with.

The whole concept of the beginning post is goofy and assinine. I'll just read and chuckle instead.
The Landlord/Tenant law in my state allows a landlord to terminate a month-to-month rental for no reason with 30-days notice.

So, while it is illegal to evict someone because they are black, or a couple who is not married, etc. you can just give someone 30-days notice to vacate simply because you want to reclaim your apartment.

Don't know the law where this particular landlord is, but if it's like our law, just evict the person. Don't EVER admit it's because they're transgender, though!!!!

I know this because when someone purchaesd the 4-plex I lived in, I was given 30-days notice to get out of an apartment I'd lived in for 12 years, always paid the rent on time, in fact was such a good tenant the previous owner made me manager of the place. They gave no reason, just a 30-day notice to vacate. Perfectly legal. : (

It turned out good for me, though. Found out I could qualify for a home loan and became a homeowner instead of a renter. : )

Problem is, if you just terminate out of the blue, a tranny will say it's becaues they are a tranny and you have to pay for legal counsel whereas the tranny gets the state to pay the legal costs for the lawsuit against you.

There’s a simple way to avoid all that:

Don’t behave like a bigoted moron.

How is not wanting to deny reality bigotry? If a white person checked they were black on a college application and you saw them and refused to consider them black, are you a bigot?
I will not teach California Law to you, novasteve. Try contacting the Housing Authority or a Realtor that specializes in California Tenant/landlord laws. 45 plus years was enough for me and I have no inclination of playing your game or helping you hold that huge broad brush you are trying to paint with.

The whole concept of the beginning post is goofy and assinine. I'll just read and chuckle instead.

Prove you understand anything about law. Explain to me duties of care that land owners owe in california.
Your agenda is quite clear.

This has nothing to do with tenants rights and laws. It's just another thread with your waving your tiny fists in anger against transexuals.

I will not teach California Law to you, novasteve. Try contacting the Housing Authority or a Realtor that specializes in California Tenant/landlord laws. 45 plus years was enough for me and I have no inclination of playing your game or helping you hold that huge broad brush you are trying to paint with.

The whole concept of the beginning post is goofy and assinine. I'll just read and chuckle instead.

Prove you understand anything about law. Explain to me duties of care that land owners owe in california.

Nope. You aren't worth it and I don't have to prove a damn thing to you.
The article states that the landlord must start calling the transgender tenant "Michelle," even though the name on the rental agreement is "Michael." Otherwise, it is harrassment. Calling him by his legal name of "Michael" is harrassment. What a bunch of bullshit.

If Michael wants to be called Michelle, he should legally change his name. Unless he legally changes his name, his landlord nor anyone else should be legally required to call him by a different name just because he wants them to.

This is bullshit. I'm glad none of this matters to me that much or affects me that much. The only effect transgender people have on my life is to add a little entertainment to it. Yeah, that's right, I find them amusing. So put me in jail.

Truth is, I would not discriminate against a transgender person. I just don't like seeing people's aberrant lifestyles being shoved down other people's throats. And before anyone gets upset about my use of the term "aberrant"...look it up.
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I will not teach California Law to you, novasteve. Try contacting the Housing Authority or a Realtor that specializes in California Tenant/landlord laws. 45 plus years was enough for me and I have no inclination of playing your game or helping you hold that huge broad brush you are trying to paint with.

The whole concept of the beginning post is goofy and assinine. I'll just read and chuckle instead.

Prove you understand anything about law. Explain to me duties of care that land owners owe in california.

Nope. You aren't worth it and I don't have to prove a damn thing to you.

That's so mature. I feel like i'm corresponding with a three year old. So you know more than me, but you refuse to prove it.

The article states that the landlord must start calling the transgender tenant "Michelle," even though the name on the rental agreement is "Michael." Otherwise, it is harrassment. Calling him by his legal name of "Michael" is harrassment. What a bunch of bullshit.

If Michael wants to be called Michelle, he should legally change his name. Unless he legally changes his name, his landlord nor anyone else should be legally required to call him by a different name just because he wants them to.

This is bullshit. I'm glad none of this matters to me that much or affects me that much. The only affect transgender people have on my life is to add a little entertainment to it. Yeah, that's right, I find them amusing. So put me in jail.

And they say the landlord isn't being forced to deny reality.

If you have kids, your child might be subjected to a tranny roommate in a college dorm.
The article is just that. An article. An opinion. If the name on the lease agreement or rental agreement is Michael, and Michael has not legally changed his name in a court of law in the state where this takes place, then the landlord has every right to call the tenant the name given on the rental agreement. Yes, it is bullshit, and not Law. If Michael tries to sue because he is not being called Michelle, the judge will laugh him out of court.

This whole thread is not about that anyway. It is just novasteve having another hissy about transexuals.
Prove you understand anything about law. Explain to me duties of care that land owners owe in california.

Nope. You aren't worth it and I don't have to prove a damn thing to you.

That's so mature. I feel like i'm corresponding with a three year old. So you know more than me, but you refuse to prove it.


Like I takes years to learn all the rudiments of property management. I have neither the time nor desire to explain every aspect of it. And you bet I know more than you. :eusa_whistle:

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