Why is religious discrimination okay? And required by ACA?

Yeah, I get that, but at the same time, after 2,000 years someone should say, "Maybe he's not coming back"?
Yeah, I get that, too, but again, why in this day and age? We have robots on Mars. If God made us to do all of this then why didn't Adam launch a rocket made from his big toe?
Why do people still need religion? I can understand health care, but why religion?

Humans are mostly frightened children, like little puppy. They fear death most of all, so they invent ways to survive it, hence Jesus and other gods.

Oh the irony.... Humans are mostly frightened children, like little PMH here (and most Dumbocrats). They fear that which they cannot control, so they fancy themselves as the ultimate power in the universe. Basically scared little children like PMH fear a power greater than themselves, so they try to convince themselves that there is no God. It's also quite convenient when you wish to live your life like a jack-ass and not have to worry about answering for it.

Sad, I know. And very immature. Not to mention remarkably ignorant in the face of such overwhelming evidence.
Why do people still need religion? I can understand health care, but why religion?

Why do helpless Dumbocrats such as yourself and PMH need government? Why can't you liberals stand up on your own two feet like men and provide for your own needs instead of relying on government like an infant relies on parents? For instance, why can't you get your own health insurance policy? I've done it for my entire life. Why can't you?
Why do people still need religion? I can understand health care, but why religion?

Humans are mostly frightened children, like little puppy. They fear death most of all, so they invent ways to survive it, hence Jesus and other gods.

Oh the irony.... Humans are mostly frightened children, like little PMH here (and most Dumbocrats). They fear that which they cannot control, so they fancy themselves as the ultimate power in the universe. Basically scared little children like PMH fear a power greater than themselves, so they try to convince themselves that there is no God. It's also quite convenient when you wish to live your life like a jack-ass and not have to worry about answering for it.

Sad, I know. And very immature. Not to mention remarkably ignorant in the face of such overwhelming evidence.
As I said, little puppy needs his buddy Jesus to make through his day, and his night most of all, like one of those stuffed animals with the flashlight inside. Let's tuck him in eh? Sleep well little puppy for life is short and eternity is rather long but no worries, dead is dead, and you won't feel a thing.
Yeah, I get that, too, but again, why in this day and age? We have robots on Mars. If God made us to do all of this then why didn't Adam launch a rocket made from his big toe?
He was busy, he had sheep to fuck, at least until Eve came along.

You can literally hear the fear in your false bravado. It's equal parts comical and sad.
I don't fear men fucking animals, or the stories and gods they make up to help themselves sleep at night.
Why do people still need religion? I can understand health care, but why religion?

Why do helpless Dumbocrats such as yourself and PMH need government? Why can't you liberals stand up on your own two feet like men and provide for your own needs instead of relying on government like an infant relies on parents? For instance, why can't you get your own health insurance policy? I've done it for my entire life. Why can't you?
We can. We can also understand why health care shouldn't be about making a buck.
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Humans are mostly frightened children, like little puppy. They fear death most of all, so they invent ways to survive it, hence Jesus and other gods.

Oh the irony.... Humans are mostly frightened children, like little PMH here (and most Dumbocrats). They fear that which they cannot control, so they fancy themselves as the ultimate power in the universe. Basically scared little children like PMH fear a power greater than themselves, so they try to convince themselves that there is no God. It's also quite convenient when you wish to live your life like a jack-ass and not have to worry about answering for it.

Sad, I know. And very immature. Not to mention remarkably ignorant in the face of such overwhelming evidence.
As I said, little puppy needs his buddy Jesus to make through his day, and his night most of all, like one of those stuffed animals with the flashlight inside. Let's tuck him in eh? Sleep well little puppy for life is short and eternity is rather long but no worries, dead is dead, and you won't feel a thing.

The fear continues to ooze from little boys false bravado here. Rest assured little boy, I don't fear anything. I don't have to. That's the beauty of walking with Jesus.

I don't have to pretend I don't fear death (because unlike you, I actually don't) while drowning my fears in can after can of cheap beer purchased with government food stamps.

Now tell us again how Social Security has no liabilities and how the book of Matthew only appears in "the mormon version of the bible"... :lol:
Why do people still need religion? I can understand health care, but why religion?

Why do helpless Dumbocrats such as yourself and PMH need government? Why can't you liberals stand up on your own two feet like men and provide for your own needs instead of relying on government like an infant relies on parents? For instance, why can't you get your own health insurance policy? I've done it for my entire life. Why can't you?
We can. We can also understand why health care is about making a buck.

Awww....is 'lil PMH sad that we have capitalism instead of communism? And that that capitalism has created the greatest standard of living the world has ever known - including the greatest healthcare?

Clearly you can't provide your own little boy or you wouldn't sit there and cry for government to provide it for you.
Why do people still need religion? I can understand health care, but why religion?

Why do helpless Dumbocrats such as yourself and PMH need government? Why can't you liberals stand up on your own two feet like men and provide for your own needs instead of relying on government like an infant relies on parents? For instance, why can't you get your own health insurance policy? I've done it for my entire life. Why can't you?
Well, first of all, I'm a vet and my health care is covered by your tax dollars. So, thank you, and go fuck yourself.

Second, I get my disability pension for a seizure disorder. Most 9 to 5 type jobs aren't going to hire me because of the insurance risk, or because of the THC in my system.

Third, I don't vote Dumbocrap. I voted for the only person who I can trust to do the right thing, and that's me.

Fourth, the super-rich are the ones keeping everyone on government assistance by refusing to increase wages and offer better benefits even while they're profiting billions of dollars every quarter. Rich people don't pay higher wages which forces employees to need government assistance to make end's meet. You live in a delusional fantasy world if you think that everyone makes enough money to live comfortably, or they can just wave a magic wand and start their own business.
No other Federal, state, or local laws do this... or if they do, they are as unconstitutional as Obamacare is.
That's total nonsense you know? We have lots of laws on the books that limit religion, and they are constitutional according the last source of appeal here, the Supreme Court.

You know the supreme court just makes shit up, thats why you hate the second amendment. Do you really think libtards on the court care about the constitution? If they want something, they find it. Look at campaign contributions, where in the constitution are they limited?
Oh the irony.... Humans are mostly frightened children, like little PMH here (and most Dumbocrats). They fear that which they cannot control, so they fancy themselves as the ultimate power in the universe. Basically scared little children like PMH fear a power greater than themselves, so they try to convince themselves that there is no God. It's also quite convenient when you wish to live your life like a jack-ass and not have to worry about answering for it.

Sad, I know. And very immature. Not to mention remarkably ignorant in the face of such overwhelming evidence.
As I said, little puppy needs his buddy Jesus to make through his day, and his night most of all, like one of those stuffed animals with the flashlight inside. Let's tuck him in eh? Sleep well little puppy for life is short and eternity is rather long but no worries, dead is dead, and you won't feel a thing.

The fear continues to ooze from little boys false bravado here. Rest assured little boy, I don't fear anything. I don't have to. That's the beauty of walking with Jesus.

I don't have to pretend I don't fear death (because unlike you, I actually don't) while drowning my fears in can after can of cheap beer purchased with government food stamps.

Now tell us again how Social Security has no liabilities and how the book of Matthew only appears in "the mormon version of the bible"... :lol:
Oh little puppy. You shouldn't try to put words in the mouths of others, when you are sucking on Jesus' small limp dick. The fear of death is why you embraced Jesus in the first place, that and your upbringing, and he was a total nutter. I know his words well and you are a satan to his cause. Find our why I used it that way, as in, Get thee behind me satan? As for you thinking I have a fear of death, I have none. It's already, like Jesus, far behind schedule.

Your little buddy Jesus is not what you believe him to be and soon you will be just as dead as I am. You need him to combat your fears while I need nothing at all...
Why do people still need religion? I can understand health care, but why religion?

Why do helpless Dumbocrats such as yourself and PMH need government? Why can't you liberals stand up on your own two feet like men and provide for your own needs instead of relying on government like an infant relies on parents? For instance, why can't you get your own health insurance policy? I've done it for my entire life. Why can't you?
Well, first of all, I'm a vet and my health care is covered by your tax dollars. So, thank you, and go fuck yourself.

Second, I get my disability pension for a seizure disorder. Most 9 to 5 type jobs aren't going to hire me because of the insurance risk, or because of the THC in my system.

Third, I don't vote Dumbocrap. I voted for the only person who I can trust to do the right thing, and that's me.

Fourth, the super-rich are the ones keeping everyone on government assistance by refusing to increase wages and offer better benefits even while they're profiting billions of dollars every quarter. Rich people don't pay higher wages which forces employees to need government assistance to make end's meet. You live in a delusional fantasy world if you think that everyone makes enough money to live comfortably, or they can just wave a magic wand and start their own business.

Thats why you want less regulatoon, to make it cheaper and easier to start one.

As for wages, they go up, but shit jobs pay shit. If you think you will ever be rich ormeven be able to support yourself on the min wage, whatever it is, your fooling yourself, they call it the min wage for a reason.
Why do helpless Dumbocrats such as yourself and PMH need government? Why can't you liberals stand up on your own two feet like men and provide for your own needs instead of relying on government like an infant relies on parents? For instance, why can't you get your own health insurance policy? I've done it for my entire life. Why can't you?
We can. We can also understand why health care is about making a buck.

Awww....is 'lil PMH sad that we have capitalism instead of communism? And that that capitalism has created the greatest standard of living the world has ever known - including the greatest healthcare?

Clearly you can't provide your own little boy or you wouldn't sit there and cry for government to provide it for you.
We don't have the greatest health care by far. And Capitalism is terrific, within limits, but health care is not about making a buck, nor is it supposed to be. England is capitalistic but has National Healthcare, and so does Canada, and France, and many others. We don't because of fools like you but that is soon to change little puppy. So sad for you...
Why do helpless Dumbocrats such as yourself and PMH need government? Why can't you liberals stand up on your own two feet like men and provide for your own needs instead of relying on government like an infant relies on parents? For instance, why can't you get your own health insurance policy? I've done it for my entire life. Why can't you?
Well, first of all, I'm a vet and my health care is covered by your tax dollars. So, thank you, and go fuck yourself.

Second, I get my disability pension for a seizure disorder. Most 9 to 5 type jobs aren't going to hire me because of the insurance risk, or because of the THC in my system.

Third, I don't vote Dumbocrap. I voted for the only person who I can trust to do the right thing, and that's me.

Fourth, the super-rich are the ones keeping everyone on government assistance by refusing to increase wages and offer better benefits even while they're profiting billions of dollars every quarter. Rich people don't pay higher wages which forces employees to need government assistance to make end's meet. You live in a delusional fantasy world if you think that everyone makes enough money to live comfortably, or they can just wave a magic wand and start their own business.

Thats why you want less regulatoon, to make it cheaper and easier to start one.

As for wages, they go up, but shit jobs pay shit. If you think you will ever be rich or even be able to support yourself on the min wage, whatever it is, your fooling yourself, they call it the min wage for a reason.
The 1% are the ones telling you to call for "fewer regulations" because it lets them get away with whatever they want. They don't care about you. They are using you.

Minimum wage is called minimum wage because its the lowest that the 1% are willing to pay. We had to fight (riots against police and government) to achieve that much, and it still isn't enough. When a corporation like Wal-Mart boasts billions in profits and then cuts back workers' hours to avoid providing health care, it puts more strain on those minimum wage workers who already have to stretch their meager paychecks each month.

Again, the 1% are using you to get what they want.
Well, first of all, I'm a vet and my health care is covered by your tax dollars. So, thank you, and go fuck yourself.

Second, I get my disability pension for a seizure disorder. Most 9 to 5 type jobs aren't going to hire me because of the insurance risk, or because of the THC in my system.

Third, I don't vote Dumbocrap. I voted for the only person who I can trust to do the right thing, and that's me.

Fourth, the super-rich are the ones keeping everyone on government assistance by refusing to increase wages and offer better benefits even while they're profiting billions of dollars every quarter. Rich people don't pay higher wages which forces employees to need government assistance to make end's meet. You live in a delusional fantasy world if you think that everyone makes enough money to live comfortably, or they can just wave a magic wand and start their own business.

Thats why you want less regulatoon, to make it cheaper and easier to start one.

As for wages, they go up, but shit jobs pay shit. If you think you will ever be rich or even be able to support yourself on the min wage, whatever it is, your fooling yourself, they call it the min wage for a reason.
The 1% are the ones telling you to call for "fewer regulations" because it lets them get away with whatever they want. They don't care about you. They are using you.

Minimum wage is called minimum wage because its the lowest that the 1% are willing to pay. We had to fight (riots against police and government) to achieve that much, and it still isn't enough. When a corporation like Wal-Mart boasts billions in profits and then cuts back workers' hours to avoid providing health care, it puts more strain on those minimum wage workers who already have to stretch their meager paychecks each month.

Again, the 1% are using you to get what they want.
Little puppy defends the people who rape him because he is sure, with hard work and dedication, he himself will one day be the rapist. To him that is as it should be.

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