Bill Maher basically admits abortion is murder, and tells us why we need to embrace it anyway.

'What if she's 8 months pregnant and wants an abortion to get back at her husband!" but that shit never happens

If that never happens, why not make it illegal? How would that harm anyone or impede anyone’s rights?
If that never happens, why not make it illegal? How would that harm anyone or impede anyone’s rights?

Because there are times when it MIGHT be necessary for medical reasons, and we don't want some religious loon interfering in a critical medical decision because it makes baby Jesus cry.

No, it's about someone's fetish not giving them the right to make others uncomfortable.
No it isn't.
We get to decide who comes here legally, that's it.

Transgenderism isn't a fetish. Some people are just transgender, and they aren't bothering anyone.
Crime is down across the board.
Who is "we", paleface? The fact is, "we" decided that we wanted illegals when employers decided to hire them. We could end the illegal problem tomorrow with strict workplace enforcement. We choose not to do so.
Because there are times when it MIGHT be necessary for medical reasons, and we don't want some religious loon interfering in a critical medical decision because it makes baby Jesus cry.

Transgenderism isn't a fetish. Some people are just transgender, and they aren't bothering anyone.
Crime is down across the board.
Who is "we", paleface? The fact is, "we" decided that we wanted illegals when employers decided to hire them. We could end the illegal problem tomorrow with strict workplace enforcement. We choose not to do so.

A vast majority of these cases are fetishism or social contagion, not true gender dysphoria.
Keeping saying it doesn't make it true.
We is the country itself. We didn't ask for floods of fake asylum seekers crashing the border, the SJW/Dem Elite asked for it.
Because there are times when it MIGHT be necessary for medical reasons, and we don't want some religious loon interfering in a critical medical decision because it makes baby Jesus cry.

I don’t think many would oppose a medical emergency exception. What you evil lunatics want is a carte blanche right to abort from day 1 to the day of delivery. That is unreasonable and evil.
A vast majority of these cases are fetishism or social contagion, not true gender dysphoria.

Keeping saying it doesn't make it true.

We is the country itself. We didn't ask for floods of fake asylum seekers crashing the border, the SJW/Dem Elite asked for it.

Except that the majority favor immigration reform

I don’t think many would oppose a medical emergency exception. What you evil lunatics want is a carte blanche right to abort from day 1 to the day of delivery. That is unreasonable and evil.

We leave that decision to the woman and her doctor. It's not like we have an abortion van roaming the streets nabbing up pregnant women for fetal tissue, which is the way you religious loons are carrying on.
Except that the majority favor immigration reform

We leave that decision to the woman and her doctor. It's not like we have an abortion van roaming the streets nabbing up pregnant women for fetal tissue, which is the way you religious loons are carrying on.

"immigration reform" is a weasel term to try to get amnesty passed.
Which can be wrong.

Sure it can. Medical mistakes are made all the time. But I would still rather have these decisions made by medical professionals than religious loons.

"immigration reform" is a weasel term to try to get amnesty passed.

Or it's reflecting reality. These people are coming and there isn't much we can really do to stop it. We have jobs, they have bodies.
Sure it can. Medical mistakes are made all the time. But I would still rather have these decisions made by medical professionals than religious loons.

Or it's reflecting reality. These people are coming and there isn't much we can really do to stop it. We have jobs, they have bodies.

Send them the fuck back.

Sure it can. Medical mistakes are made all the time. But I would still rather have these decisions made by medical professionals than religious loons.

That is the point. A medical exception is just what is says it is. If the coneensus of medical professionals involved, not pastors, are in agreement, then so be it. The mother shouldn’t have the right to simply decide on her own that she doesn’t want the baby just before delivery. You can say that never happens and if so then a law preventing that wouldn’t affect anything.
Send them the fuck back.

Won't work. They'll just keep coming back. Now that they know about the asylum system loophole, they can keep coming.

The first reform would be to adequately staff asylum courts so that cases can be resolved quickly as to whether or not someone faces retribution if they return home. The reason you wingnuts don't want to do that is under our current law, a lot of people would be granted residency.

That is the point. A medical exception is just what is says it is. If the coneensus of medical professionals involved, not pastors, are in agreement, then so be it. The mother shouldn’t have the right to simply decide on her own that she doesn’t want the baby just before delivery. You can say that never happens and if so then a law preventing that wouldn’t affect anything.

You see, what you want is a "consensus" of medical professionals, as in "more than one". Which means she has to take the time to find multiple doctors to agree that her fetus that lacks a brain should be removed before it is born. (Or they could just let it be born and give it a MAGA hat.)

That sounds like a lot of trouble for a woman who is already going through a hard time.
Won't work. They'll just keep coming back. Now that they know about the asylum system loophole, they can keep coming.

The first reform would be to adequately staff asylum courts so that cases can be resolved quickly as to whether or not someone faces retribution if they return home. The reason you wingnuts don't want to do that is under our current law, a lot of people would be granted residency.

You see, what you want is a "consensus" of medical professionals, as in "more than one". Which means she has to take the time to find multiple doctors to agree that her fetus that lacks a brain should be removed before it is born. (Or they could just let it be born and give it a MAGA hat.)

That sounds like a lot of trouble for a woman who is already going through a hard time.

Change the asylum loophole. Keep sending them back.

Actually the dems don't want to fund them, because they want amnesty, and logjams help the amnesty supporters.
Change the asylum loophole. Keep sending them back.

Actually the dems don't want to fund them, because they want amnesty, and logjams help the amnesty supporters.
The Democrats proposed expanding the courts. Repukes killed the bill they had negotiated because the Orange Crybaby wanted to keep the issue in play.

The Asylum law is there for a reason. It's there because back in the 1930s, we sent a lot of Jews back to Europe who eventually got turned into lampshades and bars of soap.

These people are coming from places we have sanctions on for violating human rights.

I should also point out that there was the German Family that claimed "Asylum" because they couldn't home School their kids. The government tried for 17 years to send them back (after which all the kids were past school age) before they finally just gave up and let them stay. But, hey, they were white, amiright?
The Democrats proposed expanding the courts. Repukes killed the bill they had negotiated because the Orange Crybaby wanted to keep the issue in play.

The Asylum law is there for a reason. It's there because back in the 1930s, we sent a lot of Jews back to Europe who eventually got turned into lampshades and bars of soap.

These people are coming from places we have sanctions on for violating human rights.

I should also point out that there was the German Family that claimed "Asylum" because they couldn't home School their kids. The government tried for 17 years to send them back (after which all the kids were past school age) before they finally just gave up and let them stay. But, hey, they were white, amiright?

No, because the bill was a poison pill with all sorts of other bullshit in it.

It's being abused by people who want to swamp this country with new dem voters.

Almost all of them are economic migrants.

Just shows how broken the system is.
it's what the GOP, or at least the Pro-life portion and the strict constructionists wanted.

Some of the citizenry, others want limits on it.

Booze doesn't involve what some consider an independent life worthy of governmental protection.

All Roe did was take this fight and delay it for decades.
In the early 60's Planned Parenthood literature said that clearly abortion is murder.
No, because the bill was a poison pill with all sorts of other bullshit in it.

It's being abused by people who want to swamp this country with new dem voters.

Almost all of them are economic migrants.

Just shows how broken the system is.
Jesus, man, when will you be walking around with your Tiki Torch chanting, "We will not be replaced".
When you start talking replacement theory, you are being as absurd as a Nazi with a Tiki Torch

Talk to some of the lefty posters here like Curried Goats that embraces replacement theory before dismissing it.

And to your point of needing immigrants because we don't have people having enough kids, doesn't that point enforce replacement theory instead of denigrate it?

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