Here is the left trying to tell US, how with 25 reasons we justify having guns. I have just one reason.

Nope, there were two... and you must be a sad man to need all this attention.

And only one LIAR

Eithe rway it proves NOTHING

By your own admission you cannot prove it was you and your claim is not credible or valid

You are a proven know liar onevery subiect and in every thread

And only one LIAR

Eithe rway it proves NOTHING

By your own admission you cannot prove it was you and your claim is not credible or valid

You are a proven know liar onevery subiect and in every thread
Photographic evidence is convincing to most sensible people....

But I forgot I was talking to a Trump supporter living in his own little world.
Gee, and conveniently, not one of these terrible people was charged or convicted of insurrection. Not so much as disturbing the peace. I see firearms violations away from the capitol and how convenient is it that many of them are not even during the time frame of the riot. Try again moron. Critical thinking isn't your forte. BTW, a left wing fact checker isn't a source as was so clearly demonstrated when Snopes swore that the laptop was Russian election interference. LMAO, what a moron.
Just face the facts. You've been owned on this issue!
Now bye-bye.
Photographic evidence is convincing to most sensible people....

But I forgot I was talking to a Trump supporter living in his own little world.
No it is not in the internet dumbass
Anyone can post any picture of any one and claim it is themself

Most know this

You are also a fool as well as a liar

I am no trump suppoter and never have been . YOU adore that man more than I do

That alone displays how totally stupid you are
How'd that work for y'all on Jan 6th 2021 when you thought the Capitol insurgents were "overthrowing tyranny?"
One insurgent....just shot and killed and you're all STILL whining like little butthurt bitches.
How you gonna "overthrow" anything with your piddly-ass, little home arsenals when you can't handle cops, and ultimately entire armies shooting back at you?
An unarmed, non-threatening woman shot dead in coldblood by a fascist "LEO".

Like a classic Marxist Lefturd you think the "army" will support your socialist dictator(s).

You don't know the oath taken by most of our military.
You don't know the demographic of most who sign into combat arms.
You don't know how many former military, especially combat arms/combat veterans have "little home arsenals."
You don't know what is really in those "little home arsenals".
You don't know how easy it would be to get hands on the arsenals in Reserve and National Guard facilities.
You don't know where current rank and file military would support if "the balloon went up".

If the thousands present in D.C. on Jan. 06, 2021 were intent upon "insurrection and over throw of the Federal government" they would have been armed and would have succeeded (and purged the few hundred AntiFa fifth columnists present as well).

However, if you read and understood the Declaration of Independence, our nation hasn't yet reached the threshold that is enumerated in DoI; in other words, it wasn't YET conditions and time for armed insurrection.
Do you realize how fucking ridiculous you sound still parroting long debunked Tucker Carlson lies?
Try to keep up with which lies are currently in vogue for your cult and which ones even raving lunatics like Tucker have given up on.

Tucker Carlson: “Not a single person in the crowd on January 6 was found to be carrying a firearm. Not one.”

PolitiFact's ruling: False

Here's why: As the first House hearing dedicated to the Jan. 6, 2021, attack on the U.S. Capitol aired, Fox News host Tucker Carlson repeated the debunked claim that no one in the crowd was found with a gun.

"Just to be clear on terms, an insurrection is when people with guns try to overthrow the government," Carlson said during his June 10 segment. "Not a single person in the crowd on January 6 was found to be carrying a firearm. Not one," he said.

That’s wrong. Court documents, video evidence and news coverage directly contradict this characterization. Several rioters had firearms and dozens more wielded knives, bats and other real and makeshift weapons.

We reached out to Carlson for comment but did not hear back.

PolitiFact reviewed the case files for hundreds of defendants who were arrested and charged for their actions at the Capitol on Jan. 6 and found several defendants who police say were found to have brought firearms. Some were charged with having firearms on Capitol grounds while others stashed them nearby:

The Jan 6 committee was a sham, a publicity stunt. And after their performance, they destroyed their evidence, but it achieved it's objective, brainwashed the gullibles.

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