LAPD admits to blatant racism and bigoted oppression


Gold Member
Feb 25, 2010
LAPD to deploy more officers to high crime areas -

LA has seen a recent surge in gang almost all large US cities this year.'s specialized Metro unit of nearly 500 officers are being deployed in focused assignments. These officers will flood "high crime areas" for proactive crime suppression. a few months...if the Obama DOJ does a Ferguson style study of the elite LAPD Metro Unit from September 1st through December 31st 2015.....will it reflect massively disproportionate stops and arrests of non whites???

LAPD finally admits it's racism I suppose.
Interesting article on topic:

The completely unprepared Barack Obama, who was elected to be the nation’s top law enforcement officer, set the tone early in his presidency with a bias that was – at best – skeptical about the police. And his fellow Democrats either remained silent or joined the chorus when radicals in their own party called for less incarceration, fewer arrests and a pullback of police presence in high-crime communities. Well, you reap what you sow. The spike in murders and violent crime is an issue of the Democrats’ own making. And, oh by the way, pandering to government unions for endorsements isn’t the same as supporting cops on the streets.

The Post’s Courtland Milloy wrote an interesting piece, “We’ve ignored a reason for homicides of blacks: Look at the enemy within.” Incredibly, Milloy quotes THE Eric Holder talking about violence in 1994, when Holder said, “Crime is generated by a lack of values that has gone largely unaddressed in our nation as a whole and in the black community in particular. Soaring unwed birthrates, absentee fathers, an aversion to work, an unwillingness to embrace societal standards and time-honored discipline – all these factors have contributed to the problems we must now confront.” If a Republican said that today, we know how the Democrats would howl. More than two decades later, speaking as Attorney General under President Obama, Eric Holder was blaming “systemic racism” and “cycles of poverty, crime and incarceration” for the same problem. Milloy argues those two statements are not contradictory, but I think it shows how the Democrats have capitulated to the most shrill voices in their coalition and adopted the denial and lack of accountability that has been a staple of the Obama Administration.

The Insiders: The murder spike in America’s cities is part of the Obama legacy
Now that the LAPD Swat team is gone the only capable unit left is Metro. This is a way of getting rid of Metro.

Yes there is still a SWAT team but it exists in name only. It is a negotiating unit.

LAPD got rid of all gang task forces by making being in a gang task force so onerous that the task forces dissolved themselves.

This is a set up to get rid of Metro. 100 officers have been sent to high crime and very black south LA. watch Metro not arrest a single white person. All 100 officers will be prosecuted for racisl harassment.
New York City did the same thing back in the early seventies. It was called TPF, the Tactical Patrol Force. All were over 6' tall. This unit was deployed in Harlem (Manhattan - Black), Bedford-Stuyvestant (Brooklyn - Black) and the South Bronx - (Hispanic).

As I recall this unit was so effective it caused serious overcrowding of the city jails in all three boroughs -- including the infamous thirteen story "Tombs" (Manhattan City Prison). The overcrowding became so serious a Superior Court judge ordered expedient releases from custody, causing effectiveness of the TPF's aggressive activities to almost totally diminish.

How effective this LAPD unit will be depends entirely on how prepared LA is to confine the forthcoming flood of detainees.

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