Lara Trump, don’t you know your FIL made a deal with the Taliban.

When Dems screw things up this bad they go looking for someone else to blame. Biden has already blamed his advisors, the intelligence agencies, his military leaders and the Afghani people. When that didn't work he just started lying saying everything is hunky dory and our allies are not furious with us. What a Biden shit show.
When you make a deal with evil , you know what happens, don't you? It's tramp doing.
Well, I mean, they do seem a bit Democrat in their history.
Where was Lara Trump?? She said:
"Taliban is a barbaric terrorist organization who treats women as second-class citizens, subhuman even. ".

where was she.? She was out in la la land.
Hang on sloopy

Yes he drew down troops on Jan 15, a birthday present for Biden.

He was rooting on the Taliban instead of America.
We need the Taliban here. Maybe millions of men will join them as they are an approve group. I prefer them then Progressive socialist 4th Generation Feminist Women and their acolytes. We will not survive if we have to spend ten times more to prove "equity" forever.
The republican are already like Taliban.
We need the Taliban here. Maybe millions of men will join them as they are an approve group. I prefer them then Progressive socialist 4th Generation Feminist Women and their acolytes. We will not survive if we have to spend ten times more to prove "equity" forever.
I am sure you will be just fine without yer social superiority complex.
Hey idiot, of course he made a deal with the Taliban to end the war and get us home from a 20 year war! It should have been done a long time ago! We have been looking to get out of the Middle East for ages. Trump ended conflicts, Joe creates them; the sad truth is that with the democrat's wild spending, we can no longer afford to stay there, unfortunately, we now have a head coach in Washington who has utterly bungled the matter into one enormous mess.

It's all on Joe.
Trump spent more than Oblama did in eight years but you never include him, why?
Yes, it was if they released 5000 Taliban fighters (that the Afghanistan Govt. locked up) and be out by May 1, 2021

Now show where TRUMPs deal was to withdraw the military before evacuating Americans and interpreters, along with all the military weapons and aircraft...TRUMP understood the threat posed by the Taliban, where as Biden tried to down play the threat much like Obama did when he labeled ISIS as the JV team, and we all know how that turned out.
Now show where TRUMPs deal was to withdraw the military before evacuating Americans and interpreters, along with all the military weapons and aircraft...TRUMP understood the threat posed by the Taliban, where as Biden tried to down play the threat much like Obama did when he labeled ISIS as the JV team, and we all know how that turned out.
Yes, Trump started taking troops without taking civilians. If not why would there be a problem now?
Yes, Trump started taking troops without taking civilians. If not why would there be a problem now?
Wrong. Either way whatever decision TRUMP would have made I can assure you he would have had the courage to take questions from the press.
So, you deny that Trump made a deal with the Taliban ?

So you deny the deal made came with conditions? Yeah Trump made a deal, Trump also was not the one who got us in Afghanistan in the first place. Trumps Deal also resulted in zero US deaths for a year and a half.

One would THINK Biden as a grown adult president should own his own actions as HE is the current president for the last 8 months.

Obviously Biden supporters dont feel he's capable of owning his own decisions so they keep dredging up Trump to blame. IfTrump was still president right now, and this was happening you would be right to critcize him.

Personally I was against pulling out all U.S. forces. Alqaeda is not going away and we have open borders. The war against the West by radical Islamists has never been over , they were just losing for a while. Keeping a few thousand troops in a supporting role would have been well worth the future deaths and other effects of terrorism that are going to happen.

We probably never should have invaded Afghanistan in the first place, but once we did and started making promises and asking people to risk their lives working with us .. we owned it.
I disagree with Trump's decision but I still have to respect the fact this is what most Americans want.
Is it hatred for the former president that distorts their ability to reason or are lefties clinically ignorant? President Trump tried to deal with the Taliban from a position of strength before democrats boxed him into a corner with fake documents and false charges. Biden sends the CIA chief to try to deal with the Taliban from a position of chaos, defeat and weakness.
Yes, it was if they released 5000 Taliban fighters (that the Afghanistan Govt. locked up) and be out by May 1, 2021

Trump never ordered Biden to unconditionally surrender Afghanistan while stranding tens of thousands of Americans and close allies
When you make a deal with evil , you know what happens, don't you? It's tramp doing.
Liar. Joe Biden is the POTUS perhaps you didn't get the memo. If ever a day comes where dumb asses on the left accept responsibility for their actions I'll shit a brick.
America has had its terrorist groups too. Trump's white supremists are an example. Check the KKK sometime too. But the Taliban is a complex story and time will tell. Read 'Caste'.

'The coming collapse of the Taliban'

'Taliban are back - what next for Afghanistan?'

It's funny how we never see any of these white supremacists while leftist fascist groups like ANTIFA and BLM are all over

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