Large left-wing protest erupts outside of Netanyahu's home in J'lem

Yeah yeah.

Well, I am anti-Nazi yes.
While you are a servant of the BNP.

Now, I can understand the Zionists here not having any issues with you being an acolyte of a neo-Nazi Jew Hating, Hitler revering, racial purity group. I mean, Zionists and you are clearly natural allies.

But you do see that non-Zionist Jews would have a bit of a problem with your political outlook, don't you Phoney?

As to retired? What, at your age?
So it is true that your lardy arse has made you unfit to work then? How did get around the Atos tests?

Wrong again beetle but as I am nobodies servant, I am my own man. I don't care what you or team Palestine think as you are wrong every time . The Zionists don't care one way of the other on what you say they know differently.
You don't know how old I am do you, unless you are one of the chuckleheads that support islamonazi child rape, islamonazi terrorism and islamonazi domination. As for being unfit that was from the conditions were I worked, a bit like miners lung. I did not get round the ATOS tests I proved beyond reasonable doubt that I could not work unless certain provisions were put in place.

Well, you are were clearly a 'workplace lawyer' looking for every way to get round the rules to live free off pensions and support paid for by other people.

I can see that working for you.

Seems most all of my guesses about your have proven accurate.
You must be a bit transparent, despite your girth.

Its lucky you don't care what people think of you. If you did, you might get up, lose some weight and stop making other people pay for you to sit around in old outside training kit eating chips.

As to what Zionists care about, well, I think they may not care, but they might be interested in your neo-Nazi organisation. Not from a political perspective of course, but they have their PR to think of. Imagine, being supported by a pro-Hitler white supremicist like you. It cannot look good.

WRONG AGAIN beetle but as I paid my own pension and get no support from anyone else, have the chuckleheads been feeding you their LIES.

You know absolutely nothing at all about me so you must be getting fed from someone else, typical of TROLLS and STALKERS to stick together. What next posting in green type like they do.

Now I know you have been getting fed from the chuckleheads, or you are even a chucklehead yourself. So produce the evidence that I am pro Hitler and a white supremacist.

Doesn't look good for you bringing STALKING and TROLLING to this board now does it.

"Your own pension"!
Well well. You are one of these con men, that about middle age wants to give up work so looks up all the rules, studies them then finds a get-out where he can sit on his backside and watch others do the work.

You know full well you could work it you wanted to. To pretend that your disability payments are "Yours by right" rather than paid for by real men really working is just the kind of silly tale you will tell yourself.
You are living off others. A scrounger. A sponger.

The funny thing is, you could probably live for a year or two off your own fat without needing another meal.

Your sort is pretty obvious. Every town has them.
Hey phoenall are you one of the Nazi freaks that support nazi child rape, nazi terrorism and nazi domination and deny that your SS mates killed milions in the Concentration camps , because the 'Jews Declared War on Germany' and in your words ''Got what they deserved ''?
Guys - enough off topic blather - take yer "lardasses" to the Flame Zone to continue that aspect of the discussion please.

In otherwords - discuss the topic.

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