Last Dance with Mary Jane : Last Elenin Alignment!


Jul 27, 2011
I've been watching the Magnetosphere gradually go to #<[[ the closer we get to this alignment on November 22-23 which is also close to the Leonids which may be pulled into the earth by Elenin.

Something to keep in mind...

I see by your screen name and your reply that you are having problems with skitzophrenia.

Maybe you should try laying off the meds...
No. I just make fun of the next person that comes along and says that this is "the next disaster" that will kill most of the human race. Individuals such as yourself will repeatedly "predict" the end of the world and when , or if, it happens you will say, "SEE, SEE, I TOLD YOU!!!!!":lol::lol:

I may suffer from schizophrenia but you suffer from a lack of common sense.

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