Last Train To Huma


Sep 23, 2010
Just a reminder: John McCain and John Boehner led the charge against Michele Bachmann in defense of Huma Abedin. Michele retired, but everything she was concerned about is coming to fruition:

Huma Abedin, Hillary Clinton’s most trusted confidante, is increasingly becoming a central figure in the email scandal that’s haunting her boss on the campaign trail, as Republicans and federal judges seek information about Clinton’s communications while she was running the State Department.​

Hillary Clinton email probe turns to Huma
By Rachael Bade
8/13/15 5:05 AM EDT

Hillary Clinton email probe turns to Huma - Rachael Bade - POLITICO

If John Boehner and John McCain have a spark of honor left in them they will resign on the day Huma Abedin is exposed for what Michele Bachmann et al. knew her for what she is:

Bill Gertz, top Pentagon reporter for the Washington Times has just reported that "Obama secretly backed Muslim Brotherhood." The Brotherhood is literally a fascist Muslim radical group from the Nazi period.


Hillary Clinton's closest personal aide as SecState was Huma Abedin – an Ikhwan insider. Abedin was one of the few people who had access to Hillary's illegal personal e-mail account on the night of Benghazi. Nothing has changed – Abedin is still at the top of the Hillary campaign. Probably for the first time in U.S. history, presidential candidate Hillary has stonewalled any media questions, period.

Major Ikhwan money flows have been reported going to the Clintons, the Carters, and Obama. Ikhwan penetration of American society and the U.S. government gives all the appearance of a political quid pro quo – with our survival at stake.

Bill Gertz's Pentagon documents now prove the Ikhwan connection directly.

June 5, 2015
Gertz Expose: Pentagon docs show Obama supports Muslim Brotherhood
By James Lewis

Blog Gertz Expose Pentagon docs show Obama supports Muslim Brotherhood
Bill Gertz, top Pentagon reporter for the Washington Times has just reported that "Obama secretly backed Muslim Brotherhood." The Brotherhood is literally a fascist Muslim radical group from the Nazi period.

Secretly? I'd say quite openly, at least in the press. I believe he was one of the first to call Morsi upon his election, and The Washington Post is still whining about Morsi and his goons being summarily ejected.
Secretly? I'd say quite openly, at least in the press. I believe he was one of the first to call Morsi upon his election, and The Washington Post is still whining about Morsi and his goons being summarily ejected.
To Billy_Kinetta: The Muslim Brotherhood connection gets better. You might not have seen the following. It only came out last night:

State Dept: Clinton Insider May Have Removed Top Secret Markings - Napolitano - The Kelly File​

This exchange intrigued me:

Kelly: So what we’re learning now is that not only was there top secret information on the server, but that, at the least the source at State believes, it was marked and someone deleted it.

Napolitano: Yes. That someone who deleted the marking did it as part of a plot to insulate Mrs. Clinton . . .​

I doubt if insulating Hillary was the motive. The first question any competent investigator would ask himself is this: Who benefits the most by deleting the top secret marking from a document? Of course, I am only speculating, but in this case my answer leads to Huma Abedin. What better way to get information to Ikhwan than Clinton’s e-mails?

It looks like e-mails and private servers made a microdot hidden in a matchbook cover obsolete.
This belongs in conspiracy theories
To TheOldSchool: I do not ordinarily respond to your stupidity. The only conspiracy is halfwits calling everything a conspiracy theory when Democrats get caught doing something crooked. In this case you gave me an opportunity to provide a link to a column for intelligent posters who are interested in following the story as the information comes out:

Her campaign released a panicky memo invoking nearly every possible excuse and pointing fingers in every direction except her own. It mentioned, for example, the completely irrelevant fact that Jeb Bush, as governor of Florida, had his own private email server.


Surely, Clinton never wanted to become a national security threat, let alone a subject of an FBI criminal investigation. But she made the choice when she decided she was above the rules that apply to all other employees at the State Department.


But the leak of top secret information is worse than any of that.

Consider, on the one hand, the painstaking measures that Clinton took to keep her correspondence away from the prying eyes of her employers — the public. Compare that to the reckless manner in which she treated the nation's secrets, with which she was entrusted.

Hillary Clinton protected herself and left America exposed
By Washington Examiner • 8/13/15 12:34 AM

Hillary Clinton protected herself and left America exposed Washington Examiner
If so, then why is her campaign trembling?
To Billy_Kinetta: Exactly. If they cannot pass it off as a vast right-wing conspiracy, than it is surely a conspiracy theory. They have neither excuse in this case.

Incidentally, when Hillary Clinton was co-president nobody could figure out why everybody in the administration remained so loyal. Clintonista loyalty was the ninth wonder of the world in an institution overrun with snakes. I always believed that it was loyalty to Bubba. Remember that Hillary never commanded the loyalty that attaches to every president regardless of how she saw herself.

Judge Napolitano’s closing remarks in the video is the stuff that makes Hillary tremble:

Napolitano: “. . . somebody on that team, that person is going to squeal about other members on the team, and those people will squeal about the head of the team, Mrs. Clinton.”​

And wouldn’t it be a kick in the ass if it turns out that Huma Abedin was disloyal to Hillary all along!
This belongs in conspiracy theories
To TheOldSchool: I do not ordinarily respond to your stupidity. The only conspiracy is halfwits calling everything a conspiracy theory when Democrats get caught doing something crooked. In this case you gave me an opportunity to provide a link to a column for intelligent posters who are interested in following the story as the information comes out:

Her campaign released a panicky memo invoking nearly every possible excuse and pointing fingers in every direction except her own. It mentioned, for example, the completely irrelevant fact that Jeb Bush, as governor of Florida, had his own private email server.


Surely, Clinton never wanted to become a national security threat, let alone a subject of an FBI criminal investigation. But she made the choice when she decided she was above the rules that apply to all other employees at the State Department.


But the leak of top secret information is worse than any of that.

Consider, on the one hand, the painstaking measures that Clinton took to keep her correspondence away from the prying eyes of her employers — the public. Compare that to the reckless manner in which she treated the nation's secrets, with which she was entrusted.

Hillary Clinton protected herself and left America exposed
By Washington Examiner • 8/13/15 12:34 AM

Hillary Clinton protected herself and left America exposed Washington Examiner
If so, then why is her campaign trembling?
To Billy_Kinetta: Exactly. If they cannot pass it off as a vast right-wing conspiracy, than it is surely a conspiracy theory. They have neither excuse in this case.

Incidentally, when Hillary Clinton was co-president nobody could figure out why everybody in the administration remained so loyal. Clintonista loyalty was the ninth wonder of the world in an institution overrun with snakes. I always believed that it was loyalty to Bubba. Remember that Hillary never commanded the loyalty that attaches to every president regardless of how she saw herself.

Judge Napolitano’s closing remarks in the video is the stuff that makes Hillary tremble:

Napolitano: “. . . somebody on that team, that person is going to squeal about other members on the team, and those people will squeal about the head of the team, Mrs. Clinton.”​

And wouldn’t it be a kick in the ass if it turns out that Huma Abedin was disloyal to Hillary all along!
I was wrong. This thread belongs in the rubber room.
I doubt if insulating Hillary was the motive. The first question any competent investigator would ask himself is this: Who benefits the most by deleting the top secret marking from a document? Of course, I am only speculating, but in this case my answer leads to Huma Abedin. What better way to get information to Ikhwan than Clinton’s e-mails?
If you are looking for Clinton’s motive, I suspect that she deleted e-mails to protect Huma Abedin along with covering up the crime of transmitting top secret information. Trey Gowdy might consider looking at Huma in relation to the Benghazi cover-up:


Then there was the Benghazi cover-up, during which Clinton vowed to have a man who made a video criticizing Muhammad arrested and imprisoned for supposedly provoking the riots, thereby placing herself firmly in opposition to the freedom of speech and aligning herself with the Organization of Islamic Cooperation’s efforts to compel Western governments to criminalize criticism of Islam (under the guise of “incitement to religious hatred”).

Could the Jig Finally Be Up for Huma Abedin?
She should have been removed from all positions of power and influence years ago.
August 17, 2015
Robert Spencer

Could the Jig Finally Be Up for Huma Abedin Frontpage Mag
The first question any competent investigator would ask himself is this: Who benefits the most by deleting the top secret marking from a document? Of course, I am only speculating, but in this case my answer leads to Huma Abedin. What better way to get information to Ikhwan than Clinton’s e-mails?
Could the Jig Finally Be Up for Huma Abedin?
She should have been removed from all positions of power and influence years ago.
August 17, 2015
Robert Spencer

Could the Jig Finally Be Up for Huma Abedin Frontpage Mag
Huma better start asking if Hillary would die for her!

A major Clinton donor and friend to Huma Abedin recently said that the longtime aide receiving scrutiny for her involvement in Clinton’s email scandal “would die for Hillary.”

Huma Abedin ‘Would Die For Hillary,’ Major Clinton Donor Says
By Morgan Chalfant
August 25, 2015 1:01 pm

Huma Abedin ‘Would Die For Hillary,’ Major Clinton Donor Says
Just a reminder: the hateful, unwarranted attack on
Huma Abedin was yet another manifestation of the reprehensible right.
Just a reminder: the hateful, unwarranted attack on
Huma Abedin was yet another manifestation of the reprehensible right.
To C_Clayton_Jones: Hardly unwarranted:
Hillary Clinton's closest personal aide as SecState was Huma Abedin – an Ikhwan insider. Abedin was one of the few people who had access to Hillary's illegal personal e-mail account on the night of Benghazi. Nothing has changed – Abedin is still at the top of the Hillary campaign. Probably for the first time in U.S. history, presidential candidate Hillary has stonewalled any media questions, period.

Major Ikhwan money flows have been reported going to the Clintons, the Carters, and Obama. Ikhwan penetration of American society and the U.S. government gives all the appearance of a political quid pro quo – with our survival at stake.
If this follows the Clinton formula, they will use every trick in the book to set up Huma to take the fall. But I don't even know how they pull that off. How Hillary could be this stupid? A private server managed by some Mom and Pop shop in Denver? Hell, China probably has more of Hillary's email data than we do.
Here’s a pathetic variation of “I take full responsibility.”



Hillary fumes at Trump for attacking her closest aide Huma as she accuses billionaire of 'innuendo, conspiracy theories and defaming people'
By J. Taylor Rushing, U.s. Political Reporter For
Published: 13:02 EST, 4 September 2015

Hillary punches back at Trump after he attacks her top aide Huma

For as long as I can remember “I take full responsibility.” came with the job. Presidents, and in many cases the heads of bureaucracies, took responsibility for every did thing the federal government did well-knowing their confessions were meaningless. It is time to go after the people who do the dirty work ordered by the officials who gave the order. In short: Top Communists and top Nazis never got their hands dirty; nevertheless, tens of millions were slaughtered.

Incidentally, calling every investigation, and every criticism, a conspiracy theory has been added to public relations strategy. Turnabout is fair play; so how about laying conspiracy theory on every piece of garbage engaged in treason for the United Nations —— most notably Hillary Clinton.
For as long as I can remember “I take full responsibility.” came with the job. Presidents, and in many cases the heads of bureaucracies, took responsibility for every did thing the federal government did well-knowing their confessions were meaningless.
The original Youtube I posted in #18 permalink was removed. Now she is taking responsibility for everything in sight:


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