Latest ABC/WaPo poll: not good for Biden

Ballot harvesting means that no shoes are required.
It helps, but even that can only glean so many votes. Democrats need a variety of edges in order to win elections. Having the worst presidential candidate in US history is a tough hill to climb. Everyone knows what we get with Joe Biden now. I cant imagine that too many people are excited about a repeat.
It won't.
They just executed a coup on the most successful and beloved President in history.
Keeping the Democrat nomination is not even in question.

So certain are you....

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There are limits. The hardcore dems will vote for him, but others wont put their shoes on and go vote on election night. Bad economy, illegal immigrant epidemic, crime up everywhere, his senility and him being exposed as incredibly corrupt is a recipe for disaster.

Dems want to win.
It helps, but even that can only glean so many votes. Democrats need a variety of edges in order to win elections. Having the worst presidential candidate in US history is a tough hill to climb. Everyone knows what we get with Joe Biden now. I cant imagine that too many people are excited about a repeat.

Nobody was excited last time.
That's low in reality but, cheating is all that matter and the people and the media that accept it.
Control the counting.
Not the voting.

Will there be cheating?


But that is a long way off.

Half the Dem Party is tuned out. They'll flock to RFKjr over Biden.

More and more keeps coming out about MFV.

More and more will come out about Joe and Hunter.

The Dem elites KNOW this is already a disaster that will only get worse....
Biden will not be renominated. His "candidacy" is merely a placeholder until the DNC decides who will be nominated.
2 years of parroting that and every single piece of reality shows you have been incorrect the entire time. And yet you continue to cling to this fantasy.

I think Einstein said something that was quite applicable here...
That poll is so bad for for Brandon that if the election were to be held tomorrow, he’d have to stop the counting two hours earlier this time.
They need more than just dems in order to win. They need moderates too. They got the moderates last time, but things are MUCH different this time.

RFKjr will get moderates galore and many of the libertarian Republican voters too if the GOP elects someone beholden to the W crowd...
2 years of parroting that and every single piece of reality shows you have been incorrect the entire time. And yet you continue to cling to this fantasy.

I think Einstein said something that was quite applicable here...
What piece of reality are you clinging to, Einstein? That Biden hasn't left office yet?
Like they 'crowned' Trump by not having debates for his reelection?
Or is that 'different?'
1. Trump was at about 88% approval by Republicans in 2020. The RNC didn't want top rock the boat. Trump was going to be the nominee.


2. Joe Biden's approval BY DEMOCRATS is only 42%, 58% want someone else. THAT IS DIFFERENT. NO ONE WANTS JOE BIDEN TO RUN.
Biden’s approval rating dipped to 36 percent, down from February and just below his previous low in 2022. A significantly higher percentage of people — 56 percent — disapprove of the job the president has done so far, and the majority of the Democrats surveyed (58 percent) said they would rather Democrats pick someone else to be the presidential nominee.
What piece of reality are you clinging to, Einstein? That Biden hasn't left office yet?
The real world. The one where he has already announced his run. The one where the democrats have cleared the board for him. The one where primary debates have been written off as you do not get primary debates when an incumbent runs. The run where there are no serious cahllengers and the ones that exist do not make up a fraction of those that would support Biden.

I know you do not know these things because they are what is really going on.
The real world. The one where he has already announced his run. The one where the democrats have cleared the board for him. The one where primary debates have been written off as you do not get primary debates when an incumbent runs. The run where there are no serious cahllengers and the ones that exist do not make up a fraction of those that would support Biden.

I know you do not know these things because they are what is really going on.
You left out the part about Biden getting renominated and reelected. Bookmark that for future mockery.

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