Latest Mooch vacation. Japan next month. Who pays for this?

The First Lady did a wonderful job representing our country when she went to China

Sure she will do the same in Japan

I wish her well

Beijing hotel workers already 'fed up' with Obama entourage in 3400-square-foot, $8,350-per-night suite inconveniencing 'pretty much everyone' – and the first lady's mother is 'barking at the staff'
  • Michelle Obama, her daughters and her mother Marian Robinson are staying in a sumptuous presidential suite at a Beijing Westin hotel
  • Mrs. Robinson has been 'barking at the staff since she arrived,' a hotel staffer said, adding that 'we can't wait for this to be over'
  • Secret Service agents are monopolizing elevators and booting high-paying guests from their rooms to occupy a block of space near the first lady
  • Both front and back doors of the hotel are blocked off, with Chinese and U.S. security agents screening everyone who enters
Beijing hotel workers already fed up with Obama entourage in 3400-square-foot 8 350-per-night suite inconveniencing pretty much everyone -- and the first lady

s mother is barking at the staff Daily Mail Online
The First Lady did a wonderful job representing our country when she went to China

Sure she will do the same in Japan

I wish her well

Beijing hotel workers already 'fed up' with Obama entourage in 3400-square-foot, $8,350-per-night suite inconveniencing 'pretty much everyone' – and the first lady's mother is 'barking at the staff'
  • Michelle Obama, her daughters and her mother Marian Robinson are staying in a sumptuous presidential suite at a Beijing Westin hotel
  • Mrs. Robinson has been 'barking at the staff since she arrived,' a hotel staffer said, adding that 'we can't wait for this to be over'
  • Secret Service agents are monopolizing elevators and booting high-paying guests from their rooms to occupy a block of space near the first lady
  • Both front and back doors of the hotel are blocked off, with Chinese and U.S. security agents screening everyone who enters
Beijing hotel workers already fed up with Obama entourage in 3400-square-foot 8 350-per-night suite inconveniencing pretty much everyone -- and the first lady s mother is barking at the staff Daily Mail Online

Is that really the best you got? the Daily Mail quoting an unnamed source?

Michelle Obama was a rock star in China

I expect the same in Japan

Perhaps we'll get lucky, and she'll fall into the Fukishima nuclear plant!....And look what we can get!

The First Lady did a wonderful job representing our country when she went to China

Sure she will do the same in Japan

I wish her well

Of course you do.

Michelle isn't the Prez and I don't think we taxpayers need to pay for her vacations to Spain, China and now Japan.

Like fuck she's representing the Prez and America. She's on another vacation at our expense. She's representing her good time at our expense.

Hope she and that fuck she's married to have lots of money because when she leaves the WH anywhere she goes will be at her own expense. Doubt she'll go far because when its your money paying for your good times you won't spend as much as you will when we the taxpayer are paying to haul your fat ass all over the world.

Michelle Obama sucks.
This First Lady isn't doing anything that other modern First Ladies haven't done, which is going on vacation to foreign lands. Whiny liberals complained when Laura did the same and now whiny conservatives are doing the same with Michelle.
The First Lady did a wonderful job representing our country when she went to China...

She embarrassed our country yet again. The whole point of the trip was to make up for another diplomatic blunder she and her classless husband had made - again.
I doubt the First Lady wants to "vacation" in Japan

Looks like another opportunity for a diplomatic visit. She will be treated like a rock star in Japan

Great for relations
This First Lady isn't doing anything that other modern First Ladies haven't done, which is going on vacation to foreign lands. Whiny liberals complained when Laura did the same and now whiny conservatives are doing the same with Michelle.

When did laura bush do things like this? It's ok if a wife accompanies the president on a foreign trip but mooch is not doing that..
Article doesn't say who's paying for it which means YOU are. I don't recall laura bush spending tens of millions of taxpayer dollars on vacations and ski trips.

Of course you don't remember. That's because retards have the memory retention like that of goldfish.
This First Lady isn't doing anything that other modern First Ladies haven't done, which is going on vacation to foreign lands. Whiny liberals complained when Laura did the same and now whiny conservatives are doing the same with Michelle.

When did laura bush do things like this? It's ok if a wife accompanies the president on a foreign trip but mooch is not doing that..

I seem to remember Laura Bush visiting Africa...was that OK with you?

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