Latest Reuters National Poll – Donald Trump 33%…


Diamond Member
Mar 9, 2014
Waiting on the Cowardly Dante!!
Pissing off RINO'S and giving the Neocommie/DemocRATS what they have been BEGGING for! :ahole-1:

The Conservative Treehouse ^
October 16, 2015 Latest Reuters National Poll – Donald Trump 33%…by sundanceReuters Polling Data In my humble opinion – now that we are approaching the THIRD GOP debate, there should be a cutoff at 5% for Top Tier candidates. Drop the remaining candidates into alternate debate formats – No-One under 5% should be present in prime-time. Trump, Carson, Bush, Cruz, Rubio in “Prime-Time”, all others alternate debate venue....he just SLOWLY keeps moving UP in the polls!
Pissing off RINO'S and giving the Neocommie/DemocRATS what they have been BEGGING for! :ahole-1:

The Conservative Treehouse ^
October 16, 2015 Latest Reuters National Poll – Donald Trump 33%…by sundanceReuters Polling Data In my humble opinion – now that we are approaching the THIRD GOP debate, there should be a cutoff at 5% for Top Tier candidates. Drop the remaining candidates into alternate debate formats – No-One under 5% should be present in prime-time. Trump, Carson, Bush, Cruz, Rubio in “Prime-Time”, all others alternate debate venue....he just SLOWLY keeps moving UP in the polls!

But . . . But. . . I protest. Haven't all these Liberal self-proclaimed geniuses on here time and again said he had absolutely zero chance and would drop out? LOL!!
Pissing off RINO'S and giving the Neocommie/DemocRATS what they have been BEGGING for! :ahole-1:

The Conservative Treehouse ^
October 16, 2015 Latest Reuters National Poll – Donald Trump 33%…by sundanceReuters Polling Data In my humble opinion – now that we are approaching the THIRD GOP debate, there should be a cutoff at 5% for Top Tier candidates. Drop the remaining candidates into alternate debate formats – No-One under 5% should be present in prime-time. Trump, Carson, Bush, Cruz, Rubio in “Prime-Time”, all others alternate debate venue....he just SLOWLY keeps moving UP in the polls!

But . . . But. . . I protest. Haven't all these Liberal self-proclaimed geniuses on here time and again said he had absolutely zero chance and would drop out? LOL!!

History would demonstrate that the establishment candidate always comes through in the end for the GOP, so those predictions are not without merit. However, this year appears to be different. Unless Bush pulls a McCain (and he might) then the only establishment left is Christie (not happening) or Rubio. If you guys were smart you'd ditch them all for Kassich as Rubio lacks gravitas and everyone but Trump lacks charisma. Trump lacks everything else.

With that said, I'm personally rooting for Trump in the primaries because I don't think he brings much to a general election campaign.
Pissing off RINO'S and giving the Neocommie/DemocRATS what they have been BEGGING for! :ahole-1:

The Conservative Treehouse ^
October 16, 2015 Latest Reuters National Poll – Donald Trump 33%…by sundanceReuters Polling Data In my humble opinion – now that we are approaching the THIRD GOP debate, there should be a cutoff at 5% for Top Tier candidates. Drop the remaining candidates into alternate debate formats – No-One under 5% should be present in prime-time. Trump, Carson, Bush, Cruz, Rubio in “Prime-Time”, all others alternate debate venue....he just SLOWLY keeps moving UP in the polls!

But . . . But. . . I protest. Haven't all these Liberal self-proclaimed geniuses on here time and again said he had absolutely zero chance and would drop out? LOL!!

History would demonstrate that the establishment candidate always comes through in the end for the GOP, so those predictions are not without merit. However, this year appears to be different. Unless Bush pulls a McCain (and he might) then the only establishment left is Christie (not happening) or Rubio. If you guys were smart you'd ditch them all for Kassich as Rubio lacks gravitas and everyone but Trump lacks charisma. Trump lacks everything else.

With that said, I'm personally rooting for Trump in the primaries because I don't think he brings much to a general election campaign.

It's time some should drop out of the race. Even Bush is polling so low he should not even be on the debate with Trump and Carson.
Pissing off RINO'S and giving the Neocommie/DemocRATS what they have been BEGGING for! :ahole-1:

The Conservative Treehouse ^
October 16, 2015 Latest Reuters National Poll – Donald Trump 33%…by sundanceReuters Polling Data In my humble opinion – now that we are approaching the THIRD GOP debate, there should be a cutoff at 5% for Top Tier candidates. Drop the remaining candidates into alternate debate formats – No-One under 5% should be present in prime-time. Trump, Carson, Bush, Cruz, Rubio in “Prime-Time”, all others alternate debate venue....he just SLOWLY keeps moving UP in the polls!

But . . . But. . . I protest. Haven't all these Liberal self-proclaimed geniuses on here time and again said he had absolutely zero chance and would drop out? LOL!!

History would demonstrate that the establishment candidate always comes through in the end for the GOP, so those predictions are not without merit. However, this year appears to be different. Unless Bush pulls a McCain (and he might) then the only establishment left is Christie (not happening) or Rubio. If you guys were smart you'd ditch them all for Kassich as Rubio lacks gravitas and everyone but Trump lacks charisma. Trump lacks everything else.

With that said, I'm personally rooting for Trump in the primaries because I don't think he brings much to a general election campaign.

It's time some should drop out of the race. Even Bush is polling so low he should not even be on the debate with Trump and Carson.

I agree, it should be down to Trump and Carson, what an honest advertisement for what the GOP stands for (i.e. nothing).
He'll never file the paperwork. :rofl:
He'll never disclose his finances. :rofl:
He's not a serious candidate. :rofl:
He's falling in the polls. :rofl:
He's done for sure now!! :rofl:

The poll is flawed!!!! :rofl:
TRUMP is a DemocRAT, all the RINO'S and subversives say so, you all ought to vote for him, instead of that murdering, corrupt, Lying Bitch, The Hildebeast!

Today it say 26.4% with the good Dr. at 11.7%.... what is that 14+% above #2?...come on!

    Breitbart ^
    With the latest state polls again making fools of the pundits who claimed Donald Trump’s popularity had flattened or was diminishing, the latest general election poll out of the swing state of Pennsylvania shows that Trump has a better chance of taking that state than Establishment favorites Jeb Bush and John Kasich.Currently, Trump beats Hillary 45% to 43%.Jeb Bush loses to Hillary by -5 (40-45), Kasich loses -2, Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) loses -6, Santorum and Huckabee lose by a whopping -8 and -9, respectively.Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL) beats Hillary by +3 (45-42), Chris Christie is up +4 (45-41), and...
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Trump is looking increasingly strong and inevitable. I do not see any GOP or DEM candidate that can beat him.

The GOP field will be culled considerably over the next few weeks. Pataki, Hucklabee, Jindal, Christie, Graham, Fiorina, Santorum, Kasich, Paul- will all run out of cash soon. Then they'll be out. Leaving us 5 candidates- Trump, Carson, Rubio, Bush, Cruz.

The only person that can beat Trump is Trump.

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