Latinos protest deportation roundups


Jun 14, 2004

Can you see how comfortable these people have become living here illegally. Now, that, for whatever reason, we are starting to enforce the law and deport these people who are here illegally, their brethen in the latino communitys are incensed at the "institutionalized fear" being spread now with the deportations. I heard this guy on a radio show yesterday, locally, and he has no REAL position. These people are ILLEGAL. Period. If they don't want to be deported they should've taken the steps to come here legally and work OVER the table instead of under it. Well, now that we're deporting them again the next step is the new prop 187. Just like the last one it bars illegals from collecting any kind of tax-funded welfare. If you ask me it's long overdue.
Originally posted by Captain_Steel

Can you see how comfortable these people have become living here illegally. Now, that, for whatever reason, we are starting to enforce the law and deport these people who are here illegally, their brethen in the latino communitys are incensed at the "institutionalized fear" being spread now with the deportations. I heard this guy on a radio show yesterday, locally, and he has no REAL position. These people are ILLEGAL. Period. If they don't want to be deported they should've taken the steps to come here legally and work OVER the table instead of under it. Well, now that we're deporting them again the next step is the new prop 187. Just like the last one it bars illegals from collecting any kind of tax-funded welfare. If you ask me it's long overdue.

400? What kind of token jesture is that?

They need to round up like 400,000 illegals, and then they might be doing something. And then lock down the borders with the Army so they don't just come right back. Like Cockroaches.
I have no problems with shipping them back to whence they came. I dont think people in America realize just how much those illegals are taxing our system. They arent just stray cats you know....
Sure would make a lot of jobs available ! I don't buy that Americans wouldn't do the work. Some entrepeneur can turn this need into a gold mine !
i remember watching a movie in my spanish class in school where someone yelled something in Spanish that meant the INS people were coming, and when someone DID say it, like half the people nearby who were of Mexican descent bolted...does anyone know what that word is?
No its "la migra".

For all you people that are in favor of putting the military on the border i've got news for ya, we've already been there and done that. My brother when he was in on his 6 year Corps hitch, the Marines were stationed en masse on the border and here is how it went: they had blanks only, they were not allowed to engage only to report, basically they were window dressing. What you have to realize is the government of America no matter what party is in charge will not risk the international embarrassment and scorn it will bring if Marines start shooting illegals. I'm not saying whether its right or wrong it is just a fact, plus that liberals, on subjects such as this, hold way more sway on policy than conservatives. Face it, mass deportation or a military blockade of the borders will never happen.
Originally posted by OCA
Face it, mass deportation or a military blockade of the borders will never happen.

which will lead to our rapid demise............
Originally posted by JIHADTHIS
which will lead to our rapid demise............

Very well could although I believe that our demise will be caused by social political groups such as homosexuals rather than illegals.
Originally posted by OCA
No its "la migra".

For all you people that are in favor of putting the military on the border i've got news for ya, we've already been there and done that. My brother when he was in on his 6 year Corps hitch, the Marines were stationed en masse on the border and here is how it went: they had blanks only, they were not allowed to engage only to report, basically they were window dressing. What you have to realize is the government of America no matter what party is in charge will not risk the international embarrassment and scorn it will bring if Marines start shooting illegals. I'm not saying whether its right or wrong it is just a fact, plus that liberals, on subjects such as this, hold way more sway on policy than conservatives. Face it, mass deportation or a military blockade of the borders will never happen.

if i am ever in a southern border state, i want to yell that out just to see what happens.
Immigration is fine, even illegal, so long as it is coupled with assimilation...which it isn't, which is the real problem
Originally posted by leojoeyjoe
Immigration is fine, even illegal, so long as it is coupled with assimilation...which it isn't, which is the real problem

But since we cannot change the thinking of foreign citizens, we must take action of our own inside our own boundries.

-Hence deportation as a last resort.
Originally posted by Pale Rider
400? What kind of token jesture is that?

They need to round up like 400,000 illegals, and then they might be doing something. And then lock down the borders with the Army so they don't just come right back. Like Cockroaches.

Your just talking about Phoenix right? ;) Ha Ha!!
Originally posted by OCA
No its "la migra".

For all you people that are in favor of putting the military on the border i've got news for ya, we've already been there and done that. My brother when he was in on his 6 year Corps hitch, the Marines were stationed en masse on the border and here is how it went: they had blanks only, they were not allowed to engage only to report, basically they were window dressing.

How long do you think it took for people to figure this out?
Originally posted by Said1
How long do you think it took for people to figure this out?

Figure what out? That the marines were just there as window dressing?
Originally posted by OCA
No its "la migra".

For all you people that are in favor of putting the military on the border i've got news for ya, we've already been there and done that. My brother when he was in on his 6 year Corps hitch, the Marines were stationed en masse on the border and here is how it went: they had blanks only, they were not allowed to engage only to report, basically they were window dressing. What you have to realize is the government of America no matter what party is in charge will not risk the international embarrassment and scorn it will bring if Marines start shooting illegals. I'm not saying whether its right or wrong it is just a fact, plus that liberals, on subjects such as this, hold way more sway on policy than conservatives. Face it, mass deportation or a military blockade of the borders will never happen.

You sure about that? I did a JTF and we had your basic 5.56mm ball rounds. The ROES required that we be in defence of our immediate area. Now, when a Marine with bayonet fixed, approached someone and they made a move, you could defend your self. BTW, there has never been more than one Rifle Battalion stationed on JTF with either DEA or INS.
Originally posted by OCA
Figure what out? That the marines were just there as window dressing?

I meant, how long do you think it took the people sneaking out of Mexico to figure out the Marines wer just window dressing. Wow, I'm really having a problem communicating tonight :D
Well I wasn't there so i'm really going off of memory so you may be right about the live rounds. Basically he said they nightscoped em and that was about it. Came upon some weed smugglers who when confronted by fully camoed Marines promptly dropped their cargo and ran like hell. But to stop and detain illegals basically they were powerless. I'm gonna talk to him in a few minutes, i'll have him refresh my memory.
Originally posted by Said1
I meant, how long do you think it took the people sneaking out of Mexico to figure out the Marines wer just window dressing. Wow, I'm really having a problem communicating tonight :D

Oh i'm sure it wasn't too long, they got a whole friggin network down there and i'm sure that word travels pretty fast.

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