Latinos Shifting To Trump Because They Have 'Internalized Racism,' Journalist Claims

Whats really happening is the people who are the relatives to those who are indigenous to this country are coming to take back what whites stole. Mexico once was what we call Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, Colorado, Utah, Callifornia, and Nevada. James Polk waged an illegal war against Mexico. The population of hispanics, who are actually related to the indigenous people of this country, are increasing in population. Whites are losing numbers. So yes, God is indeed working on all of this but not in the way you believe. God is punishing whites for their attempted genocide of the people who he originaly gave this land. Whites coveted what was not theirs and God has given whites over 200 years to get right. Instead whites such as yourself became arrogant and stiff necked.

So like you said, you reap what you sow. Whites tried wiping out the indigenous people of this land, now the indigenous people and their relatives are going to return to the majority they had once before.
Try using Google and look up Andrew Jackson (the founder of the Democrat Party).

He was not only a slave owner, but he sent the Indians on the Trail of Tears, where many of them died (after he stole their land and property).

The real kicker is that one of those tribes were the Cherokee, who followed Jackson into battle during the frontier wars against the other hostile tribes, and fought for our country (and Jackson) during the American Revolution (including the Battle of New Orleans).

If you really want to get to the bottom of this, the Democrats' founder was a racist slave owner who threw his allies (American patriots) under the bus for political gain!

Sound familiar?
In order claim a Hispanic voter (or any voter) is suffering from self-loathing (AKA "internalized racism") for wanting to vote for the Republican candidate, you would have to prove that voting for the Democratic candidate is demonstrably more in the interest of that voter.

Apparently, a large number of Hispanic voters don't agree with that proposition. They clearly feel that the Republican candidate best represents their attitudes and supports their aspirations.

The hive mind are the people who are repubican that support trump no matter how terrible he is and will make excuses for him.

You don't know what internalized racism is and are too dumb to research about it.
I told you what it was. Your agreement is neither sought nor required -- and it damn sure isn't expected.

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