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Trump changes parties and ideology like he changes suits, wearing the one that will best serve his purpose today.

That is simply not true and his track record of successful business ventures shows it to be not true.

One cannot change ones mind every day about everything you believe in and get anything concrete ever done.

Of course I dont expect a verbal oriented geek to comprehend this, but it is nonetheless true. There is a Reality and we have to conform our concepts of it for accuracy and one cannot thrive in the real physical world without understanding this, though one can remain a politicians holding to such nonsense or an accademian all ones life.

The fact is Trump is not committed to any ideology. He believes in one thing, winning. It doesn't matter whether it's a bid on a piece of property, a twitter fight with some celebrity, or a political campaign. The goal is to win the fight. The actually prized is irrelevant.

You are surprisingly close to grasping why Trump is successful. Trump is not committed to an ideology, true, but he is committed to being a SUCCESS AT WHAT HE DOES regardless of ideology or patronage.

Unlike Hillary Clintons many fiascos with ISIS, Haiti, Libya, Syria, or Iraq, etc, Trump will not enter into the task with the intention of primarily rewarding his allies. He will go into the projects with an eye to complete the thing, solve the problems and help real people, and not engage in the Cronyism that Hillary is addicted to and bound by.

If you think Trump is committed to 2nd amendment rights, immigration, tax reform, or any of his platform issues, you know nothing about Trump. These things are not driving forces in his life. They never have been and never will be.

They shouldnt be, but that doesnt mean that Trump has no core principles.

He has them and those core principles are necessary for any successful life that is not entirely composed of sycophancy and power mongering.
Trump changes parties and ideology like he changes suits, wearing the one that will best serve his purpose today.

That is simply not true and his track record of successful business ventures shows it to be not true.

One cannot change ones mind every day about everything you believe in and get anything concrete ever done.

Of course I dont expect a verbal oriented geek to comprehend this, but it is nonetheless true. There is a Reality and we have to conform our concepts of it for accuracy and one cannot thrive in the real physical world without understanding this, though one can remain a politicians holding to such nonsense or an accademian all ones life.

The fact is Trump is not committed to any ideology. He believes in one thing, winning. It doesn't matter whether it's a bid on a piece of property, a twitter fight with some celebrity, or a political campaign. The goal is to win the fight. The actually prized is irrelevant.

You are surprisingly close to grasping why Trump is successful. Trump is not committed to an ideology, true, but he is committed to being a SUCCESS AT WHAT HE DOES regardless of ideology or patronage.

Unlike Hillary Clintons many fiascos with ISIS, Haiti, Libya, Syria, or Iraq, etc, Trump will not enter into the task with the intention of primarily rewarding his allies. He will go into the projects with an eye to complete the thing, solve the problems and help real people, and not engage in the Cronyism that Hillary is addicted to and bound by.

If you think Trump is committed to 2nd amendment rights, immigration, tax reform, or any of his platform issues, you know nothing about Trump. These things are not driving forces in his life. They never have been and never will be.

They shouldnt be, but that doesnt mean that Trump has no core principles.

He has them and those core principles are necessary for any successful life that is not entirely composed of sycophancy and power mongering.
He has jumped from one business venture to another throughout his life. Had he simple stuck with the one thing he's really good at, acquiring undervalued real estate and developing it into high end housing, he would be worth a lot more than he is today. In the 1980's he became fascinated with casinos and resorts and the notoriety it brought. He jumped into casinos, airlines, beverages, foods, mortgages, travel, and other business sectors he knew nothing about and failed miserably in most of them.

I've read his "Art of the Deal", one of the books he co-authored and two biographies and I have never seen anything to indicate that Trump possesses any core principals other than winning at whatever fight he engages in. As far as his business management techniques, Trump admits he hates the day to day managing of the Trump Organization which is why he leaves it to his family and several key people to run while he seeks out new business opportunities. One thing that has been consistent in his life has been his inconsistency in his business, personal relationships, and politics
Donald Trump is not only an ardent supporter of gun control but he actually goes beyond even Hitlery - supporting "Stop & Frisk". You need to know what you're actually voting for and it's pretty clear you don't in this case.
Nonsense. Trump is an avid supporter of gun rights, has a concealed carry permit, and advocates a national automatic reciprocity among all states for CCW licenses much like a car license is recognised by all states.

This is one huge reason he got endorsed by the NRA and GOA.
Before he was a presidential contender, he called out Republicans who “walk the NRA line” and “refuse even limited restrictions” on firearms laws, in his 2000 book, The America We Deserve.

“I generally oppose gun control, but I support the ban on assault weapons and I also support a slightly longer waiting period to purchase a gun,” he wrote. At the time of his book’s publication, the real estate mogul was considering a bid for the presidency but hadn’t declared his intention to run.

In April 2015, two months before he entered the presidential race, Trump changed his tune, telling those gathered at the NRA’s forum, “I love the NRA. I love the Second Amendment.”

As president, Trump would again change his stand on gun control to get other legislation passed. Remember, Trump is a master deal maker. Everything is always on the table. That's the problem with a candidate who has no ideology beliefs.

Ready, Aim, Fired: Donald Trump and Guns, Explained

Lol, that is mighty thin porridge there, Flopper.

Every free thinking man occasionally changes his mind on things, though I dont expect an ideologue like you or Losertarians to understand that.

Trump is in favor of "common sense" gun control in the abstract, but he understands now that he has studied the issue more thoroughly, that we have far more than any needed gun control laws already on the books, and that all the current proposals would only hinder and harass legal gun owners and do nothing to help with crime. So while he supports gun control laws in the abstract, like any free thinking gun rights advocate would, he does not admit that any new laws are needed.

He now understands that the problem with gun massacres is not with the guns but with the mental illnesses of the people who commit the crimes in violation of many standing laws already on the books.

But, again, I dont expect you to grasp any of this, essentially because you dont want to understand the problem, but to simply return to your sloganeering and slander.
Trump changes parties and ideology like he changes suits, wearing the one that will best serve his purpose today. The fact is Trump is not committed to any ideology. He believes in one thing, winning. It doesn't matter whether it's a bid on a piece of property, a twitter fight with some celebrity, or a political campaign. The goal is to win the fight. The prize is irrelevant. If you think Trump is committed to 2nd amendment rights, immigration, tax reform, or any of his platform issues, you know nothing about Trump. These things are not driving forces in his life. They never have been and never will be.

I see some still don't get why so many Republicans and independents voted for Trump. He's a protest vote against the GOP establishment, payback for their constant lying and selling out of their own Party base; they want real change, unlike Democrats, who are perfectly fine with corruption, racist violence, and their sellouts like Hillary and Obama. They could give a rat's ass about what the establishment wants any more, and they surely are not going to vote for Democrats ever again, and many are more concerned about Supreme Court appointments above all else. Trump can spend his days in the White House wearing a propeller hat and playing croquet with bowling balls on the White House lawn for all they care, as long as he does well on SC appointments. This is why they're immune to the snivelings of the Paul Ryans and Jeb Bushes, and why they don't care what the MSM says about anything, and as we've seen the media has fully outed itself as nothing but a pack of dishonest POS propagandists with zero credibility with this election coverage, fully out in the open as not even remotely being a legitimate fourth estate and devoid of real journalistic ethics. Many have known that for years, but now it's so blatantly obvious they can't even lie about it any more, and anybody who runs around repeating their dishonest 'stories' also assumes that dishonesty and loss of credibility now, no matter how much they whine and snivel.
Trump changes parties and ideology like he changes suits, wearing the one that will best serve his purpose today.

That is simply not true and his track record of successful business ventures shows it to be not true.

One cannot change ones mind every day about everything you believe in and get anything concrete ever done.

Of course I dont expect a verbal oriented geek to comprehend this, but it is nonetheless true. There is a Reality and we have to conform our concepts of it for accuracy and one cannot thrive in the real physical world without understanding this, though one can remain a politicians holding to such nonsense or an accademian all ones life.

The fact is Trump is not committed to any ideology. He believes in one thing, winning. It doesn't matter whether it's a bid on a piece of property, a twitter fight with some celebrity, or a political campaign. The goal is to win the fight. The actually prized is irrelevant.

You are surprisingly close to grasping why Trump is successful. Trump is not committed to an ideology, true, but he is committed to being a SUCCESS AT WHAT HE DOES regardless of ideology or patronage.

Unlike Hillary Clintons many fiascos with ISIS, Haiti, Libya, Syria, or Iraq, etc, Trump will not enter into the task with the intention of primarily rewarding his allies. He will go into the projects with an eye to complete the thing, solve the problems and help real people, and not engage in the Cronyism that Hillary is addicted to and bound by.

If you think Trump is committed to 2nd amendment rights, immigration, tax reform, or any of his platform issues, you know nothing about Trump. These things are not driving forces in his life. They never have been and never will be.

They shouldnt be, but that doesnt mean that Trump has no core principles.

He has them and those core principles are necessary for any successful life that is not entirely composed of sycophancy and power mongering.
He has jumped from one business venture to another throughout his life. Had he simple stuck with the one thing he's really good at, acquiring undervalued real estate and developing it into high end housing, he would be worth a lot more than he is today. In the 1980's he became fascinated with casinos and resorts and the notoriety it brought. He jumped into casinos, airlines, beverages, foods, mortgages, travel, and other business sectors he knew nothing about and failed miserably in most of them.

I've read his "Art of the Deal", one of the books he co-authored and two biographies and I have never seen anything to indicate that Trump possesses any core principals other than winning at whatever fight he engages in. As far as his business management techniques, Trump admits he hates the day to day managing of the Trump Organization which is why he leaves it to his family and several key people to run while he seeks out new business opportunities. One thing that has been consistent in his life has been his inconsistency in his business, personal relationships, and politics

Just by numbers, he is indeed successful as a businessman; over 90% of new businesses fail within three years, so somebody with a 50% success rate is doing very well indeed at spotting possibilities for investment and development. There is no law that says people who get bored with managing them after they get them going well has to stay and run them all the time, after all, and your own posts indicate he is probably making the absolutely correct business decision in turning them over to somebody else to manage. This is very common in real estate especially; my uncle is the same way, moving on to the next deal, and he also has gone bankrupt more than once. He has also been able to come back from it because most people in his business know it's a fact of life for those who take big risks, and it's true in any line of business with the volatility real estate markets have. I live in a state where the oil business has always been big, and those guys would go bankrupt constantly, but they had the contacts to overcome that and get right back in the game, not something the weak hearted and timid will do.
With all due respect, there ARE Latino blocs that will play an important role in the election.

Yes, but there are far less than meets the eye in that, when it comes to by far the largest latino demographics, which is of course Mexican and Central Americans. The media is again deliberately misleading on the statistics. For instance, in four of the states out of the five, the media will say something like '80% of latinos will vote for Democrats!', while the reality is maybe 25%-30% of them will actually turn out and vote at all, and that's in a good year, and some 30%-40% of those will split the vote for some conservatives as well, at least among the legal voters. Polls are useless as 'facts' in real life, In average years some 15% might turn out, so what's '80%' of 15% to 25%? Some cities might have higher turnouts, but it's rare.

The Cubans who fled to Florida tend to be conservative. But, they are being overwhelmed by Puerto Ricans fleeing from the disaster of their island. I'm not certain who they will support. You also have PRs in New York and other New England areas.

They aren't significant in numbers in those states, and only in some districts at that. The five states where they might be a moderate factor are California, Colorado, New Mexico, Texas, and Florida, and that only if their turnouts hit around 75%.

Then there are the recent influx from Central America. They fear Trump's promise that he'll send them back to where they came from. Those are the ones the Obozo administration tried to get naturalized before the election. The problem is that many won't make it until after voter registration ends. That's why Dumbocraps are so urgent upon allowing voters to register AT THE POLLS.

Agree. The Democrats are shameless crooks, and it is so obvious now nobody with any principles can honestly support them at all, even latino voters; most latinos I know who were born here or immigrated legally aren't supporters of criminal illegal immigration; maybe it's different elsewhere but that has always been the case in my state, and used to be the case in California. One of the blights on LBJ's record here with latino voters was his refusal to oppose illegal immigration, which was killing their incomes and abilities to rise to the middle class. Cesar Chavez and others loathed it as well.
Donald Trump is not only an ardent supporter of gun control but he actually goes beyond even Hitlery - supporting "Stop & Frisk". You need to know what you're actually voting for and it's pretty clear you don't in this case.
Nonsense. Trump is an avid supporter of gun rights, has a concealed carry permit, and advocates a national automatic reciprocity among all states for CCW licenses much like a car license is recognised by all states.

This is one huge reason he got endorsed by the NRA and GOA.
Before he was a presidential contender, he called out Republicans who “walk the NRA line” and “refuse even limited restrictions” on firearms laws, in his 2000 book, The America We Deserve.

“I generally oppose gun control, but I support the ban on assault weapons and I also support a slightly longer waiting period to purchase a gun,” he wrote. At the time of his book’s publication, the real estate mogul was considering a bid for the presidency but hadn’t declared his intention to run.

In April 2015, two months before he entered the presidential race, Trump changed his tune, telling those gathered at the NRA’s forum, “I love the NRA. I love the Second Amendment.”

As president, Trump would again change his stand on gun control to get other legislation passed. Remember, Trump is a master deal maker. Everything is always on the table. That's the problem with a candidate who has no ideology beliefs.

Ready, Aim, Fired: Donald Trump and Guns, Explained

Lol, that is mighty thin porridge there, Flopper.

Every free thinking man occasionally changes his mind on things, though I dont expect an ideologue like you or Losertarians to understand that.

Trump is in favor of "common sense" gun control in the abstract, but he understands now that he has studied the issue more thoroughly, that we have far more than any needed gun control laws already on the books, and that all the current proposals would only hinder and harass legal gun owners and do nothing to help with crime. So while he supports gun control laws in the abstract, like any free thinking gun rights advocate would, he does not admit that any new laws are needed.

He now understands that the problem with gun massacres is not with the guns but with the mental illnesses of the people who commit the crimes in violation of many standing laws already on the books.

But, again, I dont expect you to grasp any of this, essentially because you dont want to understand the problem, but to simply return to your sloganeering and slander.
Trump changes parties and ideology like he changes suits, wearing the one that will best serve his purpose today. The fact is Trump is not committed to any ideology. He believes in one thing, winning. It doesn't matter whether it's a bid on a piece of property, a twitter fight with some celebrity, or a political campaign. The goal is to win the fight. The prize is irrelevant. If you think Trump is committed to 2nd amendment rights, immigration, tax reform, or any of his platform issues, you know nothing about Trump. These things are not driving forces in his life. They never have been and never will be.

I see some still don't get why so many Republicans and independents voted for Trump. He's a protest vote against the GOP establishment, payback for their constant lying and selling out of their own Party base; they want real change, unlike Democrats, who are perfectly fine with corruption, racist violence, and their sellouts like Hillary and Obama. They could give a rat's ass about what the establishment wants any more, and they surely are not going to vote for Democrats ever again, and many are more concerned about Supreme Court appointments above all else. Trump can spend his days in the White House wearing a propeller hat and playing croquet with bowling balls on the White House lawn for all they care, as long as he does well on SC appointments. This is why they're immune to the snivelings of the Paul Ryans and Jeb Bushes, and why they don't care what the MSM says about anything, and as we've seen the media has fully outed itself as nothing but a pack of dishonest POS propagandists with zero credibility with this election coverage, fully out in the open as not even remotely being a legitimate fourth estate and devoid of real journalistic ethics. Many have known that for years, but now it's so blatantly obvious they can't even lie about it any more, and anybody who runs around repeating their dishonest 'stories' also assumes that dishonesty and loss of credibility now, no matter how much they whine and snivel.
People will be talking for years about the Trump phenomenon. How can a candidate who lacks support from his own party leadership and possesses none of what we think of as qualifications for the office make it into the general election? I see three basic reasons.
  • First as you said, Trump is a reaction to the Republican establishment who promised everything and deliveries practically nothing.
  • However, I believe there are more powerfully motives than just disappointing performance of Republicans. One being anyone but Hillary. Republicans helped by Hillary's email screw up has made it easy to turn millions of Hillary supporters against her. So the most admired, and influential women in the world in 2012 became lying, cheating, corrupt, murdering, incompetent, abusive Hillary Clinton.
  • But neither disappointment with the establishment or hatred for Hillary fully explain the phenomenon. When political scientist are asked to explain the Trump movement, they always zero in on one main accusation, bigotry. Only racism is capable of powering a movement like Trump’s, which has blown through the structure of the Republican party like a tornado.
Trump himself provides rather excellent evidence for this finding. The man is an insult clown who has systematically gone down the list of American ethnic groups and offended them each in turn. He wants to deport millions upon millions of undocumented immigrants. He wants to bar Muslims from visiting the United States. He admires various foreign strongmen and dictators, and has even retweeted a quote from Mussolini. He has in turn drawn the enthusiastic endorsement of leading racists from across the spectrum of intolerance, a gorgeous mosaic of haters, each of them quivering excitedly at the prospect of getting a real, honest-to-god bigot in the White House.
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  • First as you said, Trump is a reaction to the Republican establishment who promised everything and deliveries practically nothing.
What did they "promise"? I remember them promising to repeal Obamacare and they did. And then Obama - the typical progressive obstructionist - vetoed it each time.

The American people explicitly stripped the Dumbocrats of both the House and the Senate and sent the Republicans there to repeal Obamacare. But as usual, Obama acted like a dictator and ignored the will of the people.
If these dirt-bag criminals worked half as hard at changing their own miserable countries as they do illegally attempting to change our country, their countries wouldn't be miserable shit-holes necessary of escaping from...

Immigrant rights activist likely to be deported herself after hiding her status
I agree. Illegal Hispanic Latinos are a neurotic bunch. They will risk their lives and break laws to come here , and allow themselves to be abused and underpaid as a result by corrupt greedy Americans business (that try to make it sound humanitarian or good business to hire illegal aliens). Then Hispanic illegals excuse failure to acclimate as some kind of basic human right, all the while pretending to be "victims" of an unfair immigration system THEY themselves abuse to their own ends. It's disgusting. They want their cake and eat it too. I am so fed up with this little game of theirs, I don't know what to do. Why can't the Latino illegals put that much energy into correcting the problems in their home countries instead? Great question.
However, I believe there are more powerfully motives than just disappointing performance of Republicans. One being anyone but Hillary. Republicans helped by Hillary's email screw up has made it easy to turn millions of Hillary supporters against her. So the most admired, and influential women in the world in 2012 became lying, cheating, corrupt, murdering, incompetent, abusive Hillary Clinton.

There are seriously not enough laughing emojis in the world for such an absurd, asinine, bat-shit crazy statement as that. People have known since the early 90's how corrupt Hitlery was. It only got worse when she became Senator and again in 2008 when she ran against Obama and was caught in lie after lie after lie ("I landed under sniper fire"). It reached the boiling point when she became Secretary of State. Benghazi. Enough said.
He admires various foreign strongmen and dictators, and has even retweeted a quote from Mussolini.
Right? He fawned all over Fidel Castro (one of the most vicious, murderous dictators of his generation). He lifted sanctions for him, went to visit him, accepted written materials from him, etc. The same with Hugo Chavez (who then verbally assaulted and humiliated his immature idealism). Of course the exact same thing happened my with both Vladimir Putin and Mahmoud Ahmadinejad (he sucks their ass and they smell weakness and capitalize on it).

Ohhh....I'm sorry. I thought you were talking about Barack Obama. Your description described him perfectly.
  • First as you said, Trump is a reaction to the Republican establishment who promised everything and deliveries practically nothing.
What did they "promise"? I remember them promising to repeal Obamacare and they did. And then Obama - the typical progressive obstructionist - vetoed it each time.

The American people explicitly stripped the Dumbocrats of both the House and the Senate and sent the Republicans there to repeal Obamacare. But as usual, Obama acted like a dictator and ignored the will of the people.
There are too many to list. They promised not only to repeal but replace Obamacare. However as I said, dissatisfaction with the establishment is only a part of the Trump appeal.
GOP Pledge-O-Meter: Campaign Promises that are Promise Broken | PolitiFact
  • First as you said, Trump is a reaction to the Republican establishment who promised everything and deliveries practically nothing.
What did they "promise"? I remember them promising to repeal Obamacare and they did. And then Obama - the typical progressive obstructionist - vetoed it each time.

The American people explicitly stripped the Dumbocrats of both the House and the Senate and sent the Republicans there to repeal Obamacare. But as usual, Obama acted like a dictator and ignored the will of the people.
There are too many to list. They promised not only to repeal but replace Obamacare. However as I said, dissatisfaction with the establishment is only a part of the Trump appeal.
GOP Pledge-O-Meter: Campaign Promises that are Promise Broken | PolitiFact
Well how can they "replace" when we have already established that Obama's obstruction via vetoes has prevented them from repealing?
You know you can be born here and still be Latino/a, right? Hispanic is ethnicity. Your great grandparents could have been born here and you would still be Latino/a.
Lol, that is a load of horse shit. "Latino" is a reference to a root language, Latin, and is not an ethnicity but is an ill defined group of ethnicities that speak a LAtin based language; French, Spanish, Italian, Portugeese, Romanian, etc.

"Latinos" dont consider themselves to be such, but only the nationality of the country that they are from. "Latino" is a hoaked up term to try and unite them all together like one might try to unite all Anglos by referring to them as Euro's.

But I have a few questions on this definition you use; Are Quebec's people Latino? They speak French which is a Latin based language like Spanish and Portugeese.

And what about people that immigrated to a "Latin" country from another country and assimilated or tried to? If a Chinese family immigrated to Peru in 1900 and now speak nothing but Spanish and have Spanish names, etc, if they immigrate to the USA are they Latino or are they Asian?

But dont let any FACTS get in your way, it has been repeatedly shown to me that Dimocrats are allergic to FACTS.


In the US it is a reference to Latin American descendants.

So Latino refers to Latin American descendants? Lol, do you know what a tautology is?

Latino essentially is a language reference to those languages based on Latin. It is really that simple.

In Europe it would cover Italy where, you know, Latin originated from a tribe called Latium, and it would include romance languages. The term Hispanic was first used in the census by Nixon and it was limited. It was a term that was used to "unite them all together". Latino gained prominent usage in the 1990s via California and is also a "unite them all together term" that includes Portuguese.

Latino and Hispanic are two different terms based on different things. Latino, as I said above, is a reference to language, while Hispanic is a direct reference to Spanish related cultures. Hispanic does not include Portugeese, Brazil, Quebec, France, etc, but does include Spain. It would also include people of Chinese descent that immigrated to assimilated with a nation with an Hispanic culture.

There is a clear distinction, despite idiots mixing them together as if they were synonymous.

It was much more marketable to put everyone in the same category. However, people would prefer to use their country of origin or that which they are descendants from simply because each area has different specific cultures. So, if you are Chinese and immigrated to Peru in 1900 and assimilated into the culture and came to the US then you would probably refer to yourself as Peruvian-American or of Peruvian descent. However, the US could very well categorize you as they see fit.

No, actually in the US census you can say you are whatever you think you are, apparently. People self designate their race on the census. It is not like they take blood samples or anything. If you think you are Hispanic or black or canine then you are that. It is the new Truth of our time.

This isn't Europe.

Well, I am relived that that was cleared up. I was worried for a while there.

If we were having this argument in Europe we would tie it to language specific because borders have changed multiple times over thousands of years. That said, those arguments are usually geared towards evolving languages. This includes hour long discussions on etymology. The arguments over Latins are going to be over the Roman-Latin wars from about 6 BC. Huge difference between Europe and US. They have much more interesting arguments. I have never run into an argument calling people from Quebec Latinos. Although, I do remember a few people getting beat up for not speaking French years ago.

Then maybe you should move to Europe so you can be better entertained there.

You on the other hand lashed out at me and not the OP for the term thus making you a fucking prick. I'm not a Dem, asshole.
I didnt lash out at anyone; I simply asked you a question that you obviously failed to give an anwer to.

Are people from Quebec Latino or are they not?

You ducked the question because you apparently understand the inherent bullshit nature of the whole misuse of the word.

That does not constitute me lashing out at you, dear.

I am sure you can go to a nearby college or University, though, and find yourself a nice warm and comfortable safe zone of your choosing.

:eusa_think: What's missing, Dear?

Hispanics was a term used for language and officially used via Nixon and pops up by 1980 census. Latino/Latina (in the US) covers a geographical area and allows Brazil and other areas where the language is not Spanish to be included. I live in the US, therefore, sorry Quebec ain't it. There is no ducking anything. If I was in Europe then we would look at language. But, I'm not. I'm in the US.

Any other questions?
  • First as you said, Trump is a reaction to the Republican establishment who promised everything and deliveries practically nothing.
What did they "promise"? I remember them promising to repeal Obamacare and they did. And then Obama - the typical progressive obstructionist - vetoed it each time.

The American people explicitly stripped the Dumbocrats of both the House and the Senate and sent the Republicans there to repeal Obamacare. But as usual, Obama acted like a dictator and ignored the will of the people.
There are too many to list. They promised not only to repeal but replace Obamacare. However as I said, dissatisfaction with the establishment is only a part of the Trump appeal.
GOP Pledge-O-Meter: Campaign Promises that are Promise Broken | PolitiFact
Well how can they "replace" when we have already established that Obama's obstruction via vetoes has prevented them from repealing?
The point is politicians promise what know they know they can't deliver. This really pisses people off, particularly when they do it over and over.

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