Lauren Boebert escorted out of a live Beetlejuice performance after complaints

In a dark theater?

Why do you - or anyone - care about this?
Because we demand a certain decorum from members of Congress.

If it was someone like Pee Wee Herman, we wouldn’t care how he behaves in a theater
okay here goes...she was married really young....and now she is divorced kinda young...i think her first child was when she was 16...he is getting ready to be a father at 16...she is vaping and having a good time with a new man...unfortunately she forgot she is being judged all the time and for any thing.....

now please those who have never gotten 'frisky' in a public setting....toss those diamonds at the glass house..
okay here goes...she was married really young....and now she is divorced kinda young...i think her first child was when she was 16...he is getting ready to be a father at 16...she is vaping and having a good time with a new man...unfortunately she forgot she is being judged all the time and for any thing.....

Only because of the way she judges others.
Isn’t her “friend” a bar owner who has drag shows in his bar?
I believe so. Lauren will soon move on from wanking her "friend" off in public to sitting in judgement on the President. The country is in good "hands".
Looks like Boebert is doing escort duty on the side.
The guy needs to receive something in return for his investment
She probably needs to do something on the side to make a few extra bucks. What with Biden's inflation and all, how's a person supposed to get by on a measly $174,000 a year?
okay here goes...she was married really young....and now she is divorced kinda young...i think her first child was when she was 16...he is getting ready to be a father at 16...she is vaping and having a good time with a new man...unfortunately she forgot she is being judged all the time and for any thing.....

now please those who have never gotten 'frisky' in a public setting....toss those diamonds at the glass house..

That wasn't frisky. That was foreplay. There is a difference in smacking your mate in the asse and feeling a woman up and her returning the favors by massaging the penis. And in that situation, doing it when people are so nearby. The Theater isn't that dark and people are very, very close. If you want to do this type of behavior, go to a drivein movie where you are in the confines of your tinted windows and it's expected.

Making excuses for such behavior in an open public area with people in so close a proximity is just wrong.
That wasn't frisky. That was foreplay. There is a difference in smacking your mate in the asse and feeling a woman up and her returning the favors by massaging the penis. And in that situation, doing it when people are so nearby. The Theater isn't that dark and people are very, very close. If you want to do this type of behavior, go to a drivein movie where you are in the confines of your tinted windows and it's expected.

Making excuses for such behavior in an open public area with people in so close a proximity is just wrong.

judge fucking mental much?
judge fucking mental much?

Three separate people went to management and complained about her behavior
Not that Lauren Boebert was making a disturbance but “That woman” is making a disturbance

Management talked to the couple during Intermission and asked them to tone it down. Only lasted five minutes into the second act till they asked her to leave.

Then, she acted up, refused to leave and declared…….Do you know who I am? I am Lauren Boebert

Without her “Smart Girl Glasses” nobody recognized her.
But now, everyone knew it was Boebert

She should have kept her mouth shut and just left
judge fucking mental much?

She is from my district and is an embarrassment. I guess she needs to do this crap as her days are numbered in office anyway. I am hoping that she is primaried like she did to get in in the first place. She replaced a very corrupt person. But she's proven to be extremely stupid and immoral. Not something for little girls to look up to. I mean, whomever heard, during career day, does a 8 year old girls stand up and say that she wants to be a prostitute (Yes, many escorts are high paid prostitutes). Now, if you support her actions, you need to stop lying to your children about you supporting decency and have them go for Prostitution and more.
For a significant fee of course. I wonder if she ever went with him to Cancun.
How the hell did they "meet" in the first place? Bumfuck Colorado is off the beaten path from Texas. Maybe he went skiing and she was on the entertainment committee.
She is from my district and is an embarrassment. I guess she needs to do this crap as her days are numbered in office anyway. I am hoping that she is primaried like she did to get in in the first place. She replaced a very corrupt person. But she's proven to be extremely stupid and immoral. Not something for little girls to look up to. I mean, whomever heard, during career day, does a 8 year old girls stand up and say that she wants to be a prostitute (Yes, many escorts are high paid prostitutes). Now, if you support her actions, you need to stop lying to your children about you supporting decency and have them go for Prostitution and more.
Progs have a hundred reps that are the same as your spiel on her. Also, when the Prog totalitarian politicians shut down their cities and states from COVID, seeing them not live the same as arresting people is a thousand times worse. Agreeing or not agreeing on her actions has at least two excuses. One it is 2023 not 1953. And two we live in a surveillance culture now with a major human flaw where we must know what everyone else is doing. And that is an agent of malaise.
She wasn’t caught having an affair. She was at a theater with what was allegedly her boyfriend doing things that couples do. They didn’t know that they had a camera on them.

Her boyfriend has a club that has allowed drag shows. Well, it’s nothing new to date someone with different political views …One of Donald Trump’s advisors Kelly Ann Conway had a husband who vehemently was against Donald Trump. These kind of things happen.

But even worse, and this is something that Democrats just never talk about. Joe Biden allegedly showered with his daughter. Bill Clinton cheated on his wife. The democrat congressman from California Eric Swalwell was going out with a Chinese spy.

And do Biden supporters here think that people are going to cast off Boebert for this? Find something legit …. Our economy is in the tank . Democrats support BLM. They support anti-Americanism. That’s truly evil. It’s wrong and it’s evil to prop up BLM and groups like that when everybody knows that slavery was a worldwide issue.

Until Democrats can confront the far left ie say something about men who say they can get pregnant, say something about rich Racist Blacks on tv that denigrate American history , say something about white people that are so weak that they support BLM. Address the Democrat politicians that support a man being able to go into a woman’s bathroom or play on a woman sports team.

Say something about a poor economy about the high price of a home where the working class black man and white man Can no longer afford a home in this country.

What are democrats here going to do ? Usually they laugh at these things and launch unprovoked personal attacks.. They think it’s funny that the working class Man in this country can’t afford a home.
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She wasn’t caught having an affair. She was at a theater with with was allegedly her boyfriend doing things that couples do. They didn’t know that they had a camera on them.

Her boyfriend has a club that has allowed drag shows. One of Donald Trump’s advisors Kelly Ann Conway had a husband who vehemently was against Donald Trump. These kind of things happen.

But even worse, and this is something that Democrats just never talk about. Joe Biden allegedly showered with his daughter. Bill Clinton cheated on his wife. The democrat congressman from California Eric Swalwell was going out with a Chinese spy.

And do Biden supporters here think that people are going to cast off Boebert for this? Find something legit …. Our Konomi is horrible. Democrats support BLM. They support anti-Americanism. That’s truly evil. It’s wrong and it’s evil to prop up. BLM and groups like that with everybody knows that slavery was a worldwide issue.

Until Democrats can confront the far left ie say something about men who say they can get pregnant, say something about Racist, Blacks, say something about white people that are so weak that they support. BLM. Say something about a horrible economy about the high price of a home where the working class black man and white man Cano longer afford a home in this country. But what are democrats here or do they laugh at these things. They think it’s funny that working class Man in this country can’t afford a home.
Why can you people not get that it's the hypocrisy more than the actions?

These RWNJ whack-a-doodles run around with the holier than thou attitude and then do this kinda shit. Then they make it worse by first trying the "do you know who I am?" bullshit, then lying about it, then when confronted with proof that they are lying they issue these weak assed non apologies that blames god or some some shit.

And then you try to defend this nonsense.

It makes you look pretty dumb.

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