Law and morals rarely cross paths never mind meet or run parallel


Platinum Member
Oct 25, 2019
The truth of the matter is that if you take every American killed including and since 9/11, in the resultant Middle East related wars, conflicts and terrorist acts, well over 90% of them have been killed by Sunni Muslims financed and supported out of Saudi Arabia and its gulf satellites, and less than 10% of those Americans have been killed by Shia Muslims tied to Iran.

This is a horribly inconvenient fact for US administrations which, regardless of party, are beholden to Saudi Arabia and its money. It is, the USA affirms, the Sunnis who are the allies and the Shias who are the enemy. Yet every journalist or aid worker hostage who has been horribly beheaded or otherwise executed has been murdered by a Sunni, every jihadist terrorist attack in the USA itself, including 9/11, has been exclusively Sunni, the Benghazi attack was by Sunnis, Isil are Sunni, Al Nusra are Sunni, the Taliban are Sunni and the vast majority of US troops killed in the region are killed by Sunnis.

Lies, the Bethlehem Doctrine, and the Illegal Murder of Soleimani

Incidentally I read today that Aramco managed to get 29.4 Billion for it's first Public Offering- we are so deeply in debt to Saudi we can kiss our asses goodbye- why? Read the above article. Look at History. Just more dots connected-
The truth of the matter is that we had a guy who was responsible for killing Americans in the past, and made no secret of plotting to attack Americans and American interests in the future. The "imminent threat" language was self serving and would not stand up to hard scrutiny.

Nevertheless, the world is a better place without this guy in it.

Good enough for me. It's getting so you just can't tell the difference between "war" and "peace," and what we done was probably an "act of war," when you get right down to it.
The truth of the matter is that if you take every American killed including and since 9/11, in the resultant Middle East related wars, conflicts and terrorist acts, well over 90% of them have been killed by Sunni Muslims financed and supported out of Saudi Arabia and its gulf satellites, and less than 10% of those Americans have been killed by Shia Muslims tied to Iran.

The violent cult of Islamism crosses the boundaries between various otherwise distinct sects if Islam.

It was in Iran that the disease of islamism first took solid root, and it is from there that it spread; and that has been the root of all modern Islamist terrorism, regardless of the denominations of Muslims committing it.
It was in Iran that the disease of islamism first took solid root, and it is from there that it spread; and that has been the root of all modern Islamist terrorism, regardless of the denominations of Muslims committing it.

Then how do you explain this?

The truth of the matter is that if you take every American killed including and since 9/11, in the resultant Middle East related wars, conflicts and terrorist acts, well over 90% of them have been killed by Sunni Muslims financed and supported out of Saudi Arabia and its gulf satellites, and less than 10% of those Americans have been killed by Shia Muslims tied to Iran.

I suspect it might serve you better to look at Saudi a bit closer. Bin Laden was a Saudi. 17 of the 19 murderers on 9/11 were Saudi. Saudi has more to lose than Iran does. Saudi, like the US is two faced.

Soleimani actually was involved in intelligence and logistical cooperation with the United States in Afghanistan post 9/11 (the Taliban were his enemies too, the shia Tajiks being a key part of the US aligned Northern Alliance). He was in Iraq to fight ISIL.

Saudi is two faced, in business and religion. The US is two faced in foreign affairs. Iran is predominantly religious in its leadership. Saudi is a monarchy pretending religion is its principle. The US claims a moral high ground and will kill whomever disputes that to prove it. See Manifest Destiny as a beginning.

It helps if one removes the red, white and blue blinders and looks at the Big Picture prior to coming to a conclusion.
Did you read the last part of my post? About the 29 Billion USD IPO? Saudi wants that protected by the US. Period. The US agreed to maybe before you were born. The US has had it in for Iran since 1953. Why? Because it's predominantly religious leaders refused to be bribed. So, the US staged and backed a political coup and the mighty, highly moral US (CIA) installed a Puppet leader who would take bribes but wasn't really a religious person, or necessarily moral.

Point being; this isn't as cut and dried as many want it to be. It is about who controls who in the ME, and guess who wins in the end? Not the US. Or Iran, Or Saudi.
It's getting so you just can't tell the difference between "war" and "peace," and what we done was probably an "act of war," when you get right down to it.

Well, sure, but the Iranians shelling our base, and sending armed mobs to invade the Green Zone were both also acts of war. Iran has been pirating oil ships and bombing oil pipelines all summer. I'd say the "act of war" thing is definitely on them.

It occurs to me they are trying for revenge thru forcing a war on Trump before his election, hoping to scotch his reelection and get one of these bow-to-everyone leftists in office, then they can nuke up as fast as they like. This may or may not work --- serious war with Iran might boost Trump's popularity a lot. On the other hand, everyone is pretty tired of our troops being in Sandland so long.
well over 90% of them have been killed by Sunni Muslims financed and supported out of Saudi Arabia and its gulf satellites, and less than 10% of those Americans have been killed by Shia Muslims tied to Iran.

Sure -- I think you may just have explained why we sent home that bunch of Saudi airmen we were training in Florida, after one of them shot up the place for Allah. I think a lot of Americans are tired of our governments pretending these Arabs are allies, when it is obvious their people are our enemies.

And good point that Saudi Arabia expects us to protect their new IPO oil business. Sheeeeesh, they blow up the World Trade Centers, and then put our military to work for them?? I don't like any of this.
Sure -- I think you may just have explained why we sent home that bunch of Saudi airmen we were training in Florida, after one of them shot up the place for Allah. I think a lot of Americans are tired of our governments pretending these Arabs are allies, when it is obvious their people are our enemies.
I've been explaining it for years- thank you for reading.

Let's carry it one step further; the American people are not their enemies. The US gov't is their enemy. Their leadership is US gov't ally. The Petrodollar is their ally. When they attack citizens they're using the example set by our gov't. beginning way before the ME was even a known entity to he US. The US (and by proxy) their vocal and active allies (mostly Great Britain) have been the purveyors of Double Standards since US inception. That is what a religious people (and anyone else with a brain who bothers to look at the Big Picture) sees. Good for me but not for thee- chickens will come home to roost. Some things cannot be denied.
Again, thanks for reading.
Point being; this isn't as cut and dried as many want it to be. It is about who controls who in the ME, and guess who wins in the end? Not the US. Or Iran, Or Saudi.

Then...…..which is your Ur-enemy: Russia, or China?

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