Law Enforcement Friends: How do you Critique this Officer?


May 23, 2014

I see so many things wrong with the officers actions...or lack of action in this body cam video.
A.) Why did he run and not stay to protect the EMT’s?
B.) Why did he not assist in dragging her back to the patrol vehicle. His handgun was way out of range from where he initially retreated to.
C.) After his panic attack, why did the EMT give him back the officers side arm?
D.) Where there shots fired from the trailer or was it an accidental discharge from his own firearm?
Wow, another nut bag with a badge. Being a cop is a stressful job. If you can't do it without becoming an insane fool like that cop, you need to be doing something else.
from the get- go- "come over here", then, "don't move!" wtf? and it goes downhill from there.

That cop will likely lose his job- thank goodness for body cams.
Yeah, this whole thing was chaotic. Bad cops have been known to make bad situations worse. Hell, they've been known to make good situations worse.
I would be curious to know how many of those shots came from his gun.
I would be curious to know how many of those shots came from his gun.

The deputy is definitely in the wrong line of work. The EMTs showed surprising steadiness and judgement, accept for giving the weapon back. He should have retained the weapon (loaded) until the situation was contained, then cleared the weapon, keeping it and the magazine until turning it over to the deputy's superior.

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