LBJ. The worst president in American history besides Biden,

"TIGH?" If anyone calls themselves a historian, scholar or your uncle and praises LBJ, well, don't look them in the eye, and walk away. LBJ was the best example of WHO shouldn't be a president.
Yeah for you, you found a typo.

Enjoy your small-minded moment of triumph.
Texas democrat, got a phony silver star. Liar. Murdered political 7 opponents. JFK, pushed the Gulf of Tonkin /Vietnam WAR had buku $ in Bell stocks and pushed a war we never needed and killed 52k thousand of our boys. Kinda like Bush and Iraq....
LBJ was certainly very bad. Biden has proven to be the worst of all time. Obama is a close second (even though he's likely still pulling Pedo Joe's strings). Jimmy Cawtaw was almost as stupid as Biden. FDR pushed many Socialist policies; incarcerated innocent, American Japanese; and bombed many thousands of innocent Japanese. Hard to say which Democrat has done more damage to America's name, but it's most certainly a Democrat.
Yeah for you, you found a typo.

Enjoy your small-minded moment of triumph.
That wasn't the point. LBJ lied about so much. LBJ actually MADE Vietnam war happen, then he made money from it. Literally. LBJ very well might have had JFK murdered because JFK stood against the war in Indochina. LBJ sure as hell gained from it. And Robert Strange Macnamara (Secretary of defense under LBJ) had HUGE investments in the military industrial complex. And they profited from it. Follow the money...
As the years and decades went by, our nation's leadership became slowly more and more corrupted. Perhaps it's a natural progression. The checks and balances of the constitution though kept a lid on a lot of it. And even that did not keep us from internal fighting and wars. Our currency backed by gold and silver were one of them. For when we went to war the congress had to vote on it and put temporary fiat currencies into the nation. The Federal Reserve Act in 1913 ended that. A Fiat Currency. And old Woody Wilson promised to not get us into war got us into WW 1 quickly after.
Texas democrat, got a phony silver star. Liar. Murdered political 7 opponents. JFK, pushed the Gulf of Tonkin /Vietnam WAR had buku $ in Bell stocks and pushed a war we never needed and killed 52k thousand of our boys. Kinda like Bush and Iraq....
Well, he did end poverty. Oh, wait a minute, no he didn't.
He was horrible - like the other Johnson - but Lincoln was the absolute worst.

But LBJ definitely Top 10 worst.

Biden is merely the most personally corrupt/criminal.
“Lincoln was the absolute worst”…..?

You people have issues
LBJ has long been on my list as the worse. I've put GW Bush just behind him. LBJ was the peace candidate in 1964 and GWB said we had to be careful about nation building when it came to our foreign policy.

I liked Jimmy Carter's take on inflation. Nixon's wage and price controls and Ford's WIN buttons didn't do the trick. But then I was steadily employed and didn't suffer the economic slowdown Carter knew was coming under the medicine Paul Volcker would prescribe.
LBJ signed laws that destroyed the black nuclear family. He also signed the Hart-Cellar Act that has destroyed America. Definitely one of the very worst presidents.
Texas democrat, got a phony silver star. Liar. Murdered political 7 opponents. JFK, pushed the Gulf of Tonkin /Vietnam WAR had buku $ in Bell stocks and pushed a war we never needed and killed 52k thousand of our boys. Kinda like Bush and Iraq....
He was horrible. A classic case of party before country.
"Hey, hey, LBJ. How many kids did you kill today?"

He wrote in his memoirs that that chant really hurt.
Epitaph on Vietnam War Memorial: PROUD TO DIE TAKING A RICHKID'S PLACE

What it really meant was, "Our Daddies are rich and we can't stand troops born in the working class getting the kind of glory they got from World War II." LBJ was hurt because he loved richkids so much that he created loopholes that exempted them from having to fight in Vietnam.

Just like Lincoln did for his White-Replacement war. Abe married an heiress; that explains what he was all about.
I always though that LBJ was a corrupt incompetent asshole. Then along came that Jimmy Carter clown. Not as corrupt as LBJ but a real screw up never the less.

Then came that scumbag Slick Willy. The only thing about Slick Willy that although he was corrupt and a scumbag he was political astute enough to let Newt and the Republicans run the economy and that saved his sorry ass.

Then came The Worthless Negro. My god what a dumbass piece of shit. Just a low IQ foreign born homo Negro that s hould have been a shoeshine boy. Terrible President that was the worst this country ever had.

The worst until Joe Potatohead managed to steal the election during the pandemic. Now we have another contender for the worst President in the history of the US. A dufus that literally gets everything wrong. Not only is he a dufus that doesn't know his ass from a hole in the ground but he is corrupt as hell.

He is a scumbag like Slick Willy, a corrupt piece of shit like LBJ and an incompetent dumbass like The Worthless Negro.
LBJ was certainly very bad. Biden has proven to be the worst of all time. Obama is a close second (even though he's likely still pulling Pedo Joe's strings). Jimmy Cawtaw was almost as stupid as Biden. FDR pushed many Socialist policies; incarcerated innocent, American Japanese; and bombed many thousands of innocent Japanese. Hard to say which Democrat has done more damage to America's name, but it's most certainly a Democrat.
Partisan Is a Contraction of "Part-insane"
Texas democrat, got a phony silver star. Liar. Murdered political 7 opponents. JFK, pushed the Gulf of Tonkin /Vietnam WAR had buku $ in Bell stocks and pushed a war we never needed and killed 52k thousand of our boys. Kinda like Bush and Iraq....
LBJ may have been responsible for JFK's assassination.

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