Leading New York City mayoral candidate Andrew Yang has been hospitalized with a kidney stone

What is most appalling is the mayoral campaign vitriol between the Democrats of Color:
In recent days, Mr. Adams inaccurately said “people like Andrew Yang,” the former presidential hopeful, have never held a job. Mr. Yang’s campaign responded by accusing Mr. Adams, the Brooklyn borough president, of making “false and reprehensible attacks.”

The Adams campaign shot back with a statement claiming the Yang campaign was “attempting to mislead people of color.”
How is Uncle Joe going to lead unity if his underlings are so mean and devisive?

"After Yang criticized the city teachers union in an interview with POLITICO for slowing down the reopening of schools, Adams chided him for pointing fingers, drawing a jab from Coffey.

“Pointing fingers accomplishes nothing, says the guy pointing fingers at every public event about Andrew for the last 3 weeks to try to get some press. Got it,” Coffey said in a tweet.

Shapiro shot back: “Telling the truth is not an attack. This is a serious election for the city’s future. Stop saying things that are wrong, and we’ll stop correcting.”

Coffey said his fellow operatives are piling on Yang because of his frontrunner status.

“I think in every case these are fights that someone else starts,” he said in an interview. “I don’t agree with their campaign strategy. I think New Yorkers are looking for hope and optimism ... If the only way you’re going to get attention is by being negative and nasty, I’m just not sure that’s what New Yorkers want.”

Another dustup between Coffey and Shapiro came when Adams attacked Yang’s plan to give cash payments to some New Yorkers, and Coffey responded with a statement citing Adams' past as a registered Republican and calling him an “enabler” of the Independent Democratic Conference — a group of breakaway Democrats in the state Senate who caucused with Republicans giving them control of the chamber for years

“That’s a lovely standard, especially coming from a candidate who never voted in a city election, but who has the ‘chutzpah’ to criticize someone [who] voted for one city Dem over another,” Shapiro tweeted, referring to the fact that Yang has skipped voting in a number of local elections."
"“I’ve noticed that every time I tweet something about Andrew Yang, I get besieged by comments from Twitter handles, very few of which have names and faces associated with them, very many of which have numbers in their names, and virtually none of which appear to be actual people living in New York,” Loeser said in an interview. “I believe in the scientific method. I have a hypothesis that most of the support that Andrew Yang has online are either not verifiable people, or at least not New Yorkers.”"
it's a tough campaign, but so is life. life's tough, life's vicious
Those are qualities we attribute to life. It is an illusory, but disastrously common error.
Life is life; projecting human values, emotions, etc., only makes it seem like something it isn't.
This may be done in large part because it is so difficult to find common ground on verbiage to describe how life really is.
In fact, it is inherently impossible.
I feel sorry for him. Women who have given birth and passed kidney stones say the kidney stone was more painful.
I had two kidney stones.
I named them Mick and Keith.
after John Leguizamo endorsed Yang, Yang called him "one of the most quintessential New Yorkers ever!"

after Congressman Ritchie Torres endorsed Yang, Yang praised him this way: "imagine being a Congressman at 32. that's bananas!"

after Hawaii 5-0 actor Daniel Dae Kim endorsed Yang, Yang called him "a great guy"

it's called BROMANCE!

learn, Don't Taz Me Bro, learn!


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