Leading Republican Presidential Candidates Bums!


Platinum Member
Jun 6, 2007
The last Republican Presidential debate underscores what has been occurring in the Republican primary this election cycle instead of saying and committing to do what is good the front runners are pandering to major Republican voting blocs in both their perspective and responses on the issues and besides this being really wrong if they do this as President America won't make the needed headway in solving its many serious problems and they will cause other serious problems. This could be seen in Trump's response during the debate when he said tens of thousand of the immigrants have ISIS flags on their cell phones Trump is implying this number of immigrants are radical Islamists ISIS supporters; this is baloney these immigrants are fleeing ISIS sure America has to screen the immigrants carefully because as ISIS representatives have said they will try to sneak their agents in but Trump is just fear mongering here! Trump in the debate again said he would kill the spouses of the 911 attackers and other radical Islamist that kill Americans; this is unjust you cannot penalize one person for the actions of another that is basic morality what Trump is doing here is playing on American fears that this radical Islamist threat is not individuals that have turned to evil it is whole families and communities that have turned to this evil of killing innocent people based on some distorted view of the Muslim religion. Trump commented during the debate that America was wrong to go into Iraq because now the Middle East is destabilized it is a total mess; of course it was wrong to go into Iraq because Iraq did not have WMDs the justification for going in but Iraq is not a mess ISIS needs to be defeated in the west and northern part of the country and they definitely will the only issue is the time frame and the Iraq Prime Minister al Badi is a good man unlike the bigot previous Prime minister Nouri al Maliki and the leading cleric in Iraq Grand Ayatollah Ali al Sistani is likewise a virtuous man and both men along with the coalescing powers in Iraq have the capacity to make it so all major sects can live together prosperously and the country is on track to succeed. Mr. Trump during the debate said America should have taken the Iraqi oil and further said everybody is now saying this; only stupid people are saying this if America would have taken the oil we would have acted like a pre-twentieth century colonial power and the Middle East and Developing World would have hated America for it. Mr. Trump during the debate said America should not go after Assad in Syria because America can only do one thing at a time and this one thing should be defeating ISIS in Syria; this is a pretty scary thought process for a person that wants to be President that does not believe America's national security team cannot have multi-task missions in a country a candidate for President should be of a mind set that I can get America to respond to whatever and how many national security threats it faces I don't limit America's capacity to protect its interest!

This could be seen in Ted Cruz's response when he said Obama, Clinton and Washington Republicans search in Syria is a search for mythical moderate rebels this search is like a search for a purple unicorn. There is many moderate rebels in Syria many of these rebels are just ordinary Syrians seeking to rid Syria of the Assad family police state that existed before the rebellion. One could write a small book on Ted Cruz's wrongful statements during the debate.

It is really tragic the number of Republican voters supporting Donald Trump can't they see they are putting their hopes in a man that is not reliably good he is so obsessive about getting the great deal what bad terms will he agree to to get these deals he can claim are great. There is the right way to restore the American dream of a good job to all Americans you do it by helping big and small businesses flourish you don't do it by eliminating the safety net and the helping-hand programs provided by the government the only way it can be done is through moderate pace and steady improvements for employment there is no quick fixes these politicians like Trump that promise quick fixes will leave too many people behind and the fixes won't last! To those Americans that want America to be a good country to be all it can be to be that "shining city on the hill" that President Reagan spoke of America needs a President who has a really good make-up really good character really good virtue! Donald Trump is not that person he will throw huge numbers of American's out on the curb, he tries to cover it up but he is a holder of the far right ideology that American society is a place where largely free competition reigns completely across the board where people need to fend for themselves government has little role in protecting people from the harshness, out matching forces and abuses of such a world! In part this is evidenced by Mr. Trumps remarks in the second to last debate when he says Americans make too much money and the following days when he stood by that remark and further added that Americans are going to need to work really really hard (under a Trump Presidency)!

The American electorate needs to stop seeing Donald Trump as this savior of America it is understandable them reaching for one for our political system is a disaster it's dysfunctional and often fails dramatically to act virtuously. Americans need to remember things can get much worse in America than what they are today; the President is an enormously powerful person for he runs the executive branch of government and can sign bills into law if he or she has bad judgment needless to say America is in real trouble. The President needs to be a person of truly good character and make-up because of this power he or she holds and Mr. Trump certainly does not fit the bill!

For the last debate the media and others really have given Jeb Bush a hard time about Jeb Bush's criticism of Mr. Trumps character during the debate calling it a desperate tactic to try to save a dying campaign. This is totally off the mark Jeb deserves the highest praise for such effort. Donald Trump does not have the make-up to be President of the United States Donald Trump is not fit from a character standpoint to be President. All the candidates should be going after Mr. Trump in the debates from a character and make-up standpoint like Jeb Bush. It is going to be tragically too late when high numbers of Americans are being killed at the hands of radical Islamic terrorist activity as a result of President Trump's mouth and history once Donald Trump is in Office!
It appears he doesn't like Trump.

OP, out of curiosity, is English not your first language?

In any event, I'm sorry to be the one to tell you this, but a large portion of the Rep's are seeing the cost of our rising debt due to various social programs to "help others" and we're also seeing how ineffective such programs are for helping "America." A lot want to return to when one was responsible for not only their own actions, but also their own lives. Many do not desire to have the government "babysit" them, and tell them what is "best" for them.

A lot are also tired of "playing games" with immigration and the war in the ME. A lot feel that if we're going to go to the ME, then we need to take the gloves off and punch ISIS in the face, rather than just slap them with our gloves... A lot also do not feel that America has a "duty" to take care of the folks fleeing their countries to come here, especially given the financial and cultural state of the EU since they started taking so many in. A lot really don't like that they come here and almost immediately get on welfare and other social programs which our taxes pay, not for foreigners, but rather we pay that for our fellow Americans. Then, on top of that, of course, the security issue of possible terrorists mixed in with them.

As for your personal opinions of Donald Trump's personality and "moral" character, what do you base that on? The flat out lies being told by the media, or have you actually listened to what he's said /before/ he got on the campaign trail? He's done thousands of interviews, JS.
Is it that hard for people to see that Trump is a fascist? His intent is to create a business culture favoring the elite. Wake up.

Is it that hard for people to see that Trump is a fascist? His intent is to create a business culture favoring the elite. Wake up.

You are a funny, small minded man. I believe I will be putting you on ignore very quickly.

Reaganism has been doing exactly what he is suggesting for the past 35 years. Destroying the unions, attacking the minimum wage, hating on education and handing more control to the big corporations.
Is it that hard for people to see that Trump is a fascist? His intent is to create a business culture favoring the elite. Wake up.

You are a funny, small minded man. I believe I will be putting you on ignore very quickly.

Reaganism has been doing exactly what he is suggesting for the past 35 years. Destroying the unions, attacking the minimum wage, hating on education and handing more control to the big corporations.
Bullshit. Unions have destroyed themselves. They priced themselves out of existence.

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