Leaked Audio: Trump Admits He Feared Running Against Bernie


Diamond Member
Jun 6, 2018
In Leaked Recording, Donald Trump Admits He Feared Running Against Bernie Sanders In 2016

As everyone is talking about this "electability" thing and who is the candidate that can beat Trump -- the democrat establishment continues to think they know best about who is electable -- and the democrat establishment continues to do everything in their power to prevent a true progressive from being on the ballot...

"Trump told his confidants that he was glad former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton picked Tim Kaine as running mate instead of Sanders. Sanders, the president told his associates, would have been a much tougher opponent because of his position on trade. “You know he basically says we’re getting screwed on trade. And he’s right. Had she picked Bernie Sanders it would’ve been tougher. He’s the only one I didn’t want her to pick.”

If Trump thinks that trade is the only position that he is vulnerable on in comparison to Bernie -- he is delusional...All of Bernie's top policy positions have majority support over whatever top policy positions Trump has -- expanding Medicare and Social Security -- America is for it, Trump wants to cut it...Student loan debt and debt forgiveness in general -- America is for it, Trump via Betsy Devos wants Americans to be strapped with even more debt -- and on a debate stage, Trump's juvenile name call attacks to compensate for the fact he has no policy understanding -- Sanders will obliterate him on a debate stage if all Trump does is troll on the stage...

So as Trump obsesses over Biden -- we progressives love it -- it only weakens Biden and helps Sanders -- who is currently ahead in the early primary states --- and in a head to head battle, Trump will NOT win a policy debate -- he will most certainly have to resort to demonizing Sanders as some inhuman evil communist Stalinist dictator Hitler secret Muslim terrorist who eats puppies while praising Satan....
Trump would have no problem running against Bernie

Just Commie, Commie, Commie
In Leaked Recording, Donald Trump Admits He Feared Running Against Bernie Sanders In 2016

As everyone is talking about this "electability" thing and who is the candidate that can beat Trump -- the democrat establishment continues to think they know best about who is electable -- and the democrat establishment continues to do everything in their power to prevent a true progressive from being on the ballot...

"Trump told his confidants that he was glad former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton picked Tim Kaine as running mate instead of Sanders. Sanders, the president told his associates, would have been a much tougher opponent because of his position on trade. “You know he basically says we’re getting screwed on trade. And he’s right. Had she picked Bernie Sanders it would’ve been tougher. He’s the only one I didn’t want her to pick.”

If Trump thinks that trade is the only position that he is vulnerable on in comparison to Bernie -- he is delusional...All of Bernie's top policy positions have majority support over whatever top policy positions Trump has -- expanding Medicare and Social Security -- America is for it, Trump wants to cut it...Student loan debt and debt forgiveness in general -- America is for it, Trump via Betsy Devos wants Americans to be strapped with even more debt -- and on a debate stage, Trump's juvenile name call attacks to compensate for the fact he has no policy understanding -- Sanders will obliterate him on a debate stage if all Trump does is troll on the stage...

So as Trump obsesses over Biden -- we progressives love it -- it only weakens Biden and helps Sanders -- who is currently ahead in the early primary states --- and in a head to head battle, Trump will NOT win a policy debate -- he will most certainly have to resort to demonizing Sanders as some inhuman evil communist Stalinist dictator Hitler secret Muslim terrorist who eats puppies while praising Satan....
Of course he would be scare. Bernie spends more time at the hospital than in the office. If you say the wrong thing to him on stage, that it might give him a heart attack.
I don't see why he is on stage in the first place.


Bernie Sanders Spoke Today About His Heart Attack—and His Purpose

Really another leak? I call BS to all these leaks
Note this is not 2016

It's a recording. I don't know if the word leak is correct in this situation. I know that lev parnas's lawyer said the other day parnas has more recordings. He also said that those recordings will be released. parnas has permission from the court to release evidence. That's not a leak.

You don't believe trump when he says something? You don't know the sound of trump's voice when you hear it?

Trump would destroy Commie Commie Commie Sanders. I hope he is the nominee. As a bonus, it would all but assure a retaking of the House.
I like Bernie because he’s brutally angry and honest.
I would never vote for him because his current policies would increase my taxes above my income level.
In Leaked Recording, Donald Trump Admits He Feared Running Against Bernie Sanders In 2016

As everyone is talking about this "electability" thing and who is the candidate that can beat Trump -- the democrat establishment continues to think they know best about who is electable -- and the democrat establishment continues to do everything in their power to prevent a true progressive from being on the ballot...

"Trump told his confidants that he was glad former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton picked Tim Kaine as running mate instead of Sanders. Sanders, the president told his associates, would have been a much tougher opponent because of his position on trade. “You know he basically says we’re getting screwed on trade. And he’s right. Had she picked Bernie Sanders it would’ve been tougher. He’s the only one I didn’t want her to pick.”

If Trump thinks that trade is the only position that he is vulnerable on in comparison to Bernie -- he is delusional...All of Bernie's top policy positions have majority support over whatever top policy positions Trump has -- expanding Medicare and Social Security -- America is for it, Trump wants to cut it...Student loan debt and debt forgiveness in general -- America is for it, Trump via Betsy Devos wants Americans to be strapped with even more debt -- and on a debate stage, Trump's juvenile name call attacks to compensate for the fact he has no policy understanding -- Sanders will obliterate him on a debate stage if all Trump does is troll on the stage...

So as Trump obsesses over Biden -- we progressives love it -- it only weakens Biden and helps Sanders -- who is currently ahead in the early primary states --- and in a head to head battle, Trump will NOT win a policy debate -- he will most certainly have to resort to demonizing Sanders as some inhuman evil communist Stalinist dictator Hitler secret Muslim terrorist who eats puppies while praising Satan....

But when the dems fucked bernie, he took it like a bitch and fell into line. And you progressives did too.

If they do it again, you will take it again.
I like Bernie because he’s brutally angry and honest.
I would never vote for him because his current policies would increase my taxes above my income level.
He isn't a honest person. And the angry act is to portray himself as that strict grandfather on the old show The Walton's. Bernie is just another actor like the rest of them.

Really another leak? I call BS to all these leaks
Note this is not 2016
Bernie got screwed by his own party....he was definitely the guy to choose especially back in 16 when he had massive momentum. There's no way you're gonna tell me that Hillary beat him in Cali....that had to be the preview of Dominion bullshit and vote shifting.
Bernie got screwed by his own party....he was definitely the guy to choose especially back in 16 when he had massive momentum. There's no way you're gonna tell me that Hillary beat him in Cali....that had to be the preview of Dominion bullshit and vote shifting.

Bernie has no party - he is an independent.
Bernie had momentum on The University Campus , Media and a few lunatic cities -

He never had a chance in any national election.

He keeps getting elected in a state that is less populated than my metro area and in a state that is 98% white.
^^^ Forgive me if this is a dumb question, but is there a limit on how many times a person can run? Earlier this week I saw a bumper sticker that said, "Bernie Sanders was once kicked out of a commune for being too lazy."

God bless you and him always!!!

^^^ Forgive me if this is a dumb question, but is there a limit on how many times a person can run? Earlier this week I saw a bumper sticker that said, "Bernie Sanders was once kicked out of a commune for being too lazy."

God bless you and him always!!!

He was kicked out of a kibbutz for being lazy.
Bernie has no party - he is an independent.
Bernie had momentum on The University Campus , Media and a few lunatic cities -

He never had a chance in any national election.

He keeps getting elected in a state that is less populated than my metro area and in a state that is 98% white.
He ran on the Dem ticket and was probably more popular than Clinton in 16 in Cali.....another example of a stolen election.
Trump said nothing about fear. He said Bernie would’ve been a more difficult opponent due to his views on trade. Why lie?
Lefty likes to do the word sculpting thing. It's a propaganda technique.Take a synonym that is more aggressive than the word you're already using to create an effect. It just barely escapes being untrue but definitely has the intention to be false.

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