Leaked memo: DACA recipients are criticle to Democrats future electoral success


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
LEAKED MEMO: DACA Recipients Are 'Critical' to Democrats' 'Future Electoral Success'
The Center For American Progress (CAP) Action Fund circulated a memo on Monday calling illegal immigrants brought here at a young age — so-called “Dreamers” — a “critical component of the Democratic Party’s future electoral success.”

Most of us who aren't sheep already knew they were using illegals as their tools to give more democratic morons higher voting percentages. Well, well you filth are busted again in your crookedness............
they're all the same.
LEAKED MEMO: DACA Recipients Are 'Critical' to Democrats' 'Future Electoral Success'
The Center For American Progress (CAP) Action Fund circulated a memo on Monday calling illegal immigrants brought here at a young age — so-called “Dreamers” — a “critical component of the Democratic Party’s future electoral success.”

Most of us who aren't sheep already knew they were using illegals as their tools to give more democratic morons higher voting percentages. Well, well you filth are busted again in your crookedness............
they're all the same.
Just remember what I have said before. When you kill 33,000 unborn future democrat voters each month though planned parenthood, the democrats need to find another place where low information voters can come from.
Oddly, Trump seems quite eager to have DACA passed based on the live video negotiation that CNN showed. I have a feeling Trump might be in trouble with his base and it was an odd time to allow the cameras in for these negotiations, CNN was giddy after the meeting, especially when Trump said "put a DACA Bill in front of me and I will sign it", even went so far as to say he would "take the heat" on the decisions.

I've been fairly accurate so far, and I want to believe he is going to be strong on American law, but I am guessing this position is going to hurt their chances n 2018 and 2020. Along with a (so far) failure to change or rip up NAFTA, he is opening the party up to an easy counter by the Democrats, "see he promised this and that and didn't keep his promises!. I will keep the faith, but CNN is WAY too happy after this meeting, but I felt this was always going to be their approach.

I mean watch CNN right now, absolutely excited. They are seeing Trumps base being split, and a massive influx of Democratic voters with DACA.
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LEAKED MEMO: DACA Recipients Are 'Critical' to Democrats' 'Future Electoral Success'
The Center For American Progress (CAP) Action Fund circulated a memo on Monday calling illegal immigrants brought here at a young age — so-called “Dreamers” — a “critical component of the Democratic Party’s future electoral success.”

Most of us who aren't sheep already knew they were using illegals as their tools to give more democratic morons higher voting percentages. Well, well you filth are busted again in your crookedness............
they're all the same.
Why in hell would they vote for a party that includes the likes of your attitude?
LEAKED MEMO: DACA Recipients Are 'Critical' to Democrats' 'Future Electoral Success'
The Center For American Progress (CAP) Action Fund circulated a memo on Monday calling illegal immigrants brought here at a young age — so-called “Dreamers” — a “critical component of the Democratic Party’s future electoral success.”

Most of us who aren't sheep already knew they were using illegals as their tools to give more democratic morons higher voting percentages. Well, well you filth are busted again in your crookedness............
they're all the same.
Why in hell would they vote for a party that includes the likes of your attitude?
Which is why we don't want people here who shouldn't be here. Don't give a shit if Obummber invited them, they don't belong here..
Look, I don't think you can just throw out people who have never even seen teir home country before. It's a bit of a stretch and for no fault of their own they are in America.

I do believe though, as a great negotiator, Trump should not basically give them free reign to sign anything that is brought to him, he needs to realize that HI party is the governing party.

Maybe he was doing this to tell the world "hey look, I told THEM to get it done, THEY failed, not me". Regardless, he needs that wall and he needs his merit based system. I agree with him here. He also has to realize, the Dems need this extra base of voters to beat him, he has to be very careful about how he does this.

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