Learning to do maintenance work on my car

Kinda close.
No cigar.
Weird looking . Not like my Chevy. But the hose is up in the air......I normally hang mine up til I'm done. put the grease on the clips and caliper when I manually depress them with a c clamp.
Weird looking . Not like my Chevy. But the hose is up in the air......I normally hang mine up til I'm done. put the grease on the clips and caliper when I manually depress them with a c clamp.
You are so close.
(except for the bolts, the caliper is in place)
I worked with a guy who replaced a head gasket in a Mazda. After, it wouldn't crank. He left shop rags stuffed in the cylinders.

Somebody did that same thing a while back over on the car forum. lolol.

That sucks to have to do once, much less take all apart again.

Ah well. What are you gonna do? Still beats paying some other cat a couple grand.

I gotta take my dog to the vet again. This is two days this week I've had to go in there. He looks like he went five rounds wiht Mike Tyson. Eye's all swoled shut, welts all over his face. Dunno if he got stung or it's an alergy or what. Later...

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