Leave mummy alone shock vido shows mother arrested her screaming child ripped fro her arms by Sydney plice for violating lockdown order


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
This was difficult to watch.

A mother was arrested near Parliament of New South Wales in Sydney, Australia on Saturday for peacefully protesting the Coronavirus lockdown order.
“Leave Mummy Alone!” – Shock Video Shows Mother Arrested, Her Screaming Child Ripped From Her Arms by Sydney Police For Violating Lockdown Order

Oh but those cops weren't wearing a mask either now were they! How cann you leftist loon not see how this is the takiinng of GLOBAL rights which means a " new world order you asses" ...

The left can't wait until that comes here.

They are uusing the virus to take your rights.
A vital distinction is that here in America, we have a Constitution which explicitly affirms a number of essential rights, including the right to peaceably assemble, as well as freedom of speech. Not that it is, at this point, stopping the criminals who infest various levels of government here from violating these rights, but here, the actions of these criminals are blatantly illegal, and we have reason to hope that eventually, they will be held accountable for them.

Australians have no such protection in their country.

A new encouraging sign has come to my attention today. So far, all I've seen is a video of the incident, lacking some crucial details about who, where, when, and what. But what it appears to show is police trying to arrest a woman on a beach for protesting, and a mob of perhaps a hundred of other protesters intervening. This supposedly was somewhere in California.

Australians do have a right to assemble, it is just laid out in a more rational manner than the American right. Ours balances civilised social interaction and individual freedom.

We do not want the sort of chaos the US has.

"The right of peaceful assembly shall be recognised. No restrictions may be placed on the exercise of this right other than those imposed in conformity with the law and which are necessary in a democratic society in the interests of national security or public safety, public order ( ordre public), the protection of public health or morals or the protection of the rights and freedoms of others."

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Australians do have a right to assemble, it is just laid out in a more rational manner than the American right. Ours balances civilised social interaction and individual freedom.

We do not want the sort of chaos the US has.

And we, in the US, do not want the sort of tyranny and corruption that pervades shithole counties such as yours.

Our forebears fought, and many of them died, to establish our right, as a nation, not to be like the degenerate savage tyrannies from which we broke off.

"The right of peaceful assembly shall be recognised. No restrictions may be placed on the exercise of this right other than those imposed in conformity with the law and which are necessary in a democratic society in the interests of national security or public safety, public order ( ordre public), the protection of public health or morals or the protection of the rights and freedoms of others."

So your “right” isn't really treated as a right at all. It is followed by a statement that begins with “No restrictions may be placed on the exercise of this right other than those…” and then goes on to make such broad, open-ended statements of exception that really, what it amounts to, is that government has the power to violate this “right” for any reason that it can claim is in the public good. Pretty much what you wrongfully and deceitfully tried to make of the General Welfare clause in our Constitution; a broad license for government to completely disregard the rules and rights otherwise established.

Our Constitution gives no such license to government. It sets forth the rules by which government is to operate, and the rights which government is forbidden from violating, and does not anywhere give government license to disregard these; the corrupt and illegal acts of power-crazed criminals who infest various positions of power notwithstanding.
You see Bob, all rights have restrictions.

It is a difficult concept for barbarians to understand, but it is a condition of human rights in the first place.

Including American rights.

You can assemble, but you cannot riot, you can gather, but you cannot hinder traffic or commerce, you can protest, but you cannot block others from protesting, you can gather, but you cannot gather in criminal gangs for the purpose of crime.

All rights have restrictions Bob, this is otherwise known as civilisation.

It is just America has not rational agreement or even understanding of what civilisation is.
And we, in the US, do not want the sort of tyranny and corruption that pervades shithole counties such as yours.

Our forebears fought, and many of them died, to establish our right, as a nation, not to be like the degenerate savage tyrannies from which we broke off.

Seriously Bob. I'm a NZer living in Australia. Both those countries have much more freedoms in practical terms than that rag written 233 years ago by entitled rich white slave owners gives you.
You can assemble, but you cannot riot, you can gather, but you cannot hinder traffic or commerce, you can protest, but you cannot block others from protesting, you can gather, but you cannot gather in criminal gangs for the purpose of crime.

Right. And as stated in our Constitution, the right to assemble has one and only one condition. The assembly must be peaceable.

You've given a list of non-peaceable forms of assembly, which the right, as stated in our Constitution, clearly excludes.

All rights have restrictions Bob, this is otherwise known as civilisation.

Your version of “civilisation”, is when good people keep their mouths shut and do only what Big Brother tells them to do, say only what Big Brother tells them to say and think only what Big Brother tells them to think.

That's not civilization; that's tyranny. And my ancestors fought a war to free us from it.
The article at the beginning of this thread includes a video showing a woman being arrested for peacefully protesting. She was not causing any harm, danger, or violation of rights to anyone else.

Here in America, our Constitution, which is our highest law, explicitly asserts this as a right belonging to the people, and absolutely forbids government from violating this right. Period. No excuses, and no exceptions.

In Australia, where this horrendous violation of basic human rights took place, there is no such protection. Your have a law stating this right, but giving your government open-ended license to disregard it if it thinks it can make any excuse based on some abstract “common good”.

This is the difference between a truly civilized and advanced society, such as the United States, and a backward, savage, tyrannical shithole, like Australia, or most of Europe. This is what the great men who founded this country were rebelling against, to do so.
The article at the beginning of this thread includes a video showing a woman being arrested for peacefully protesting. She was not causing any harm, danger, or violation of rights to anyone else.

Here in America, our Constitution, which is our highest law, explicitly asserts this as a right belonging to the people, and absolutely forbids government from violating this right. Period. No excuses, and no exceptions.

In Australia, where this horrendous violation of basic human rights took place, there is no such protection. Your have a law stating this right, but giving your government open-ended license to disregard it if it thinks it can make any excuse based on some abstract “common good”.

This is the difference between a truly civilized and advanced society, such as the United States, and a backward, savage, tyrannical shithole, like Australia, or most of Europe. This is what the great men who founded this country were rebelling against, to do so.

And African American men get hunted down like animals in the USA every day, that says little about the fundamental aspirations of the society or what it is premised on.

Your idea of America is you can do what ever you want when ever you want no matter how it endangers your fellow Americans.

You will bare no burden, you will pay no price personally for your country.

We in Australia have a more sophisticated concept of freedom, it actually requires some personal responsibility and social cooperation.
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You can assemble, but you cannot riot, you can gather, but you cannot hinder traffic or commerce, you can protest, but you cannot block others from protesting, you can gather, but you cannot gather in criminal gangs for the purpose of crime.

Right. And as stated in our Constitution, the right to assemble has one and only one condition. The assembly must be peaceable.

You've given a list of non-peaceable forms of assembly, which the right, as stated in our Constitution, clearly excludes.

All rights have restrictions Bob, this is otherwise known as civilisation.

Your version of “civilisation”, is when good people keep their mouths shut and do only what Big Brother tells them to do, say only what Big Brother tells them to say and think only what Big Brother tells them to think.

That's not civilization; that's tyranny. And my ancestors fought a war to free us from it.

Well in a pandemic, gather together and spreading a virus throughout your society is hardly peaceful.

Being an agent of mass death is not peace.

Still there are all sorts of restrictions on peaceful protest in the USA, you cannot stop commerce, if you do you can be arrested, you cannot endanger public safety even if the protest is peaceful, if you do there are legal grounds for arrest.

No right anywhere in the world is unlimited.

In Australia, where this horrendous violation of basic human rights took place, there is no such protection. Your have a law stating this right, but giving your government open-ended license to disregard it if it thinks it can make any excuse based on some abstract “common good”.

and this is exactly what I meant by Australia having better freedoms than the US. I can post literally hundreds of YouTube videos of US police arresting peaceful protesters, shooting innocent people, entering houses without a warrant, I could go on.
Mind you NSW police are pretty primitive, I will concede that.

Too much fermented Vegemite lattes in the morning.

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