Lebanese President: We need an armed Hezbollah

The Christians in Lebanon support Hezbollah. They know it is only Hezbollah that deters Israel from invading Lebanon again.

What do Lebanese Christians think of the Hezbollah

the area of Lebanon occupied by Iranian supported, controlled and armed Hezbollah is that area which is south of the LITANI RIVER------It is a wasteland---having no industry, agriculture or natural resources that can support a population without a HUGE monetary and material INPUT from elsewhere------the people even have to get their drinking water from ELSEWHERE. The only reason that Hezbollah is there is because that land is close to Northern Israel------a strategic place for ATTACK. The situation is very similar to the IMPLANTATION of Hezbollah in Yemen----a strategic area for ATTACK upon Saudi Arabia. As to the Hezbollah enclave in Lebanon------other than the Hezbollah dogs and pigs that lie around there scratching their stinking asses-------there are also impoverished Lebanese that were lured there------MONEY WISE-----also supported by Iran to act as show and buffer. There ain't no other reason for anyone to live in the strip of waste land that lies just north of Israel. Somehow ---little monte FORGOT to tell us about the CONSTANT BARRAGE OF
MISSILES ---upon Christians over there south of the LItani river that JUSTIFIES the ass scratching Hezbollah scum. (we got lots of Lebanese Christians in my
town------I have been conversant with Lebanese Christians for the past 60
years---------we have some Yemeni muslims----hubby was born there----he has
been conversant with them for the past five years)--------I do hope that you are
getting some sort of compensation for tossing your shit into cyberspace, monte.
lol. irosie. So as you know every Yemeni, Syrian, Iraqi and Israeli, you of course know every Lebanese and they all oppose Hezbollah, right?

you are LOSING it capt. blei------where did I write that I know EVERY Yemeni and EVERY Lebanese Christian. I, SIMPLY, have a statistically significant
sampling of that group------that of those who now live in the USA. You should
re-read Monte's copy and paste (she got it from a propaganda blog)----she KNOWS what ALL LEBANESE CHRISTIANS BELIEVE----purportedly IN Lebanon. A fair sampling of Yemenis SPIT at the word Hezbollah----here in
the USA. ----------I was never in either Yemen or Lebanon.
You also claim the American Syrians oppose Assad which is nonsense as well. You always lie, lie and lie.


Probably all your personal stories, that one of your childhood in Adolftown for example, are bullshit, either.
The Christians in Lebanon support Hezbollah. They know it is only Hezbollah that deters Israel from invading Lebanon again.

What do Lebanese Christians think of the Hezbollah

the area of Lebanon occupied by Iranian supported, controlled and armed Hezbollah is that area which is south of the LITANI RIVER------It is a wasteland---having no industry, agriculture or natural resources that can support a population without a HUGE monetary and material INPUT from elsewhere------the people even have to get their drinking water from ELSEWHERE. The only reason that Hezbollah is there is because that land is close to Northern Israel------a strategic place for ATTACK. The situation is very similar to the IMPLANTATION of Hezbollah in Yemen----a strategic area for ATTACK upon Saudi Arabia. As to the Hezbollah enclave in Lebanon------other than the Hezbollah dogs and pigs that lie around there scratching their stinking asses-------there are also impoverished Lebanese that were lured there------MONEY WISE-----also supported by Iran to act as show and buffer. There ain't no other reason for anyone to live in the strip of waste land that lies just north of Israel. Somehow ---little monte FORGOT to tell us about the CONSTANT BARRAGE OF
MISSILES ---upon Christians over there south of the LItani river that JUSTIFIES the ass scratching Hezbollah scum. (we got lots of Lebanese Christians in my
town------I have been conversant with Lebanese Christians for the past 60
years---------we have some Yemeni muslims----hubby was born there----he has
been conversant with them for the past five years)--------I do hope that you are
getting some sort of compensation for tossing your shit into cyberspace, monte.
lol. irosie. So as you know every Yemeni, Syrian, Iraqi and Israeli, you of course know every Lebanese and they all oppose Hezbollah, right?

you are LOSING it capt. blei------where did I write that I know EVERY Yemeni and EVERY Lebanese Christian. I, SIMPLY, have a statistically significant
sampling of that group------that of those who now live in the USA. You should
re-read Monte's copy and paste (she got it from a propaganda blog)----she KNOWS what ALL LEBANESE CHRISTIANS BELIEVE----purportedly IN Lebanon. A fair sampling of Yemenis SPIT at the word Hezbollah----here in
the USA. ----------I was never in either Yemen or Lebanon.
You also claim the American Syrians oppose Assad which is nonsense as well. You always lie, lie and lie.


Probably all your personal stories, that one of your childhood in Adolftown for example, are bullshit, either.

wrong again------HOWEVER------just about all the Syrians I have known in the USA have been either Christians or Jews. ----I cannot recall any Syrian muslims------and MOST of the Lebanese people I have known in the USA are either Christians or Jews .. I am not actually conversant with Yemeni muslims-----hubby is. There was a time----in my childhood----that I ASSUMED that both Turkey and
Syria were Christian countries------and lots of the Syrians were NAZIS----because
the Nazi literature I read as a child came out of Syria-----and the Syrians I knew wore crosses-----with extra lines-----like the YUGOSLAVIANS --------(my interaction with people from the Balkans consisted of the girls next door----they
celebrated Easter on a DIFFERENT DAY-------Christmas too---but they kinda
adapted---------they hated catholics --------I was so fascinated with all this
confusing stuff---it took me YEARS ----to figure it all out. I never lie) I should add-----that I now assume that my Yugoslavian playmates were probably SERBS----as an adult I ran into Croatians---they are catholics. You should get around a little more, capt blei
The Christians in Lebanon support Hezbollah. They know it is only Hezbollah that deters Israel from invading Lebanon again.

What do Lebanese Christians think of the Hezbollah

the area of Lebanon occupied by Iranian supported, controlled and armed Hezbollah is that area which is south of the LITANI RIVER------It is a wasteland---having no industry, agriculture or natural resources that can support a population without a HUGE monetary and material INPUT from elsewhere------the people even have to get their drinking water from ELSEWHERE. The only reason that Hezbollah is there is because that land is close to Northern Israel------a strategic place for ATTACK. The situation is very similar to the IMPLANTATION of Hezbollah in Yemen----a strategic area for ATTACK upon Saudi Arabia. As to the Hezbollah enclave in Lebanon------other than the Hezbollah dogs and pigs that lie around there scratching their stinking asses-------there are also impoverished Lebanese that were lured there------MONEY WISE-----also supported by Iran to act as show and buffer. There ain't no other reason for anyone to live in the strip of waste land that lies just north of Israel. Somehow ---little monte FORGOT to tell us about the CONSTANT BARRAGE OF
MISSILES ---upon Christians over there south of the LItani river that JUSTIFIES the ass scratching Hezbollah scum. (we got lots of Lebanese Christians in my
town------I have been conversant with Lebanese Christians for the past 60
years---------we have some Yemeni muslims----hubby was born there----he has
been conversant with them for the past five years)--------I do hope that you are
getting some sort of compensation for tossing your shit into cyberspace, monte.
lol. irosie. So as you know every Yemeni, Syrian, Iraqi and Israeli, you of course know every Lebanese and they all oppose Hezbollah, right?

you are LOSING it capt. blei------where did I write that I know EVERY Yemeni and EVERY Lebanese Christian. I, SIMPLY, have a statistically significant
sampling of that group------that of those who now live in the USA. You should
re-read Monte's copy and paste (she got it from a propaganda blog)----she KNOWS what ALL LEBANESE CHRISTIANS BELIEVE----purportedly IN Lebanon. A fair sampling of Yemenis SPIT at the word Hezbollah----here in
the USA. ----------I was never in either Yemen or Lebanon.
You also claim the American Syrians oppose Assad which is nonsense as well. You always lie, lie and lie.


Probably all your personal stories, that one of your childhood in Adolftown for example, are bullshit, either.

wrong again------HOWEVER------just about all the Syrians I have known in the USA have been either Christians or Jews. ----I cannot recall any Syrian muslims------and MOST of the Lebanese people I have known in the USA are either Christians or Jews .. I am not actually conversant with Yemeni muslims-----hubby is. There was a time----in my childhood----that I ASSUMED that both Turkey and
Syria were Christian countries------and lots of the Syrians were NAZIS----because
the Nazi literature I read as a child came out of Syria-----and the Syrians I knew wore crosses-----with extra lines-----like the YUGOSLAVIANS --------(my interaction with people from the Balkans consisted of the girls next door----they
celebrated Easter on a DIFFERENT DAY-------Christmas too---but they kinda
adapted---------they hated catholics --------I was so fascinated with all this
confusing stuff---it took me YEARS ----to figure it all out. I never lie) I should add-----that I now assume that my Yugoslavian playmates were probably SERBS----as an adult I ran into Croatians---they are catholics. You should get around a little more, capt blei
Particularly the Syrian Christians support Assad.

"US President Barack Obama surprised his visitors, the delegation of Eastern Christians patriarchs, on Thursday when he told them that Syrian President Bashar al-Assad “protected the Christians in Syria.” Obama met with the delegation in the White House for 35 minutes, during which the patriarchs presented a paper in which they exposed the situation of Christians in the Middle East and the threats and challenges they are facing, due in part to the expansion of the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS) militant group.

Sources told Al-Akhbar that the highlight of the meeting was when Obama said the following phrase: “We know that President Bashar al-Assad protected Christians in Syria.”

Obama then used the term “the Syrian government” instead of “regime,” which is usually used by the US to describe the government in Syria.

The confused attendees could not believe what they heard. However, one of the guests addressed Obama and said: “Then you should stop talking about a moderate Syrian opposition.”

Obama spoke about the planned US airstrikes in Syria, claiming that they will help “facilitate the (Syrian) political process.”

The US president then reiterated his country’s “support for the Lebanese army,” explaining that the “weaponry the US gave to the Lebanese army is the best response to ISIS in Lebanon.”"

Obama: “we Know That President Bashar Al-assad Protected Christians In Syria.”
----the white house did not ask me about the Mujahadeen in Afghanistan
either-----in the 1980s--------BIG MISTAKE. ------in fact----the White House
did not ask me about SADAAM HUSSEIN-----circa 1970
----the white house did not ask me about the Mujahadeen in Afghanistan
either-----in the 1980s--------BIG MISTAKE. ------in fact----the White House
did not ask me about SADAAM HUSSEIN-----circa 1970
We all know that the Baath Party was in charge when Hussein became President and that he was supported and used against Iran by the US.

Al-Qaeda, whose name was the Mujahideen (Translation: Fighters of Jihad) back then, was created, trained and equipped by the CIA to fight the Russians.
----the white house did not ask me about the Mujahadeen in Afghanistan
either-----in the 1980s--------BIG MISTAKE. ------in fact----the White House
did not ask me about SADAAM HUSSEIN-----circa 1970
We all know that the Baath Party was in charge when Hussein became President and that he was supported and used against Iran by the US.

what the white house ignored was that BAATHIST SADDAM was just as vile as was BAATHIST GAMAL ABDEL NASSER. In fact Baathist Saddam was worse----being a prolific supporter of world wide terrorism and a mass murderer for the BAATHIST CAUSE. "USED" by the USA???? was he that stupid?-----did
he murder kurds "FOR THE USA" too? The USA was also interested in murdering Iraqi Shiites------for why????---------I am fascinated----Baathists are in
the clutch of the USA -----what an INNOVATIVE IDEA. Russia has been routinely supporting BAATHIST LEADERS in excess of 60 years
----the white house did not ask me about the Mujahadeen in Afghanistan
either-----in the 1980s--------BIG MISTAKE. ------in fact----the White House
did not ask me about SADAAM HUSSEIN-----circa 1970
We all know that the Baath Party was in charge when Hussein became President and that he was supported and used against Iran by the US.

what the white house ignored was that BAATHIST SADDAM was just as vile as was BAATHIST GAMAL ABDEL NASSER. In fact Baathist Saddam was worse----being a prolific supporter of world wide terrorism and a mass murderer for the BAATHIST CAUSE. "USED" by the USA???? was he that stupid?-----did
he murder kurds "FOR THE USA" too? The USA was also interested in murdering Iraqi Shiites------for why????---------I am fascinated----Baathists are in
the clutch of the USA -----what an INNOVATIVE IDEA. Russia has been routinely supporting BAATHIST LEADERS in excess of 60 years
The various accusations like the baby murders are all western propaganda that replaced the support after the Iraq/Iran war.
----the white house did not ask me about the Mujahadeen in Afghanistan
either-----in the 1980s--------BIG MISTAKE. ------in fact----the White House
did not ask me about SADAAM HUSSEIN-----circa 1970
We all know that the Baath Party was in charge when Hussein became President and that he was supported and used against Iran by the US.

what the white house ignored was that BAATHIST SADDAM was just as vile as was BAATHIST GAMAL ABDEL NASSER. In fact Baathist Saddam was worse----being a prolific supporter of world wide terrorism and a mass murderer for the BAATHIST CAUSE. "USED" by the USA???? was he that stupid?-----did
he murder kurds "FOR THE USA" too? The USA was also interested in murdering Iraqi Shiites------for why????---------I am fascinated----Baathists are in
the clutch of the USA -----what an INNOVATIVE IDEA. Russia has been routinely supporting BAATHIST LEADERS in excess of 60 years
The various accusations like the baby murders are all western propaganda that replaced the support after the Iraq/Iran war.

what various accusations? --------there is some evidence that the "baby murders" of Kuwait were cooked--------what else is new? Kuwaitis are
arabs------they do "ARABIC HYPERBOLE". Did the Iranians lie about THEIR losses too? Did the CIA invent "ARABIC HYPERBOLE"? ----or farsi hyperbole?----------I hope the CIA did not invent farsi humor
----the white house did not ask me about the Mujahadeen in Afghanistan
either-----in the 1980s--------BIG MISTAKE. ------in fact----the White House
did not ask me about SADAAM HUSSEIN-----circa 1970
We all know that the Baath Party was in charge when Hussein became President and that he was supported and used against Iran by the US.

what the white house ignored was that BAATHIST SADDAM was just as vile as was BAATHIST GAMAL ABDEL NASSER. In fact Baathist Saddam was worse----being a prolific supporter of world wide terrorism and a mass murderer for the BAATHIST CAUSE. "USED" by the USA???? was he that stupid?-----did
he murder kurds "FOR THE USA" too? The USA was also interested in murdering Iraqi Shiites------for why????---------I am fascinated----Baathists are in
the clutch of the USA -----what an INNOVATIVE IDEA. Russia has been routinely supporting BAATHIST LEADERS in excess of 60 years
The various accusations like the baby murders are all western propaganda that replaced the support after the Iraq/Iran war.

what various accusations? --------there is some evidence that the "baby murders" of Kuwait were cooked--------what else is new? Kuwaitis are
arabs------they do "ARABIC HYPERBOLE". Did the Iranians lie about THEIR losses too? Did the CIA invent "ARABIC HYPERBOLE"? ----or farsi hyperbole?----------I hope the CIA did not invent farsi humor
There is no evidence of cooked babies and the "witness" withdrew her nonsense. Iran had losses, this happens in wars,
----the white house did not ask me about the Mujahadeen in Afghanistan
either-----in the 1980s--------BIG MISTAKE. ------in fact----the White House
did not ask me about SADAAM HUSSEIN-----circa 1970
We all know that the Baath Party was in charge when Hussein became President and that he was supported and used against Iran by the US.

what the white house ignored was that BAATHIST SADDAM was just as vile as was BAATHIST GAMAL ABDEL NASSER. In fact Baathist Saddam was worse----being a prolific supporter of world wide terrorism and a mass murderer for the BAATHIST CAUSE. "USED" by the USA???? was he that stupid?-----did
he murder kurds "FOR THE USA" too? The USA was also interested in murdering Iraqi Shiites------for why????---------I am fascinated----Baathists are in
the clutch of the USA -----what an INNOVATIVE IDEA. Russia has been routinely supporting BAATHIST LEADERS in excess of 60 years
The various accusations like the baby murders are all western propaganda that replaced the support after the Iraq/Iran war.

what various accusations? --------there is some evidence that the "baby murders" of Kuwait were cooked--------what else is new? Kuwaitis are
arabs------they do "ARABIC HYPERBOLE". Did the Iranians lie about THEIR losses too? Did the CIA invent "ARABIC HYPERBOLE"? ----or farsi hyperbole?----------I hope the CIA did not invent farsi humor
There is no evidence of cooked babies and the "witness" withdrew her nonsense. Iran had losses, this happens in wars,

Is English not your mother-tongue? I did not suggest that there were "cooked" babies. I suggested that the claim was "COOKED"------as in created (out of whole cloth <<<< another English expression meaning NOT TRUE) Saddam DID, INDEED invade Kuwait. I have no idea how many people were killed in that
operation. As always----I had MUSLIM acquaintances back then and got the REASONS why the GREAT HERO ----SADDAM HUSSEIN had invaded Kuwait--------such a hero -----he was only being FAIR--------since Kuwait was not, at that time, -----SUPPORTING MUSLIM ENDEAVORS ------(ie terrorism) as was SADDAM------(my informant was a remarkably CANDID young Pakistani ophthalmologist----sheeesh---another ophthalmologist) He also adored those
MARVELOUS mujahedeen in Afghanistan who were DOING SO MUCH GOOD. ----Pakistani boys. He assured me "YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND"----poor kid almost dropped dead when----later on I informed him that I am a JOOOO.
We all know that the Baath Party was in charge when Hussein became President and that he was supported and used against Iran by the US.

what the white house ignored was that BAATHIST SADDAM was just as vile as was BAATHIST GAMAL ABDEL NASSER. In fact Baathist Saddam was worse----being a prolific supporter of world wide terrorism and a mass murderer for the BAATHIST CAUSE. "USED" by the USA???? was he that stupid?-----did
he murder kurds "FOR THE USA" too? The USA was also interested in murdering Iraqi Shiites------for why????---------I am fascinated----Baathists are in
the clutch of the USA -----what an INNOVATIVE IDEA. Russia has been routinely supporting BAATHIST LEADERS in excess of 60 years
The various accusations like the baby murders are all western propaganda that replaced the support after the Iraq/Iran war.

what various accusations? --------there is some evidence that the "baby murders" of Kuwait were cooked--------what else is new? Kuwaitis are
arabs------they do "ARABIC HYPERBOLE". Did the Iranians lie about THEIR losses too? Did the CIA invent "ARABIC HYPERBOLE"? ----or farsi hyperbole?----------I hope the CIA did not invent farsi humor
There is no evidence of cooked babies and the "witness" withdrew her nonsense. Iran had losses, this happens in wars,

Is English not your mother-tongue? I did not suggest that there were "cooked" babies. I suggested that the claim was "COOKED"------as in created (out of whole cloth <<<< another English expression meaning NOT TRUE) Saddam DID, INDEED invade Kuwait. I have no idea how many people were killed in that
operation. As always----I had MUSLIM acquaintances back then and got the REASONS why the GREAT HERO ----SADDAM HUSSEIN had invaded Kuwait--------such a hero -----he was only being FAIR--------since Kuwait was not, at that time, -----SUPPORTING MUSLIM ENDEAVORS ------(ie terrorism) as was SADDAM------(my informant was a remarkably CANDID young Pakistani ophthalmologist----sheeesh---another ophthalmologist) He also adored those
MARVELOUS mujahedeen in Afghanistan who were DOING SO MUCH GOOD. ----Pakistani boys. He assured me "YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND"----poor kid almost dropped dead when----later on I informed him that I am a JOOOO.
Kuwait is another artificial British state which Saddam claimed back. The USA announced it would not response to an Iraqi invasion only to foam and response.
what the white house ignored was that BAATHIST SADDAM was just as vile as was BAATHIST GAMAL ABDEL NASSER. In fact Baathist Saddam was worse----being a prolific supporter of world wide terrorism and a mass murderer for the BAATHIST CAUSE. "USED" by the USA???? was he that stupid?-----did
he murder kurds "FOR THE USA" too? The USA was also interested in murdering Iraqi Shiites------for why????---------I am fascinated----Baathists are in
the clutch of the USA -----what an INNOVATIVE IDEA. Russia has been routinely supporting BAATHIST LEADERS in excess of 60 years
The various accusations like the baby murders are all western propaganda that replaced the support after the Iraq/Iran war.

what various accusations? --------there is some evidence that the "baby murders" of Kuwait were cooked--------what else is new? Kuwaitis are
arabs------they do "ARABIC HYPERBOLE". Did the Iranians lie about THEIR losses too? Did the CIA invent "ARABIC HYPERBOLE"? ----or farsi hyperbole?----------I hope the CIA did not invent farsi humor
There is no evidence of cooked babies and the "witness" withdrew her nonsense. Iran had losses, this happens in wars,

Is English not your mother-tongue? I did not suggest that there were "cooked" babies. I suggested that the claim was "COOKED"------as in created (out of whole cloth <<<< another English expression meaning NOT TRUE) Saddam DID, INDEED invade Kuwait. I have no idea how many people were killed in that
operation. As always----I had MUSLIM acquaintances back then and got the REASONS why the GREAT HERO ----SADDAM HUSSEIN had invaded Kuwait--------such a hero -----he was only being FAIR--------since Kuwait was not, at that time, -----SUPPORTING MUSLIM ENDEAVORS ------(ie terrorism) as was SADDAM------(my informant was a remarkably CANDID young Pakistani ophthalmologist----sheeesh---another ophthalmologist) He also adored those
MARVELOUS mujahedeen in Afghanistan who were DOING SO MUCH GOOD. ----Pakistani boys. He assured me "YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND"----poor kid almost dropped dead when----later on I informed him that I am a JOOOO.
Kuwait is another artificial British state which Saddam claimed back. The USA announced it would not response to an Iraqi invasion only to foam and response.

oh----like DAS SUDETENLAND was really part if the GERMAN empire----
and Poland was a tribute state-----I GOT IT NOW somebody shrugged
at the thought of Iraq attacking Kuwait-----we are not sure who. ?? die
Sudeten land? der??
The various accusations like the baby murders are all western propaganda that replaced the support after the Iraq/Iran war.

what various accusations? --------there is some evidence that the "baby murders" of Kuwait were cooked--------what else is new? Kuwaitis are
arabs------they do "ARABIC HYPERBOLE". Did the Iranians lie about THEIR losses too? Did the CIA invent "ARABIC HYPERBOLE"? ----or farsi hyperbole?----------I hope the CIA did not invent farsi humor
There is no evidence of cooked babies and the "witness" withdrew her nonsense. Iran had losses, this happens in wars,

Is English not your mother-tongue? I did not suggest that there were "cooked" babies. I suggested that the claim was "COOKED"------as in created (out of whole cloth <<<< another English expression meaning NOT TRUE) Saddam DID, INDEED invade Kuwait. I have no idea how many people were killed in that
operation. As always----I had MUSLIM acquaintances back then and got the REASONS why the GREAT HERO ----SADDAM HUSSEIN had invaded Kuwait--------such a hero -----he was only being FAIR--------since Kuwait was not, at that time, -----SUPPORTING MUSLIM ENDEAVORS ------(ie terrorism) as was SADDAM------(my informant was a remarkably CANDID young Pakistani ophthalmologist----sheeesh---another ophthalmologist) He also adored those
MARVELOUS mujahedeen in Afghanistan who were DOING SO MUCH GOOD. ----Pakistani boys. He assured me "YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND"----poor kid almost dropped dead when----later on I informed him that I am a JOOOO.
Kuwait is another artificial British state which Saddam claimed back. The USA announced it would not response to an Iraqi invasion only to foam and response.

oh----like DAS SUDETENLAND was really part if the GERMAN empire----
and Poland was a tribute state-----I GOT IT NOW somebody shrugged
at the thought of Iraq attacking Kuwait-----we are not sure who. ?? die
Sudeten land? der??

But why is the US not bringing freedom and democracy to Kuwait? Dont you have a bunch of Kuwaitis who tell you how great the system of privately owned sharia countries is?
what various accusations? --------there is some evidence that the "baby murders" of Kuwait were cooked--------what else is new? Kuwaitis are
arabs------they do "ARABIC HYPERBOLE". Did the Iranians lie about THEIR losses too? Did the CIA invent "ARABIC HYPERBOLE"? ----or farsi hyperbole?----------I hope the CIA did not invent farsi humor
There is no evidence of cooked babies and the "witness" withdrew her nonsense. Iran had losses, this happens in wars,

Is English not your mother-tongue? I did not suggest that there were "cooked" babies. I suggested that the claim was "COOKED"------as in created (out of whole cloth <<<< another English expression meaning NOT TRUE) Saddam DID, INDEED invade Kuwait. I have no idea how many people were killed in that
operation. As always----I had MUSLIM acquaintances back then and got the REASONS why the GREAT HERO ----SADDAM HUSSEIN had invaded Kuwait--------such a hero -----he was only being FAIR--------since Kuwait was not, at that time, -----SUPPORTING MUSLIM ENDEAVORS ------(ie terrorism) as was SADDAM------(my informant was a remarkably CANDID young Pakistani ophthalmologist----sheeesh---another ophthalmologist) He also adored those
MARVELOUS mujahedeen in Afghanistan who were DOING SO MUCH GOOD. ----Pakistani boys. He assured me "YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND"----poor kid almost dropped dead when----later on I informed him that I am a JOOOO.
Kuwait is another artificial British state which Saddam claimed back. The USA announced it would not response to an Iraqi invasion only to foam and response.

oh----like DAS SUDETENLAND was really part if the GERMAN empire----
and Poland was a tribute state-----I GOT IT NOW somebody shrugged
at the thought of Iraq attacking Kuwait-----we are not sure who. ?? die
Sudeten land? der??

But why is the US not bringing freedom and democracy to Kuwait? Dont you have a bunch of Kuwaitis who tell you how great the system of privately owned sharia countries is?

Kuwait is a sovereign nation
There is no evidence of cooked babies and the "witness" withdrew her nonsense. Iran had losses, this happens in wars,

Is English not your mother-tongue? I did not suggest that there were "cooked" babies. I suggested that the claim was "COOKED"------as in created (out of whole cloth <<<< another English expression meaning NOT TRUE) Saddam DID, INDEED invade Kuwait. I have no idea how many people were killed in that
operation. As always----I had MUSLIM acquaintances back then and got the REASONS why the GREAT HERO ----SADDAM HUSSEIN had invaded Kuwait--------such a hero -----he was only being FAIR--------since Kuwait was not, at that time, -----SUPPORTING MUSLIM ENDEAVORS ------(ie terrorism) as was SADDAM------(my informant was a remarkably CANDID young Pakistani ophthalmologist----sheeesh---another ophthalmologist) He also adored those
MARVELOUS mujahedeen in Afghanistan who were DOING SO MUCH GOOD. ----Pakistani boys. He assured me "YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND"----poor kid almost dropped dead when----later on I informed him that I am a JOOOO.
Kuwait is another artificial British state which Saddam claimed back. The USA announced it would not response to an Iraqi invasion only to foam and response.

oh----like DAS SUDETENLAND was really part if the GERMAN empire----
and Poland was a tribute state-----I GOT IT NOW somebody shrugged
at the thought of Iraq attacking Kuwait-----we are not sure who. ?? die
Sudeten land? der??

But why is the US not bringing freedom and democracy to Kuwait? Dont you have a bunch of Kuwaitis who tell you how great the system of privately owned sharia countries is?

Kuwait is a sovereign nation
But freedom and democracy! Why dont your B-52s bring them?
Is English not your mother-tongue? I did not suggest that there were "cooked" babies. I suggested that the claim was "COOKED"------as in created (out of whole cloth <<<< another English expression meaning NOT TRUE) Saddam DID, INDEED invade Kuwait. I have no idea how many people were killed in that
operation. As always----I had MUSLIM acquaintances back then and got the REASONS why the GREAT HERO ----SADDAM HUSSEIN had invaded Kuwait--------such a hero -----he was only being FAIR--------since Kuwait was not, at that time, -----SUPPORTING MUSLIM ENDEAVORS ------(ie terrorism) as was SADDAM------(my informant was a remarkably CANDID young Pakistani ophthalmologist----sheeesh---another ophthalmologist) He also adored those
MARVELOUS mujahedeen in Afghanistan who were DOING SO MUCH GOOD. ----Pakistani boys. He assured me "YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND"----poor kid almost dropped dead when----later on I informed him that I am a JOOOO.
Kuwait is another artificial British state which Saddam claimed back. The USA announced it would not response to an Iraqi invasion only to foam and response.

oh----like DAS SUDETENLAND was really part if the GERMAN empire----
and Poland was a tribute state-----I GOT IT NOW somebody shrugged
at the thought of Iraq attacking Kuwait-----we are not sure who. ?? die
Sudeten land? der??

But why is the US not bringing freedom and democracy to Kuwait? Dont you have a bunch of Kuwaitis who tell you how great the system of privately owned sharia countries is?

Kuwait is a sovereign nation
But freedom and democracy! Why dont your B-52s bring them?

get in tough with your handlers, capt. blei-----you are in desperate need of a
few weeks of R&R
thank you hezbollah for protect people against israel and isis

Hezbollah is the Iranian ISIS a gang of pigs and dogs and that are a plague
to the planet------the head of the pestilence in Lebanon is NUS-KHARAH-ALLAH
which means something like "organizer of Allah's shit"

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