LeBron Gets Two Pacer Fans Kicked Out Of Game For Saying Something He Didn't Like

Oprah did the same thing with her audience....two women did not stand up and applaud furiously when Oprah announced her guest....can't remember his name but it was a basketball black guy....and when Oprah asked why they didn't stand, they said because they didn't really care about NBA or the guest himself. So...Oprah kicked them out for not showing proper respect.

That was the day and year I stopped watching her show or giving a shit about anything she had to say in future.
Oprah did the same thing with her audience....two women did not stand up and applaud furiously when Oprah announced her guest....can't remember his name but it was a basketball black guy....and when Oprah asked why they didn't stand, they said because they didn't really care about NBA or the guest himself. So...Oprah kicked them out for not showing proper respect.

That was the day and year I stopped watching her show or giving a shit about anything she had to say in future.
She's just another odious racist. I'm glad that so many people have figured that out.
Nope. I'm not a basketball fan at all. And I'm sure he's an excellent (all time) player. I happen to think that most athletes are very good people but LeBron is not the first one I'd rather see than hear.
Me too
'Bronny's a Bih bih bih'?

LeBron is just another fucking rich whining baby loser. He plays a high school kid's game for a living. If he ever had to do something fucking hard, it would kill him.


Michael Jordon and Larry Byrd would have made Labron cry if he had to play against them.
Larry Byrd would of had fun trash talking to Labron.
Labron is a racist cretin and an immature little prick.
Hardly all that was noted and not necessarily what all was said.
Yeah....I'm sure that Lebron had plenty of cross-talk with the woman....grabbing his package after sinking a basket....acting like a child.
No surprise that the woman was pissed at him.
He was acting about classless as you can get.

Michael Jordon and Larry Byrd would have made Labron cry if he had to play against them.
Larry Byrd would of had fun trash talking to Labron.
Labron is a racist cretin and an immature little prick.
View attachment 568243
MJ would have decked the prick in the parking lot.
Byrd was a great trash talker, but he had immense confidence to back it up.
One time he asked a guard if his mother was watching the game and then went on a 10 point streak.
I think that it was Dennis Rodman.
To be fair he's turned his kid into a celebrity as well. Not saying they should go after him but LeBron has put his son in the spot light which opens him up to some degree.

His kid is still a minor. If he starts making public statements they can be addressed.

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