LeBron James says Elon Musk needs to address 'scary AF' surge of N-word use on Twitter

Why? What is he gonna do?
Call him that and let us know.
Prove that he is inferior? Prove that he's a sensitive little fuck where one word will set him off into a violent rage?
Why would it do that? You said it wouldn't bother you, why would it bother him?
What are you saying, Super? Should I respect a person like that? A boy like that?
You would use a derogatory term to address a man, but he is the boy.
I am using the words that black folks use to describe the black folks who have sold out. Pretty sure I am not the first black person to call you that and I know I won't be the last.
You are using racist profanity that was created by racist Dems to describe free african-americans.

Yet, you are on this thread wanting Elon Musk to do something about racist slurs on tic tok...you are part of the problem that James is discussing. Congrats.
Just so we're clear, white people can immediately prove that Black people are inferior by calling them one name and watching the reaction.

Nothing has been so completely and utterly proved.
You are using racist profanity that was created by racist Dems to describe free african-americans.
I am using a term used to describe sell outs like you. You whine about being called a boot licker, but you are ok with a white person calling you the Nword.
Yet, you are on this thread wanting Elon Musk to do something about racist slurs on tic tok...you are part of the problem that James is discussing. Congrats.
You wouldn't care if Musk called you a Nword.
I am using a term used to describe sell outs like you. You whine about being called a boot licker, but you are ok with a white person calling you the Nword.

You wouldn't care if Musk called you a Nword.
you are using the terms of your Masters. When did I say I was ok with that? hhhaha hardly.....when Hunter was caught using the n-word in text, I was outraged, but given how he was raised, by Xiden, a man that idolized and was mentored by Klansmen, and fought for segragation...moreover as recent as the past year used the word "negro" to refer to African-Americans I can't say I am surprised.
I am using a term used to describe sell outs like you. You whine about being called a boot licker, but you are ok with a white person calling you the Nword.

You wouldn't care if Musk called you a Nword.
African American Progs must be noble and of character. And to many are in it for themselves. If most African Americans playing in sports stop signing contracts with other nations producing products such as sneakers it would be a good start. Talking about slavery while promoting it for profit is hypocrisy.
I am using a term used to describe sell outs like you. You whine about being called a boot licker, but you are ok with a white person calling you the Nword.

You wouldn't care if Musk called you a Nword.
Just because struth does not throw a childish bitch fit when someone uses the word, does not mean he's OK with it. By keeping his head, keeping cool, it is a demonstration of being a real man. Not getting shaken by peers. Not acting socially threatened and emotionally weak by ridicule. Doing so earns hi
REAL respect.

It may sound counterintuitive to you, but that is male psychology to its core. That is how men establish hierarchy. The military uses the shit out of that all the time.

Nobody puts any trust in the bitches who break down into a violent rage at ridicule. Men use ridicule to test their compadres, because they may need to go to war with those guys and they need to know who they're with. Emotionally weak battle mates get you killed.

This is primal. It is ingrained in all men. You keep failing the tests by letting a single word bring out your emotional weakness.

You first. Better yet--just keep your over-reaching mega government out of my life.
Can you do the same?

For someone who is supposed to be of the party of limited government you’ve been failing miserably.
Please tell me you're more of a man than one who gets his feelings hurt and cries to his mama when somebody calls him a naughty name?

C'mon SuperConspiracyBrutha. Have some self-respect. People are gonna call you names. It's how YOU react to it that matters.
So why do you get upset when some one calls you a deplorable?
you are using the terms of your Masters. When did I say I was ok with that? hhhaha hardly.....when Hunter was caught using the n-word in text, I was outraged, but given how he was raised, by Xiden, a man that idolized and was mentored by Klansmen, and fought for segragation...moreover as recent as the past year used the word "negro" to refer to African-Americans I can't say I am surprised.
Right, but you weren't outraged when Trump called black NFL players Mothers bitches. Who was Lindsey Graham mentored by? Try Strom Thurmond a man who ran for President on a segregation platform. I bet you loved that racist Jesse Helms.
African American Progs must be noble and of character. And to many are in it for themselves. If most African Americans playing in sports stop signing contracts with other nations producing products such as sneakers it would be a good start. Talking about slavery while promoting it for profit is hypocrisy.
Let's start with Trump.

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