LeBron James, who claims to be persecuted, just bought a $37 million Hollywood mansion


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Whitey has kept him down!
Tucker Carlson beat the NBA conference finals......the NBA would be wise to pay off Lebron to retire...he will take a bribe....its always been about the money with Lebron.....Lebron first all else second.....
So not being able to go out in public is not something to complain about
Systematic racism is responsible for LeBron being forced to live in a mansion surrounded by evil white people. ... :rolleyes:

Very few if any do.
Socialism demands that all of the rich people give up their wealth. For the cause. For the love of Castro. Cubans may have suffered, but Castro did get rid of the rich who lived off of others by socialist/communist doctrine. LeBron does not seem to be getting with the program. All of the rich crying those crocodile tears and feigning anger. And all not giving up their wealth. In fact unlike the Cuban revolution, very few of the rioters would give up their lives for it at this point.
He didn't actually say he was oppressed. What he said was that he couldn't go outside without fear of being shot and killed by Police. So it is entirely appropriate for him to buy a $37 million estate, so he doesn't have to go out much.

Why don't other Black guys do that? Then they wouldn't have to fear police.
He didn't actually say he was oppressed. What he said was that he couldn't go outside without fear of being shot and killed by Police. So it is entirely appropriate for him to buy a $37 million estate, so he doesn't have to go out much.

Why don't other Black guys do that? Then they wouldn't have to fear police.
Being shot by the government if you go outside qualifies
Socialism demands that all of the rich people give up their wealth. For the cause. For the love of Castro. Cubans may have suffered, but Castro did get rid of the rich who lived off of others by socialist/communist doctrine. LeBron does not seem to be getting with the program. All of the rich crying those crocodile tears and feigning anger. And all not giving up their wealth. In fact unlike the Cuban revolution, very few of the rioters would give up their lives for it at this point.

I don't know how many times I have had to explain this.

The democrook party elites, that is the pieces of shit who fund and control it are the farthest thing from actual commies. They are NOT in any way trying to "uplift the poor" or create "equality". All these billionaire assholes are not desperate to give everything they own to a collectivist state, they're desperate to contain the hordes of malcontents they created by promoting the Marxist policies of hate and envy. That's why the entertain tools like Bernie and AOC (I think she is a fake)

I'm 46 years old and tried to understand politics since I was 16. I used to paste paper on the school walls and got in plenty of troubler for my vandalism because I believed in leftist nonsense. I believed democrooks actually did believe in "equality" and would take shit from "the rich" that they didn't deserve and give it to the "poor". Hopefully I qualify to go to Heaven after I die, because there are a lot of "teachers" I want to kick in their demon balls.
The democrook party is anything but a real socialist party, the objective of the party is to contain the communists, but they have obviously lost control of their little monsters.


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