Left wing mob assaulting Trump rally attendees in Anaheim; Riots later...

I cannot condone violence against people, but property?

I always keep the Boston Tea Party in mind. Not the fake crap today, the real thing 200 years ago when a large group of men went aboard ships in the harbor in Boston in the night and threw all the tea into the harbor. The next day they got in row boats and went out to bash the bundles of tea that were still floating so they would sink so the company couldn't salvage them. More than a million dollars worth.

Conservatives today would shite their pants if they saw someone do that in one of America's harbors today.

That was the beginning of a revolution that created a new nation and started a war with the world greatest empire.

Is that what the left is trying to do?

Parsing Percy, you parse the words into little turds, you make them meaningless by acting like that. Why do you treat words like scat?

They didn't know it was the beginning of anything, they did it because they were pissed. Your brain has fused the past and the present into one incoherent muckity muck.
I cannot condone violence against people, but property?

I always keep the Boston Tea Party in mind. Not the fake crap today, the real thing 200 years ago when a large group of men went aboard ships in the harbor in Boston in the night and threw all the tea into the harbor. The next day they got in row boats and went out to bash the bundles of tea that were still floating so they would sink so the company couldn't salvage them. More than a million dollars worth.

Conservatives today would shite their pants if they saw someone do that in one of America's harbors today.

That was the beginning of a revolution that created a new nation and started a war with the world greatest empire.

Is that what the left is trying to do?
And you mouth breathing southern hick jackwads chose Secession and got your cletus asses clocked
Good for them , Mexicans WILL PUT HILLARY CLINTON IN THE WHITE HOUSE 2016:rofl:

All of you Trump fanboys, nut huggers, white trash , white ghetto hood rats, trolls, whatz the matter huh fraid of the meee hee canos:fu:,

You pussies are too scared to engage them and try to stop them, in CALIFORNIA:laugh:

Careful essay. Remember last time Mexicans picked a war with us. We ended up expanding America quite a bit.
As opposed to Canada who whipped our asses every time.
What the hell has Canada have do with Mexico 2 total opposites:uhoh3: 2 total different countries, More folks in their right mind go to Mexico than Canada, Canada too cold, too expensive..
Good for them , Mexicans WILL PUT HILLARY CLINTON IN THE WHITE HOUSE 2016:rofl:

All of you Trump fanboys, nut huggers, white trash , white ghetto hood rats, trolls, whatz the matter huh fraid of the meee hee canos:fu:,

You pussies are too scared to engage them and try to stop them, in CALIFORNIA:laugh:

Careful essay. Remember last time Mexicans picked a war with us. We ended up expanding America quite a bit.
------------------------------- not going to happen ever again Bucs . Nowadays the USA will just roll over as we give them Kalifornia , Texas and New Mexico and jebito bush would govern the area that the mexicans reconquered .
To me, going this far with your hatred for a person only gives the person that you hate even more to be proud of and in my opinion, if you truly do resent them, you would then think that more to be proud of would be the last thing that they deserve.

God bless you always!!!

USA is on a slippery slope as a new population is imported with new rules , laws and a new history . Sorry to say it but thats what i believe . Trump might fix it for a while if he is elected but the USA as i have known it for my 66 years is circling the bowl in my opinion Bucs .
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More paid activists have shown up smashing car windows.

A machine gun would do wonders. Just a half dozen hand grenades make all the difference.

George Soros, just like he's funding BLM and the Open Borders movement.
----------------------------------------- the problems in the USA have come about since Ronald Regan's first amnesty and continued under bush , clinton , bush and obama . jebito bush was going to be the nail in the USA coffin but he may have been avoided at least for now . Might be hope under the Trump if he is elected President . --------------- soros , soros is doing what he is supposed to do as a hugely rich enemy of America .
Clowns lives matter!

Careful essay. Remember last time Mexicans picked a war with us. We ended up expanding America quite a bit.

Essay - a piece of writing that gives the author's own argument

Esé - A fellow Hispanic, your close friend
More paid activists have shown up smashing car windows.

A machine gun would do wonders. Just a half dozen hand grenades make all the difference.

George Soros, just like he's funding BLM and the Open Borders movement.
----------------------------------------- the problems in the USA have come about since Ronald Regan's first amnesty and continued under bush , clinton , bush and obama . jebito bush was going to be the nail in the USA coffin but he may have been avoided at least for now . Might be hope under the Trump if he is elected President . --------------- soros , soros is doing what he is supposed to do as a hugely rich enemy of America .

How anyone can think that George Soros is a good person is bewildering, the POS is a destroyer.


George Soros funded The Ferguson Riots and he funds BLM.



For the Americans, these are just some of the organisations The Soros Foundation funds.


The Soros Foundation also fund a variety of NGO's who are organising and helping "refugees" to come to destroy my beautiful Continent.



I don't like or approve of 'soros' , just saying that as a rich enemy of the USA 'soros' is doing as he is supposed to do . --------------------------The real problem has been the repubs and dems , all of them for the last 40 to 50 years Lucy .
More paid activists have shown up smashing car windows.

A machine gun would do wonders. Just a half dozen hand grenades make all the difference.

Do you have proof that these are paid activist?
They are the same people who were activists from occupy wall street to Ferguson. George Soros pays them. Check out every city's craigslist. They all have ads for activists.
More paid activists have shown up smashing car windows.

A machine gun would do wonders. Just a half dozen hand grenades make all the difference.

Do you have proof that these are paid activist?
They are the same people who were activists from occupy wall street to Ferguson. George Soros pays them. Check out every city's craigslist. They all have ads for activists.

Hispanics are really piss at trump......... So every Hispanics that demonstrates are paid by Doris and Soros? I'm not going to search for you.
You published it you prove it.........
More paid activists have shown up smashing car windows.

A machine gun would do wonders. Just a half dozen hand grenades make all the difference.

Do you have proof that these are paid activist?
They are the same people who were activists from occupy wall street to Ferguson. George Soros pays them. Check out every city's craigslist. They all have ads for activists.

Hispanics are really piss at trump......... So every Hispanics that demonstrates are paid by Doris and Soros? I'm not going to search for you.
You published it you prove it.........
Every one. All of them.

Sorry I don't play by Alinsky rules.
More paid activists have shown up smashing car windows.

A machine gun would do wonders. Just a half dozen hand grenades make all the difference.

Do you have proof that these are paid activist?
They are the same people who were activists from occupy wall street to Ferguson. George Soros pays them. Check out every city's craigslist. They all have ads for activists.

Hispanics are really piss at trump......... So every Hispanics that demonstrates are paid by Doris and Soros? I'm not going to search for you.
You published it you prove it.........
Every one. All of them.

Sorry I don't play by Alinsky rules.

Meaning you are a fake and lying.
I cannot condone violence against people, but property?

I always keep the Boston Tea Party in mind. Not the fake crap today, the real thing 200 years ago when a large group of men went aboard ships in the harbor in Boston in the night and threw all the tea into the harbor. The next day they got in row boats and went out to bash the bundles of tea that were still floating so they would sink so the company couldn't salvage them. More than a million dollars worth.

Conservatives today would shite their pants if they saw someone do that in one of America's harbors today.

What does that have to do with what leftist idiots are doing today? That was protesting taxation without representation. Leftists today would applaud overtaxation. For example progressives today are proud they are forcing American citizens to purchase overpriced health care.

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