Leftist area of Minneapolis is now overrun with homeless encampment and crime

Wow. Those people are really committed to doing what they promised. I admire it; I've never seen a neighborhood respond like that to a complex social problem like a whole tent city of homeless people. They are even providing FOOD. Electric, water, toilets. Medical care, counseling.....
That is amazing. I know I wouldn't want to take on that responsibility, but they're really doing it. Good on them.
and several people have been raped shot and assaulted in the brand new stinking violent drug ridden leftist shithole garbage pile .
Geez. What article did YOU read? I only read the one in the OP. One guy got held up, they stole someone else's car. One guy was passed out in an elevator, and some people going by the park have been catcalled.

I didn't see anything about being raped, shot. One assault. One medical emergency.

It's only a matter of time, OL. The number of people there is only going to grow larger by the day and sooner or later somebody is going to be assaulted or killed. It's going to get out of hand pretty quick IMHO, I'm wondering what the city is going to do about it. Where do these people go in the winter, which ain't that far off in Minnesota.
Sports Writer Seemingly Cheers Minneapolis Burning During Riots. Now He’s Panicking As Riots Hit Close To Home.

A sports writer who covers the NBA appeared to cheer the violent riots in Minneapolis earlier this week, but quickly changed his tune when the riots started hitting too close to home.

On Thursday night, Chris Martin Palmer responded to a photo of a burning building in Minneapolis by writing,
“Burn that s**t down. Burn it all down.”

Shortly after the attack on the building happened, reports surfaced indicating that the building was an affordable housing unit that was being built for those living in poverty.
Palmer’s tone about the riots began to change as the week continued to progress and the riots apparently ended up getting somewhat close to where he is located

On Friday, Palmer tweeted:
“Yo! There’s gonna be a rally near my house tomorrow. They never have rallies in rich neighborhoods. I’m scared to go! I don’t want to be around people.”
On Saturday, Palmer became much more aggressive in voicing his opposition to the riots.

“I’m as down for the cause as anybody. Any of you clowns thinking you’re gonna loot The Grove or Rodeo Drive. It will not work out well for you,” Palmer wrote. “Trying to loot Rodeo Drive is probably the worst idea in the history of bad ideas. I’m as angry as everyone else. But keep that shit in DTLA.”​

So, does this hypocritical left wrong-wing cretin Chris Palmer remind anyone else of someone we know here on this forum? Someone who has participated in this very thread?
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and several people have been raped shot and assaulted in the brand new stinking violent drug ridden leftist shithole garbage pile .

To left wrong-wing filth like OldLady, it's a small price to pay for being “woke”.

I wonder if she'd be less admiring of it if it was she who was being raped, shot, assaulted, or whatever.

There is nothing respectable or admirable about these cretins who are enabling this crap. It's just stupid.
It is admirable. I've already said I wouldn't want to do it. Too much responsibility. They're amazing.
Take a good long look at this cretin, this is the face of the enemy, absolute impossible stupidity! She's not ignorant, at least ignorance can be overcome with careful instruction and thoughtful teacher, this is literally, insurmountable idiocy, legions of morbidly obese white females slobber on and on as this one does, such creatures shouldn't be allowed access to a fridge, let alone a ballot box! :omg:
and several people have been raped shot and assaulted in the brand new stinking violent drug ridden leftist shithole garbage pile .

To left wrong-wing filth like OldLady, it's a small price to pay for being “woke”.

I wonder if she'd be less admiring of it if it was she who was being raped, shot, assaulted, or whatever.

There is nothing respectable or admirable about these cretins who are enabling this crap. It's just stupid.
It is admirable. I've already said I wouldn't want to do it. Too much responsibility. They're amazing.

I love it when they blow a fuse if you can’t muster the false rage they have. Keep up the good work.
Wow. Those people are really committed to doing what they promised. I admire it; I've never seen a neighborhood respond like that to a complex social problem like a whole tent city of homeless people. They are even providing FOOD. Electric, water, toilets. Medical care, counseling.....
That is amazing. I know I wouldn't want to take on that responsibility, but they're really doing it. Good on them.
and several people have been raped shot and assaulted in the brand new stinking violent drug ridden leftist shithole garbage pile .
Geez. What article did YOU read? I only read the one in the OP. One guy got held up, they stole someone else's car. One guy was passed out in an elevator, and some people going by the park have been catcalled.

I didn't see anything about being raped, shot. One assault. One medical emergency.

It's only a matter of time, OL. The number of people there is only going to grow larger by the day and sooner or later somebody is going to be assaulted or killed. It's going to get out of hand pretty quick IMHO, I'm wondering what the city is going to do about it. Where do these people go in the winter, which ain't that far off in Minnesota.
I'm not trying to minimize the situation. I just like people to be honest when they're posting. What might happen at some time in the future is no reason to say that "people have been raped shot and assaulted."

Aside from that, I am just looking at it through the other lens, you know, that these neighborhood folks are really giving of themselves and putting up with personal inconvenience and discomfort to help these people, as well as their time and money. I fully recognize that safety is a concern.

Maybe with the warm weather, people would rather camp than go to a shelter. Happens a lot around here in the summer. I think the city probably should get involved. The park is city land, after all. They seem to be ignoring the situation. Well, that happens around here, too. The city hasn't got anywhere to put them and they can't force people to go somewhere if they don't want to, so all they do once in awhile is make them move out of one spot and then they move somewhere else down river, or to the next underpass. It's a sad situation but that's the way things are.

So no, I'm smart enough to realize this neighborhood of very admirable people is taking a big risk. I hope it doesn't turn and bite them in the ass. It's quite amazing, that many people pulling together to act like a giant Mother Theresa.

LMAO, idiot residents feel bad for calling cops on thugs who robbed him etc etc. You morons get what you deserve! I don't feel an ounce of sympathy for ya! All sane folks have left the cities!
Fortunately there is no rightist area of Minneapolis (or any orher sizable city as far as I know). There's no telling what it would be full of.
and several people have been raped shot and assaulted in the brand new stinking violent drug ridden leftist shithole garbage pile .

To left wrong-wing filth like OldLady, it's a small price to pay for being “woke”.

I wonder if she'd be less admiring of it if it was she who was being raped, shot, assaulted, or whatever.

There is nothing respectable or admirable about these cretins who are enabling this crap. It's just stupid.
It is admirable. I've already said I wouldn't want to do it. Too much responsibility. They're amazing.

I love it when they blow a fuse if you can’t muster the false rage they have. Keep up the good work.
This one has actually got me baffled.
and several people have been raped shot and assaulted in the brand new stinking violent drug ridden leftist shithole garbage pile .

To left wrong-wing filth like OldLady, it's a small price to pay for being “woke”.

I wonder if she'd be less admiring of it if it was she who was being raped, shot, assaulted, or whatever.

There is nothing respectable or admirable about these cretins who are enabling this crap. It's just stupid.
It is admirable. I've already said I wouldn't want to do it. Too much responsibility. They're amazing.

I love it when they blow a fuse if you can’t muster the false rage they have. Keep up the good work.
This one has actually got me baffled.

Not me.

The scum who supports the blob want everyone to be as miserable as they are. When you are not, you see the hate-fueled responses like those that were directed at you
Her saying she's not being judgmental is very much like @JoeB131 protesting that he's not a racist, while using hateful racist slurs to attack black people who don't toe the left wrong-wing line. Yes, she's being judgmental. But in this case, rightfully so. She recognizes that certain people and happenings near her home are a threat to her safety, and that of her children. She's been brainwashed to believe that being judgmental is always a bad thing, and so while being judgmental, she feels compelled to deny that she is so being.

Modern LIbEralism truly is a mental disease.

Mormonism is a mental disease... quit getting your magic undies in a bunch.

Yes, being judgemental is a bad thing. Not sending your kids alone to a public park... Meh... most people wouldn't have done that before TRUMP PLAGUE and TRUMP RIOTS broke out.

But this has to do with a city where the citizens no longer trust the police. Shouldn't be that way, but they don't.
Yes, being judgemental is a bad thing. Not sending your kids alone to a public park... Meh... most people wouldn't have done that before TRUMP PLAGUE and TRUMP RIOTS broke out.

But this has to do with a city where the citizens no longer trust the police. Shouldn't be that way, but they don't.

The woman quoted in the part of the article that I cited—It's not the police that she's judging to be a threat to her children's safety.

LMAO, idiot residents feel bad for calling cops on thugs who robbed him etc etc. You morons get what you deserve! I don't feel an ounce of sympathy for ya! All sane folks have left the cities!

Another resident, Mitchell Erickson, said he regretted calling 911 when two black teenagers cornered him a block away from his home, held a gun to his chest and demanded his car keys. Erickson said he mistakenly handed over his house keys, and the frustrated teens left him only to steal another car a few blocks away.

“Been thinking more about it,” Erickson said in a text message to a reporter. “I regret calling the police. It was my instinct but I wish it hadn’t been. I put those boys in danger of death by calling the cops.”
The woman quoted in the part of the article that I cited—It's not the police that she's judging to be a threat to her children's safety.

Again, so what? Most people wouldn't send their kids out right now under any circumstances, between TRUMP PLAGUE and TRUMP RIOTS. Leave it to a Mormon to miss the forest for the trees.
The woman quoted in the part of the article that I cited—It's not the police that she's judging to be a threat to her children's safety.

Again, so what? Most people wouldn't send their kids out right now under any circumstances, between TRUMP PLAGUE and TRUMP RIOTS. Leave it to a Mormon to miss the forest for the trees.
Yeah, have you seen Trump and all his supporters rioting a looting? It just follows the beating of the black fag by them in your city.
It's amazing there are no new COVID 19 outbreaks in the heavily rioted areas in these leftist controlled areas.
The woman quoted in the part of the article that I cited—It's not the police that she's judging to be a threat to her children's safety.

Again, so what? Most people wouldn't send their kids out right now under any circumstances, between TRUMP PLAGUE and TRUMP RIOTS. Leave it to a Mormon to miss the forest for the trees.
TDS is real your words are influenced by them.
Wow. Those people are really committed to doing what they promised. I admire it; I've never seen a neighborhood respond like that to a complex social problem like a whole tent city of homeless people. They are even providing FOOD. Electric, water, toilets. Medical care, counseling.....
That is amazing. I know I wouldn't want to take on that responsibility, but they're really doing it. Good on them.
and several people have been raped shot and assaulted in the brand new stinking violent drug ridden leftist shithole garbage pile .
Geez. What article did YOU read? I only read the one in the OP. One guy got held up, they stole someone else's car. One guy was passed out in an elevator, and some people going by the park have been catcalled.

I didn't see anything about being raped, shot. One assault. One medical emergency.

It's only a matter of time, OL. The number of people there is only going to grow larger by the day and sooner or later somebody is going to be assaulted or killed. It's going to get out of hand pretty quick IMHO, I'm wondering what the city is going to do about it. Where do these people go in the winter, which ain't that far off in Minnesota.
I'm not trying to minimize the situation. I just like people to be honest when they're posting. What might happen at some time in the future is no reason to say that "people have been raped shot and assaulted."

Aside from that, I am just looking at it through the other lens, you know, that these neighborhood folks are really giving of themselves and putting up with personal inconvenience and discomfort to help these people, as well as their time and money. I fully recognize that safety is a concern.

Maybe with the warm weather, people would rather camp than go to a shelter. Happens a lot around here in the summer. I think the city probably should get involved. The park is city land, after all. They seem to be ignoring the situation. Well, that happens around here, too. The city hasn't got anywhere to put them and they can't force people to go somewhere if they don't want to, so all they do once in awhile is make them move out of one spot and then they move somewhere else down river, or to the next underpass. It's a sad situation but that's the way things are.

So no, I'm smart enough to realize this neighborhood of very admirable people is taking a big risk. I hope it doesn't turn and bite them in the ass. It's quite amazing, that many people pulling together to act like a giant Mother Theresa.

I can see all that, but the part of all this I have a problem with is the decision not to call the police when a crime has been committed. The one guy said a gun was held to his chest and was forced to give up his keys, and was later sorry he called the police cuz he was worried about the welfare of the miscreants. I call the BS, he should be more concerned about the welfare of his neighbors. Armed robbery or any assault should not go unreported, for the simple reason that those guys will keep on doing what they're doing until they get stopped. And the next time it might be a woman who gets raped, I don't think it's much of a stretch to think those guys wouldn't do whatever they want once they know it won't be reported. A misdemeanor is one thing, peeing on the sidewalk is no big deal. But we owe to ourselves and our community to report the serious stuff before someone else gets injured, rape, or even killed. I don't think anyone should wait until somebody is raped or dead to start involving the cops. That's what they did in Seattle, not good IMHO.

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