Leftist Gun Thugs?

This article introduces the leftist gun thugs guarding CHAZ in Seattle. I thought these snowflakes were so anti-gun.

If I follow history, if it were whites doing it you would cheer them on. It's time to use dialog instead of Guns at this point. And if you believe that all Liberals are unarmed, your "Revolution" won't go the way you dream it would. So stop talking so damned baddass. And get to work making things better.
The people I saw were white. I will talk the way I want ...comrade.
Whatsamatter? Find something else to be unreasonably afraid of? Been saying for years that the quickest way to common sense gun reform was for the left to fully embrace open carry gun ownership. Look at you now thinking there ought to be some sort of remedy to people you don't trust walking around with combat weapons.

At the same time, no one from the Left has a problem with like-minded individuals carrying a gun. Between the George Floyd riots and CHAZ takeover by force inclusive of firearms, legal and illegal, the Left has lost their gun control debate.

It is clear that the Left does not want their political opposition to have 2nd Amendment rights. I defy them to make gun control an issue in 2020 when they have been exposed.

One does what one has to do. When the cops won't protect, the citizens must. IF that means the citizens must arm to do it then that's what must be done. You are leaving out that in that protected area, all crimes seem to have stopped. Well, except for the ignoring the Governors order to ban all weapons. I am sure that a ban of all weapon by any Red State Governor would cause you to line up and dutifully turn in all your firearms, right? The time for force is gone, the time for reasonable people to come up with solutions is what is left. Otherwise, look for more of these areas. But according to you, the left doesn't have guns so it just can't happen, right? Damn it all, sort of screws up your up and coming "Revolution" doesn't.
You have lost the gun control debate, comrade. I wouldn't mind if the left armed themselves.
Whatsamatter? Find something else to be unreasonably afraid of? Been saying for years that the quickest way to common sense gun reform was for the left to fully embrace open carry gun ownership. Look at you now thinking there ought to be some sort of remedy to people you don't trust walking around with combat weapons.

At the same time, no one from the Left has a problem with like-minded individuals carrying a gun. Between the George Floyd riots and CHAZ takeover by force inclusive of firearms, legal and illegal, the Left has lost their gun control debate.

It is clear that the Left does not want their political opposition to have 2nd Amendment rights. I defy them to make gun control an issue in 2020 when they have been exposed.

One does what one has to do. When the cops won't protect, the citizens must. IF that means the citizens must arm to do it then that's what must be done. You are leaving out that in that protected area, all crimes seem to have stopped. Well, except for the ignoring the Governors order to ban all weapons. I am sure that a ban of all weapon by any Red State Governor would cause you to line up and dutifully turn in all your firearms, right? The time for force is gone, the time for reasonable people to come up with solutions is what is left. Otherwise, look for more of these areas. But according to you, the left doesn't have guns so it just can't happen, right? Damn it all, sort of screws up your up and coming "Revolution" doesn't.
You sir are a flaming idiot.
This article introduces the leftist gun thugs guarding CHAZ in Seattle. I thought these snowflakes were so anti-gun.

If I follow history, if it were whites doing it you would cheer them on. It's time to use dialog instead of Guns at this point. And if you believe that all Liberals are unarmed, your "Revolution" won't go the way you dream it would. So stop talking so damned baddass. And get to work making things better.
The people I saw were white. I will talk the way I want ...comrade.

You sure do type tough, there cupcake. Your thinking you outgun everyone reminds me of the "Mask" where he pulls out the most rediculous weapon I have ever seen. "Do you feel lucky, well do ya' "
Whatsamatter? Find something else to be unreasonably afraid of? Been saying for years that the quickest way to common sense gun reform was for the left to fully embrace open carry gun ownership. Look at you now thinking there ought to be some sort of remedy to people you don't trust walking around with combat weapons.

At the same time, no one from the Left has a problem with like-minded individuals carrying a gun. Between the George Floyd riots and CHAZ takeover by force inclusive of firearms, legal and illegal, the Left has lost their gun control debate.

It is clear that the Left does not want their political opposition to have 2nd Amendment rights. I defy them to make gun control an issue in 2020 when they have been exposed.

One does what one has to do. When the cops won't protect, the citizens must. IF that means the citizens must arm to do it then that's what must be done. You are leaving out that in that protected area, all crimes seem to have stopped. Well, except for the ignoring the Governors order to ban all weapons. I am sure that a ban of all weapon by any Red State Governor would cause you to line up and dutifully turn in all your firearms, right? The time for force is gone, the time for reasonable people to come up with solutions is what is left. Otherwise, look for more of these areas. But according to you, the left doesn't have guns so it just can't happen, right? Damn it all, sort of screws up your up and coming "Revolution" doesn't.
You sir are a flaming idiot.

Just how many times are you going to answer the same post? You can't even have more than one thought at a time. It must be lonely in your head. Well, it would be but all those voices.
This article introduces the leftist gun thugs guarding CHAZ in Seattle. I thought these snowflakes were so anti-gun.

No, they have never been anti-gun....they are anti-gun for law abiding citizens who don't support their left wing power grabs. If you look at socialist governments around the world, their goons have guns......it is hard to fill mass graves with your enemies if your goons don't have guns, and it is hard to fill mass graves with your enemies if those enemies can shoot back.......which is why they all want to get rid of guns as a first priority.
Whatsamatter? Find something else to be unreasonably afraid of? Been saying for years that the quickest way to common sense gun reform was for the left to fully embrace open carry gun ownership. Look at you now thinking there ought to be some sort of remedy to people you don't trust walking around with combat weapons.

At the same time, no one from the Left has a problem with like-minded individuals carrying a gun. Between the George Floyd riots and CHAZ takeover by force inclusive of firearms, legal and illegal, the Left has lost their gun control debate.

It is clear that the Left does not want their political opposition to have 2nd Amendment rights. I defy them to make gun control an issue in 2020 when they have been exposed.

One does what one has to do. When the cops won't protect, the citizens must. IF that means the citizens must arm to do it then that's what must be done. You are leaving out that in that protected area, all crimes seem to have stopped. Well, except for the ignoring the Governors order to ban all weapons. I am sure that a ban of all weapon by any Red State Governor would cause you to line up and dutifully turn in all your firearms, right? The time for force is gone, the time for reasonable people to come up with solutions is what is left. Otherwise, look for more of these areas. But according to you, the left doesn't have guns so it just can't happen, right? Damn it all, sort of screws up your up and coming "Revolution" doesn't.
You sir are a flaming idiot.

Just how many times are you going to answer the same post? You can't even have more than one thought at a time. It must be lonely in your head. Well, it would be but all those voices.
You posted your reply at 4
Whatsamatter? Find something else to be unreasonably afraid of? Been saying for years that the quickest way to common sense gun reform was for the left to fully embrace open carry gun ownership. Look at you now thinking there ought to be some sort of remedy to people you don't trust walking around with combat weapons.

At the same time, no one from the Left has a problem with like-minded individuals carrying a gun. Between the George Floyd riots and CHAZ takeover by force inclusive of firearms, legal and illegal, the Left has lost their gun control debate.

It is clear that the Left does not want their political opposition to have 2nd Amendment rights. I defy them to make gun control an issue in 2020 when they have been exposed.

One does what one has to do. When the cops won't protect, the citizens must. IF that means the citizens must arm to do it then that's what must be done. You are leaving out that in that protected area, all crimes seem to have stopped. Well, except for the ignoring the Governors order to ban all weapons. I am sure that a ban of all weapon by any Red State Governor would cause you to line up and dutifully turn in all your firearms, right? The time for force is gone, the time for reasonable people to come up with solutions is what is left. Otherwise, look for more of these areas. But according to you, the left doesn't have guns so it just can't happen, right? Damn it all, sort of screws up your up and coming "Revolution" doesn't.
You sir are a flaming idiot.

Just how many times are you going to answer the same post? You can't even have more than one thought at a time. It must be lonely in your head. Well, it would be but all those voices.
You posted your reply at 4:29 AM. It's obvious that you have nothing better to do than troll those who disagree with you. Get some sleep comrade. It might help but I doubt.
This article introduces the leftist gun thugs guarding CHAZ in Seattle. I thought these snowflakes were so anti-gun.

If I follow history, if it were whites doing it you would cheer them on. It's time to use dialog instead of Guns at this point. And if you believe that all Liberals are unarmed, your "Revolution" won't go the way you dream it would. So stop talking so damned baddass. And get to work making things better.
The people I saw were white. I will talk the way I want ...comrade.

You sure do type tough, there cupcake. Your thinking you outgun everyone reminds me of the "Mask" where he pulls out the most rediculous weapon I have ever seen. "Do you feel lucky, well do ya' "
Get some sleep comrade.
Whatsamatter? Find something else to be unreasonably afraid of? Been saying for years that the quickest way to common sense gun reform was for the left to fully embrace open carry gun ownership. Look at you now thinking there ought to be some sort of remedy to people you don't trust walking around with combat weapons.

At the same time, no one from the Left has a problem with like-minded individuals carrying a gun. Between the George Floyd riots and CHAZ takeover by force inclusive of firearms, legal and illegal, the Left has lost their gun control debate.

It is clear that the Left does not want their political opposition to have 2nd Amendment rights. I defy them to make gun control an issue in 2020 when they have been exposed.

One does what one has to do. When the cops won't protect, the citizens must. IF that means the citizens must arm to do it then that's what must be done. You are leaving out that in that protected area, all crimes seem to have stopped. Well, except for the ignoring the Governors order to ban all weapons. I am sure that a ban of all weapon by any Red State Governor would cause you to line up and dutifully turn in all your firearms, right? The time for force is gone, the time for reasonable people to come up with solutions is what is left. Otherwise, look for more of these areas. But according to you, the left doesn't have guns so it just can't happen, right? Damn it all, sort of screws up your up and coming "Revolution" doesn't.
You sir are a flaming idiot.

Just how many times are you going to answer the same post? You can't even have more than one thought at a time. It must be lonely in your head. Well, it would be but all those voices.
You posted your reply at 4
Whatsamatter? Find something else to be unreasonably afraid of? Been saying for years that the quickest way to common sense gun reform was for the left to fully embrace open carry gun ownership. Look at you now thinking there ought to be some sort of remedy to people you don't trust walking around with combat weapons.

At the same time, no one from the Left has a problem with like-minded individuals carrying a gun. Between the George Floyd riots and CHAZ takeover by force inclusive of firearms, legal and illegal, the Left has lost their gun control debate.

It is clear that the Left does not want their political opposition to have 2nd Amendment rights. I defy them to make gun control an issue in 2020 when they have been exposed.

One does what one has to do. When the cops won't protect, the citizens must. IF that means the citizens must arm to do it then that's what must be done. You are leaving out that in that protected area, all crimes seem to have stopped. Well, except for the ignoring the Governors order to ban all weapons. I am sure that a ban of all weapon by any Red State Governor would cause you to line up and dutifully turn in all your firearms, right? The time for force is gone, the time for reasonable people to come up with solutions is what is left. Otherwise, look for more of these areas. But according to you, the left doesn't have guns so it just can't happen, right? Damn it all, sort of screws up your up and coming "Revolution" doesn't.
You sir are a flaming idiot.

Just how many times are you going to answer the same post? You can't even have more than one thought at a time. It must be lonely in your head. Well, it would be but all those voices.
You posted your reply at 4:29 AM. It's obvious that you have nothing better to do than troll those who disagree with you. Get some sleep comrade. It might help but I doubt.

I have a maliday that you will never have. Rexall Rangers never do. It's called a sleeping disorder from PTSD. And I wasn't given it, I earned it. I made sure you kept the right to make a damned fool of yourself. Well, not you. If it was just you I would have stayed on the Ranch. But everyone else. And you keep working and sending me that money, I really do appreciate it. Much more than you appreciate what us old hands that retired from the Military or gave their lives for.
This article introduces the leftist gun thugs guarding CHAZ in Seattle. I thought these snowflakes were so anti-gun.

If I follow history, if it were whites doing it you would cheer them on. It's time to use dialog instead of Guns at this point. And if you believe that all Liberals are unarmed, your "Revolution" won't go the way you dream it would. So stop talking so damned baddass. And get to work making things better.
The people I saw were white. I will talk the way I want ...comrade.

You sure do type tough, there cupcake. Your thinking you outgun everyone reminds me of the "Mask" where he pulls out the most rediculous weapon I have ever seen. "Do you feel lucky, well do ya' "
Get some sleep comrade.

I grabbed a 2 hour kat nap. And this morning I have to install an air conditioner for a handicapped lady neighbor. She has no money (lives on less than a grand a month), has to use a walker to get around and can't do these things herself. And, yes, she's on welfare. I am turning 70 this year but can still install a window AC just fine. What have you done for the under privileged lately, cupcake?

I answer #2 this time.
This article introduces the leftist gun thugs guarding CHAZ in Seattle. I thought these snowflakes were so anti-gun.
The left says these are "right-wing

What's the matter, you gittin affeered that the left just might be able to fight back when you do your planned "Revolution" Keep the lights on, you'll make a better target.
This article introduces the leftist gun thugs guarding CHAZ in Seattle. I thought these snowflakes were so anti-gun.
The left says these are "right-wing

What's the matter, you gittin affeered that the left just might be able to fight back when you do your planned "Revolution" Keep the lights on, you'll make a better target.
I was infant
This article introduces the leftist gun thugs guarding CHAZ in Seattle. I thought these snowflakes were so anti-gun.
The left says these are "right-wing

What's the matter, you gittin affeered that the left just might be able to fight back when you do your planned "Revolution" Keep the lights on, you'll make a better target.
I was infantry before I switched to be a tank commander. M1A1. Then I ended my career in recruiting. I assume you were a REMF cook.

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