Leftist MSNBC Lawrence O'donnel threatens Romneys with physical harm

I don’t remember. Maybe I didn’t see it. I’ll answer any question ask
Why are you gay
God made me happy... I guess I got lucky. That’s what you've been wondering about for a whole day?! Do you have a crush on me? It’s ok to admit it, don’t be shy ;-)
Could never understand you guys lol
what’s there to understand?
Does it feel good? Lol
Does it feel good to be happy? Yes, of course. It’s kind of the definition
Why are you gay
God made me happy... I guess I got lucky. That’s what you've been wondering about for a whole day?! Do you have a crush on me? It’s ok to admit it, don’t be shy ;-)
Could never understand you guys lol
what’s there to understand?
Does it feel good? Lol
Does it feel good to be happy? Yes, of course. It’s kind of the definition
What’s the buggiest you ever took lol
God made me happy... I guess I got lucky. That’s what you've been wondering about for a whole day?! Do you have a crush on me? It’s ok to admit it, don’t be shy ;-)
Could never understand you guys lol
what’s there to understand?
Does it feel good? Lol
Does it feel good to be happy? Yes, of course. It’s kind of the definition
What’s the buggiest you ever took lol
The buggiest I ever took? Hmmm I’ll have to get back to you after I figure out what the hell you're talking about.
This is all in the past silly. Romney has been absolved from his sins against liberals by being anti-TRUMP.
Romney like McCain are/were so jealous of TRUMP's political success that they are/were willing to selling themselves out to the very people that once hated and demeaned them for a few moments of praise.

Romney and McCain could never be jealous of tramp.
Wow, you really trust that foil helmet to give you mind reading abilities.

if herr trump purges ALL government positions of his "enemies" (anyone who doesn't lick his ass) and replaces then with HIS people (immoral, unethical conservative fascists who delight in hate and murder) he could easily establish a totalitarian dictatorship!


then he could have as much fun as putin and un...

and his rotten kids could have as much fun as uday and qusay.....

they could murder and rape and slaughter....

and his conservative christian minions can keep saying "trump is a gift from god!"

I believe trump supporters would gladly accept trump eliminating the presidency and establishing himself as SUPREME LEADER with his son usay or guday to follow him.
Then you believe crap.
Democrats do HATE HOAXES.

Until there is "real evidence," this should be assumed to be yet another left wing HATE HOAX.....

really, LOL
You're a mind reader are ya.
Ya and the worlds going to end in 12 years because of global warming your guys are so good at predicting.
Might wanna read thru the post of this thread. Your diatribe has already been addressed
At least the other poster had the courage to apologize.
God made me happy... I guess I got lucky. That’s what you've been wondering about for a whole day?! Do you have a crush on me? It’s ok to admit it, don’t be shy ;-)
Could never understand you guys lol
what’s there to understand?
Does it feel good? Lol
Does it feel good to be happy? Yes, of course. It’s kind of the definition
What’s the buggiest you ever took lol

Um, WTF is going on in this discussion? :uhh: I dare not read any further in this thread...
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That MSLSD hack has a severe case of Resting Bitch Face. I'm sure that sissy has had more than his share of beatdowns growing up.
More Kellyanne Conway email talking points from the Orange Herd. Garbage. You guys are so predictable.

By the way, colonelangus is a Colossal Dip Shit.

Yaa butt ... These stories are from 2013/2014.

And they're MSNBC stories!

Wayyyy before Kellyanne.
Does not matter. Kellyanne Conway tags this kind of stuff in her talking points. The red meat Orange Herd does not care. They only care that they get feed from the next DJT twitter outburst and talking points from her.

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