Leftist nut George Clooney says

Leftist nut George Clooney, he with Lebanese wife who's a nutty Human Rights lawyer....Clooney says that HOLLYWOOD needs to help bring TONS more Muslim savages into America....says 10,000 a YEAR just ISN'T enough.

Also praises Traitor Bitch Merkel of course.

Hey George Looney....fuck you! I'm sure Steven Spielberg will PERSONALLY pay to help George POS Soros co-fund destruction of America via Muslim savages.

what does he need them for?
Liberals are hilarious.
Why do these people think their views are worthy of attention?
They're actors for fucks sake,you'd do just as well or possibly better getting political advice from your mechanic or plumber.

LOL! Ronald Reagan was a shitty "B" actor.

LOL! So when is George going to jump into the dem race?
At this point he's just another progressive shill in hollyweird with one line sound bites.
Liberals are hilarious.
Why do these people think their views are worthy of attention?
They're actors for fucks sake,you'd do just as well or possibly better getting political advice from your mechanic or plumber.

LOL! Ronald Reagan was a shitty "B" actor.

LOL! So when is George going to jump into the dem race?
At this point he's just another progressive shill in hollyweird with one line sound bites.

I'm sure he has no plans of jumping in any race. He'll just continue to exercise his right to free speech.
Liberals are hilarious.
Why do these people think their views are worthy of attention?
They're actors for fucks sake,you'd do just as well or possibly better getting political advice from your mechanic or plumber.

LOL! Ronald Reagan was a shitty "B" actor.

LOL! So when is George going to jump into the dem race?
At this point he's just another progressive shill in hollyweird with one line sound bites.

I'm sure he has no plans of jumping in any race. He'll just continue to exercise his right to free speech.

I would much rather he had plans for jumping off a cliff.
Liberals are hilarious.
Why do these people think their views are worthy of attention?
They're actors for fucks sake,you'd do just as well or possibly better getting political advice from your mechanic or plumber.

LOL! Ronald Reagan was a shitty "B" actor.

LOL! So when is George going to jump into the dem race?
At this point he's just another progressive shill in hollyweird with one line sound bites.

I'm sure he has no plans of jumping in any race. He'll just continue to exercise his right to free speech.

I would much rather he had plans for jumping off a cliff.

I doubt he gives two shits what you think.
Liberals are hilarious.
Why do these people think their views are worthy of attention?
They're actors for fucks sake,you'd do just as well or possibly better getting political advice from your mechanic or plumber.

LOL! Ronald Reagan was a shitty "B" actor.

LOL! So when is George going to jump into the dem race?
At this point he's just another progressive shill in hollyweird with one line sound bites.

I'm sure he has no plans of jumping in any race. He'll just continue to exercise his right to free speech.

And we'll continue to laugh at his buffoonery....
While liberals lap it up as affirmation.
Liberals are hilarious.
Why do these people think their views are worthy of attention?
They're actors for fucks sake,you'd do just as well or possibly better getting political advice from your mechanic or plumber.

LOL! Ronald Reagan was a shitty "B" actor.

LOL! So when is George going to jump into the dem race?
At this point he's just another progressive shill in hollyweird with one line sound bites.

I'm sure he has no plans of jumping in any race. He'll just continue to exercise his right to free speech.

And we'll continue to laugh at his buffoonery....
While liberals lap it up as affirmation.

Liberals are hilarious.
Why do these people think their views are worthy of attention?
They're actors for fucks sake,you'd do just as well or possibly better getting political advice from your mechanic or plumber.

LOL! Ronald Reagan was a shitty "B" actor.

LOL! So when is George going to jump into the dem race?
At this point he's just another progressive shill in hollyweird with one line sound bites.

I'm sure he has no plans of jumping in any race. He'll just continue to exercise his right to free speech.

And we'll continue to laugh at his buffoonery....
While liberals lap it up as affirmation.

Just like to thank everyone for the show. It would be wrong to judge all Austrians as loons though. Let me present Austria's contribution to the world of rock.
Just like to thank everyone for the show. It would be wrong to judge all Austrians as loons though. Let me present Austria's contribution to the world of rock.

You Communist Welsh idiot, Wales has NO culture whatsoever, why don't you go and shag sheep and pick daffodils. Wales must be on lowest rung on every ladder available.

Having no Culture or sophistication whatsoever WTF do you know about anything.

A partial list of Austrian Classical Composers, this only PARTIAL list.

Alban Berg
Joseph Haydn
Anton Bruckner
Johann Georg Albrechtsberger
Leopold Hofmann
Gustav Mahler
Leopold Mozart (father of)
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
Franz Xaver Wolfgang Mozart (son of)
Karl Georg Reutter
Franz Schmidt
Arnold Schönberg
Anton Webern
Franz Schubert
Georg Christoph Wagenseil
Johann Strauß I
Eduard Strauß
Johann Strauß II
Johann Strauß III
Josef Strauß
Franz Xaver Süssmayr
Theodor Berger
Georg Friedrich Haas
Carl Ditters von Dittersdorf
Michael Haydn (father of)
This would be our Governments plan now darling.
That 6 month timeline still on? When will your Nazi leaders start to pop up? Have they already?

What's the matter, are you upset that the Marxists and Traitors are failing already?

We are readying to shut border COMPLETELY with Slovenia and now Italy also, we are readying to send troops to Macedonia to FORCIBLY STOP ALL MIGRANTS and also to CLOSE Macedonia's border....this is part one of the plan, subsequent parts of the plan will be enacted in due course.

Austria Will 'Close Border' To Migrants

Our Government within a month to begin deporting the Muslim savages in military transport planes, small numbers of course to begin with, but within next four months larger numbers will be deported in these planes.

Austria to deport asylum seekers within one month

We DON'T want this FILTH, we NEVER DID, they are going to be REMOVED, the Commie UN, Washington DC and fucking NATO STFU....we get told what to do by NOBODY, Austria is OUR NATION and it stays OUR nation, anyone thinking otherwise, they are VERY stupid to do so. We cannot be blackmailed and used like Traitor Bitch Merkel, nobody is listening to her anymore, the sun gets ready to set on her AND on BERLIN....Austria and Hungary and OUR historical allies in Europa are now paving way to take control of Europa as a WHOLE....this is just the beginning....my Government and our friends Governments in other Patriotic Nations will be going hardcore THIS YEAR and nobody had better get in the way.

It begins.

My Chancellor says "SEND THEM ALL BACK"

'Send them all back': Austrian chancellor demands EU border patrols return every migrant picked up trying to reach Greece to Turkey
  • Chancellor Werner Faymann wants all refugees sent back to Turkey
  • Said police should save those crossing the sea, but then deport them
  • Austria 'will extend border controls if Turkey does not take them back'
  • Faymann said it's the only thing that would make radical enough impact

Send them all back: Austrian chancellor demands EU return all migrants

I lived in Mannheim, Heidelberg and Berlin for well over 6 years. Loved it. But I HAVE to say this (with apologies). WWII is long over. What happened then happened. Germany has MORE than paid for their part. Merkel needs to stop the bullshit and get real. I moved between the East and West LONG before the wall came down. One of the best moments of my life was watching that damned wall come down while I was stationed in Moscow. I cried tears of joy.

Merkel - grow a pair and stand up.

Thank you, it's a pity that types that reside in New York City and Washington DC don't agree....German people must be destroyed because to them THIS is ONLY thing that will be accepted by them as "payment".

Austria never swallowed the propaganda, they tried it on us, but we Austrian's are Patriots and proud to be Austrian, so we told them to fuck off and shut up.

Our German cousins, once again, we Austrian's are going to have to save them from the evil from outside. It's not the first time in our Centuries our history that we've had to save the German's, of course like previous times, they are going to be ruled from Vienna and Budapest.

hahahah, und ab geht die lunazi

hahahaha Gestank von Kommunisten!
Liberals are hilarious.
Why do these people think their views are worthy of attention?
They're actors for fucks sake,you'd do just as well or possibly better getting political advice from your mechanic or plumber.

LOL! Ronald Reagan was a shitty "B" actor.

LOL! So when is George going to jump into the dem race?
At this point he's just another progressive shill in hollyweird with one line sound bites.

I'm sure he has no plans of jumping in any race. He'll just continue to exercise his right to free speech.

I would much rather he had plans for jumping off a cliff.

I doubt he gives two shits what you think.

Just like to thank everyone for the show. It would be wrong to judge all Austrians as loons though. Let me present Austria's contribution to the world of rock.

You Communist Welsh idiot, Wales has NO culture whatsoever, why don't you go and shag sheep and pick daffodils. Wales must be on lowest rung on every ladder available.

Having no Culture or sophistication whatsoever WTF do you know about anything.

A partial list of Austrian Classical Composers, this only PARTIAL list.

Alban Berg
Joseph Haydn
Anton Bruckner
Johann Georg Albrechtsberger
Leopold Hofmann
Gustav Mahler
Leopold Mozart (father of)
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
Franz Xaver Wolfgang Mozart (son of)
Karl Georg Reutter
Franz Schmidt
Arnold Schönberg
Anton Webern
Franz Schubert
Georg Christoph Wagenseil
Johann Strauß I
Eduard Strauß
Johann Strauß II
Johann Strauß III
Josef Strauß
Franz Xaver Süssmayr
Theodor Berger
Georg Friedrich Haas
Carl Ditters von Dittersdorf
Michael Haydn (father of)

I wonder what they would make of you and your mate Adolf ?
Leftist nut George Clooney, he with Lebanese wife who's a nutty Human Rights lawyer....Clooney says that HOLLYWOOD needs to help bring TONS more Muslim savages into America....says 10,000 a YEAR just ISN'T enough.

Also praises Traitor Bitch Merkel of course.

Hey George Looney....fuck you! I'm sure Steven Spielberg will PERSONALLY pay to help George POS Soros co-fund destruction of America via Muslim savages.

He's not even cute.

Hollywood and their in your face leftist ways makes me and our nation ill. Too many dumb or indifferent Americans to ever expect anything to change. The media is their co-conspirator.
LOL! Ronald Reagan was a shitty "B" actor.

LOL! So when is George going to jump into the dem race?
At this point he's just another progressive shill in hollyweird with one line sound bites.

I'm sure he has no plans of jumping in any race. He'll just continue to exercise his right to free speech.

I would much rather he had plans for jumping off a cliff.

I doubt he gives two shits what you think.

The most compelling speech she's ever made......
Clooney is a moron. Why do we keep giving these know nothings air time? He makes a living pretending to be somebody else, wtf does he know about anything else?
He is the perfect politician. He pretends to be something he's not for a living. A professional liar if you will.

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