Leftists say 15 dollars an hour is not enough...want 26 dollars an hour...they really don't understand life, do they?

Mr Businessman loves his cheap labor.

Always has and always will until simple robotics replaces simpletons!
In the meantime, inflation and scarcity spiral, as the globalist supply chain continues to become more and more unreliable. Think globally, and rot locally!
Is there a person in Wallstreet who makes Trillions that I didn't hear about?
With all the Help Wanted signs out there, it won’t be long before Mr Businessman is forced to pay $26 an hour just to stay in business.

Fed to pump in more than $1 trillion in dramatic ramping up of market intervention amid coronavirus meltdown

You know this. I'd say you were just playing dumb but I could very well be wrong.

The Federal Reserve stepped into financial markets Thursday for the second day in a row and the third time this week, this time dramatically ramping up asset purchases amid the turmoil created by the coronavirus.

Purchasing assets isn't a gift. Isn't earnings.

You're not playing dumb, are you?
With all the Help Wanted signs out there, it won’t be long before Mr Businessman is forced to pay $26 an hour just to stay in business.

At which point you'll be deliriously happy that they too will be out of business and dependent on a Neo-Marxist Bigger Gov't.
Long before Michael Savage wrote his book, "Liberalism is a Mental Disorder," I believed that hard core leftists are mentally ill...they are, they can do most things in life, but they have a mental illness....like dyslexia for reality...where the truth is lies, right is wrong, wrong is right.....Evan Sayet explained this as well....

Normal people thought that the 15 dollar minimum wage demand would be it......the mentally ill leftists would be happy with that, I mean....15 dollars an hour for every job? Even those serving ice cream on Friday nights at Dairy Queen?

But no.............they are insane..

So you believe a leftist is mentally ill for wanting a decent wage to support his family, pay his bills and have pride in his life.
Did it ever occur to you there are equally as many republicans on that starving wage? Of course not. You purely hate lefties because it's in your filthy Republican DNA yet you wonder why arseholes like you have divided the cou try.

You probably a godbotherer who preach the bible about your fellow man and kindness and mercy also. Clearly you have special dispensation from God to anniliate lefties. You dirty filthy racist
Sanctamonious pompous arrogant white supremeist hypocrite.
Are you clear on all that?
The Federal Reserve stepped into financial markets Thursday for the second day in a row and the third time this week, this time dramatically ramping up asset purchases amid the turmoil created by the coronavirus.

Purchasing assets isn't a gift. Isn't earnings.

You're not playing dumb, are you?

Purchasing assets with what? Where did this money come from? Who earned it? Why doesn't everyone get some? Purchasing assets is pumping the markets.

Tell you what, we don't raise the minimum wage but we stop all pumping and the Fed starts taking it all back.


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