Lefts get high watching this video. Shariah in UK already in ten years

It is a bullet we dodged by not electing Hitlery. Obama did what he could to bring them all here. Hitlery wanted to finish the job.
It is a bullet we dodged by not electing Hitlery. Obama did what he could to bring them all here. Hitlery wanted to finish the job.
Because of judicial interference, the Islamists are still pouring into the United States. Electing a president who saw Islam for the danger it is, was a start, but unless Republicans can gain 60% of both houses, nothing will be accomplished; all it will take is for Republicans to eventually lose and each side loses and gains seats over time.
Lefts enjoy such videos, it is better as porn and Marx's 'Capital' for them.

The only thing worse than your rhetoric is you English usage.. You slaughter a language, shame on you...

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