Lefts Push to Normalize Pedophilia Continues

Hmmmm, we've seen this road map before. Homosexuality was also considered a mental disorder back when, until it wasn't. It was made normal behavior. Guess the pedophiles found the way out of the freak show.
Stupid nuance to push by her but here is what she is saying: being attracted to kids is an illness. Offending them with sex is a crime.

But you are basically saying, hey, let’s take it easy on pedophiles.

Well, but I am not saying that about sex offenders. I say that they remain responsible for their conduct. We need to treat pedophiles before they offend. People see the word “pedophile” and think “sex offender.” People choose to sex offend children. They do not choose to be pedophiles.
Stupid nuance to push by her but here is what she is saying: being attracted to kids is an illness. Offending them with sex is a crime.

But you are basically saying, hey, let’s take it easy on pedophiles.

Well, but I am not saying that about sex offenders. I say that they remain responsible for their conduct. We need to treat pedophiles before they offend. People see the word “pedophile” and think “sex offender.” People choose to sex offend children. They do not choose to be pedophiles.
Being homosexual is also an illness.
The man who was president of the APA when they removed homosexuality from the DSM says it was for purely political reasons. PC has no rightful place in science.

Stupid nuance to push by her but here is what she is saying: being attracted to kids is an illness. Offending them with sex is a crime.

But you are basically saying, hey, let’s take it easy on pedophiles.

Well, but I am not saying that about sex offenders. I say that they remain responsible for their conduct. We need to treat pedophiles before they offend. People see the word “pedophile” and think “sex offender.” People choose to sex offend children. They do not choose to be pedophiles.
Being homosexual is also an illness.

Same thing with bat shit nuts trans
Stupid nuance to push by her but here is what she is saying: being attracted to kids is an illness. Offending them with sex is a crime.

But you are basically saying, hey, let’s take it easy on pedophiles.

Well, but I am not saying that about sex offenders. I say that they remain responsible for their conduct. We need to treat pedophiles before they offend. People see the word “pedophile” and think “sex offender.” People choose to sex offend children. They do not choose to be pedophiles.
Being homosexual is also an illness.

Same thing with bat shit nuts trans
Did you know the whole trans thing started in Germany? Those famous photos of Nazis burning books? They were burning homo trans perv crap books. If nothing else, the Nazis were right to do that. The disgusting experiments that were taking place at the "Institute for Sexual Research" were obscene. Sicker than anything Mengele did in reality.
Guess a broken clock can be right once in awhile.
How many women have accused trump?
But if course you defend a man who has no morals or do you need a link to that or can you use what little common sense you may have
i know you dont have the nerve to read it

n 1994, Trump went to a party with Jeffrey Epstein, a billionaire who was a notorious registered sex offender, and raped a 13-year-old girl that night in what was a "savage sexual attack," according to a lawsuit filed in June 2016 by "Jane Doe." The account was corroborated by a witness in the suit, who claimed to have watched as the child performed various sexual acts on Trump and Epstein even after the two were advised she was a minor.

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