Legislation Offers Antidote for Stupidity of Shipping Tax-Dollar-Financed Jobs Overse


Handsome Devil
Feb 10, 2010
Leo W. Gerard: Legislation Offers Antidote for Stupidity of Shipping Tax-Dollar-Financed Jobs Overseas

Amid prolonged, painfully high unemployment, ABC News Anchor Diane Sawyer for the past year tirelessly advocated a simple solution: buy American-made products. She clearly explained the reasoning: every American dollar spent on an American-made product helps create an American job.

Defying Sawyer's admonition to search for "Made in America" tags, California set a record for using government money to create jobs in China. The Golden State awarded a contract for the new Bay Bridge that created 3,000 jobs in China for five years - a period during which the state's unemployment rate persisted at two percentage points above the nation's already high average.

Now there's an antidote for California's stupidity. It is legislation called the Invest in American Jobs Act. Championed by U.S. Rep. Nick J. Rahall, (D-W.Va.) and Senators Sherrod Brown, (D-Ohio) and Bob Casey, (D-Pa.), it would strengthen existing requirements for buying American products when federal tax dollars pay for construction of highway, bridge, public transit, rail, water systems and aviation infrastructure equipment.

If the GOP were true American patriots they wouldn't let jobs get shipped overseas, they would support this legislation.

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