Lena Dunham turns into conspiracy theorist.


Gold Member
May 13, 2012
She really believes no one has the right to question her story!! Brainless bimbo.

Lena Dunham Why I Chose To Speak Out

dec 9 2014
"I have had my character and credibility questioned at every turn. I have been attacked online with violent and misogynistic language. Reporters have attempted to uncover the identity of my attacker despite my sincerest attempts to protect this information. My work has been torn apart in an attempt to prove I am a liar, or worse, a deviant myself. My friends and family have been contacted. Articles have heralded “Lena Dunham’s shocking confession.” I have been made to feel, on multiple occasions, as though I am to blame for what happened."
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She admits in the article

"Like so many women who have been sexually assaulted, I did not report the incident to my college or to the police"

So why should anyone believe her?
If it were Leon Dunham, rapist, would he still have his television show?

Lena Dunham deserves the same punishment including prison time.
She admits in the article

"Like so many women who have been sexually assaulted, I did not report the incident to my college or to the police"

So why should anyone believe her?
I am not a woman so I cannot speak on why women don't report rape.

I knew guys in HS and college that were serial sexual predators, and that raped by lie, deception and emotional manipulation.

I also knew some that raped by strength, and to a guy, they never feared being reported.

Karma got two of them, who died horrible deaths.
For every man that gets what he wants by lies, deceit and manipulation two women are doing the same thing. Otherwise known as dating.
She admits in the article

"Like so many women who have been sexually assaulted, I did not report the incident to my college or to the police"

So why should anyone believe her?
I am not a woman so I cannot speak on why women don't report rape.

I knew guys in HS and college that were serial sexual predators, and that raped by lie, deception and emotional manipulation.

I also knew some that raped by strength, and to a guy, they never feared being reported.

Karma got two of them, who died horrible deaths.

we had a guy in high school that raped several girls, it was pretty well known, but the girls never raised a fuss. I don't know why, it happened at parties and stuff and for whatever reason everyone knew but no one said anything.

a year after we graduated he was arrested for attempted rape of an older mentally handicapped woman in town. He'd already raped her the night before and came back that night and the cops were there waiting.

Easily one of my top 5 regrets is that I didn't kill him for one of those girls back when we were in school.

Yes, it's believable that females can be so ashamed or whatever that they don't report it.
She admits in the article

"Like so many women who have been sexually assaulted, I did not report the incident to my college or to the police"

So why should anyone believe her?
I see no reason not to believe her. Ive dated several women over the years who wre also raped, but they didnt call the police. Im surprised you are unaware of this phenomenon.
She admits in the article

"Like so many women who have been sexually assaulted, I did not report the incident to my college or to the police"

So why should anyone believe her?
I see no reason not to believe her. Ive dated several women over the years who wre also raped, but they didnt call the police. Im surprised you are unaware of this phenomenon.

You'll have to excuse ShootSpeeders, he's never actually been with a woman.

Not a living one anyway.

I knew guys in HS and college that were serial sexual predators, and that raped by lie, deception and emotional manipulation.

That's not rape, you stupid jackass!!! That's like some hustler beating you at poker and then you cry "thief".
Who in the hell would want to rape this piece of blubber? I think I'm gonna hurl.

She admits in the article

"Like so many women who have been sexually assaulted, I did not report the incident to my college or to the police"

So why should anyone believe her?
I see no reason not to believe her. Ive dated several women over the years who wre also raped, but they didnt call the police. Im surprised you are unaware of this phenomenon.

The majority of sexual assaults are not reported to the authorities.
The Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS) reports that the majority of rapes and sexual assaults perpetrated against women and girls in the United States between 1992 and 2000 were not reported to the police. Only 36 percent of rapes, 34 percent of attempted rapes, and 26 percent of sexual assaults were reported. Reasons for not reporting assault vary among individuals, but one study identified the following as common:
  • Self-blame or guilt.
  • Shame, embarrassment, or desire to keep the assault a private matter.
  • Humiliation or fear of the perpetrator or other individual's perceptions.
  • Fear of not being believed or of being accused of playing a role in the crime.
  • Lack of trust in the criminal justice system.
A woman I dated during High School was raped while jogging in Seattle's Lincoln Park in 1970. When the police showed up they treated her like a criminal and-----and just about everything in the article's list above.

Her experience with the Seattle Police Dept. traumatized her so bad that when she was violently raped a second time in Midtown Manhattan in 1981, she chose to NOT report the rape. When she went to an emergency clinic to get her cuts treated, the healthcare workers kept asking her if she wanted them to call the police to report a sexual assault - she kept telling them - no, no and no.

Luckily she didn't have any STD's but she told me waiting for the results of all the tests was the most anxiety stricken 6 weeks of her life - every itch, every watery eye, every...

She's now 67 and she still sobs uncontrollably when she hears someone else's story of violence or news story or...

Another consequence of the Seattle Police Dept's insensitivity is, when her not gay but pussified son was being bullied in high school the school authorities felt it was serious enough to report to the King County Sheriff's Dept. but she blocked the school from doing anything more than handling it on campus -- and so it goes, and goes and...

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