Leo/Dan: The Avril/Stana Censorship (DC/Marvel)


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Sep 22, 2013
Do modern media networks inspire you to think about patriotic campfires?

This vignette was inspired by The Fifth Estate.


American movie star Leo DiCaprio was debating with a popular club-DJ named Daniel on an Internet forum regarding the dangers of censorship in the modern age of media and traffic and social dialogue. Leo didn't want censorship to affect the social biases regarding the non-disclosure attitudes of ecologists who continued to deny that global warming could be real. Daniel didn't want censorship to affect the stylistics of amateur-music made and distributed freely on the World Wide Web. Both Leo and Daniel agreed that modern social dialogue values (e.g., Charlie Rose) indicated the volatility of censorship-themed debates.


At the time, Leo and Daniel debated, Leo was dating American female musician Avril Lavigne, who was currently touring with Gwen Stefani (another American female musician) in Australia. Avril and Gwen's joint music-tour was an eco-themed music schedule designed to attract eco-activists. Daniel, meanwhile, was dating a young American woman named Stana who was a college graduate and thespian and had recently starred in a James Bond film as an iconic 'Bond-girl.' Leo wanted Avril's eco-involvements to be hyped by his own eco-activism website, while Daniel wanted Stana's involvement in espionage/Bond films to be advertised on an Internet blog so he could tell people that modern consumers were fascinated by the 'culture' of information-politics and why women would be recruited as 'models' of politics. Both Leo and Daniel continued to meditate on the gravity of censorship in this new age of media-based imagination.


After much consideration, Leo and Daniel decided to co-host a special Internet chat-session with American celebrity Tom Cruise whose involvement in Scientology, an alternative religion, brought him close to a new Spider-Man movie-project involving the Marvel Comics superhero contending with a fascist brainwashing megalomaniac named Kingpin who wanted to turn Americans into slaves by using Scientology as an extortion-tool and distraction. The film was to be directed by Wes Andersen, and Cruise was excited about its censorship-overtones, which is why Leo and Daniel wanted to debate with him on an Internet chat-room. Cruise consented to do so, especially to 'advertise' his own interests in Scientology.


LEO: I think we're all familiar with WikiLeaks...
DANIEL: Sure; media's changed the way we think about 'intrigue.'
CRUISE: The Internet is like a battery-powered 'blanket.'

LEO: I like Avril's commitment to music industry investments in social work.
DANIEL: Yeah, rockers seem to care about ecology; I like Stana's interest in espionage!
CRUISE: Who's cooler James Bond or Ethan Hunt (Mission: Impossible)?

LEO: Information-exchange is the hallmark of capitalism...
DANIEL: You can't have dialogue if censorship matters complicate etiquette!
CRUISE: We should think about the modernism value of films like White Man's Burden.

LEO: Tom, you must be excited to be working on a Marvel film.
DANIEL: Do you think Marvel characters are more intelligible/accessible?
CRUISE: I'm a Spider-Man fan, and I honestly appreciate how folk-art reaches the masses.

LEO: What if this 'Kingpin' villain in the new Spider-Man film creates censorship chatter?
DANIEL: Yeah, we might hear some nifty conversation on The View or The Talk.
CRUISE: There's nothing wrong with 'friendly dialogue.'

LEO: Is America a kingdom of an estate?
DANIEL: It seems America is more or less an 'enterprise.'
CRUISE: I believe America is some kind of treasure-chest.

LEO: Avril thinks America is a 'camp.'
DANIEL: Stana thinks America is an 'auditorium.'
CRUISE: My ex-wife Katie Holmes thought America is a 'laboratory.'

LEO: Perhaps America is all three things...in a way.
DANIEL: Music and media and the arts can help us unite sectors of voters.
CRUISE: Democracy is spiced by considerations of mercantilism (e.g., Taco Bell)!

LEO: Consumerism can easily become a 'cholesterol-system.'
DANIEL: We have to properly place media-legal battles (e.g., Metallica v. Napster) in context.
CRUISE: I'm a big fan of my own modernism-legalese film The Firm!

LEO: What troubled me about The Firm was that Orwellian dystopia is now more 'fancy.'
DANIEL: Yes, offices are more...convoluted; thanks to the Information Age.
CRUISE: Disclosure is a key 'face' of modern networks (e.g., Frontline).

LEO: Maybe Superman should talk about censorship.
DANIEL: Yes, Superman does work for the Daily Planet after all...
CRUISE: Well, Spider-Man works for the Daily Bugle!

LEO: Marvel characters are much more 'street-friendly.'
DANIEL: Yes, Spider-Man symbolizes 'basic wisdom.'
CRUISE: I hope you two will watch my new Marvel film.


After this rather engaged and symbolic Internet chatroom discussion, Leo, Daniel, and Cruise concluded that modern media networks catalyse all kinds of interesting discussions about the impact of free-speech in the dissemination of ideas and information in a modern America fascinated by general 'democratic traffic.' Cruise's new Marvel film about Spider-Man and Kingpin and censorship received great reviews and Cruise received commendations as a producer. When asked about his experiences making the censorship-themed film, Cruise told an interviewer/reporter, "I conversed with a Hollywood peer and a club-DJ on an Internet chat-room about random new age American female celebrities involved in the music scene and movie industry and why Americans seem continually curious about 'social exposure'!" Cruise hoped his new Spider-Man film would finally give Marvel Comics the 'intellectual edge' over rival DC Comics.



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