Lesbian and her partner murdered mother

There are other instances of this type of murder in all segments of society--race,religion, social class, teenage couples killing parents, etc. The fact they are lesbians does not make the story stand out, nor does it suggest it is the type of thing lesbian couples do. There are murders like this in the US and around the world, done by people who are not lesbians. It isn't being reported in the mass media because, unfortunately, it is rather common place, and for people who are not obsessive and rather twisted regarding gays, it being a lesbian couple doesn't make it any more interesting than other such murders.
I think there's a reason you won't hear this story on CNN, etc... other than on a crime blog. Negative story about protected status group member.
Nah, it is more likely because the other 99.9999% of people don't have a bizarre unhealthy obsession with all things gay/transgender that causes them to think any local news story involving them is of interest to everyone else.

Keep on grinding your ax though, we'll all be here watching when you finally step out of the closet and don your first prom dress in public.

I wonder if this murder was committed by a straight couple, would Steve have felt the need to post about it?

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