less than 6.5 % of the population commits most of the crimes in the US !!


Diamond Member
Jul 16, 2011
and since millions of these criminals are already justly incarcerated the % is of the population that commits most of the crime is actually lower than 6.5 %!!
and since millions of these criminals are already justly incarcerated the % is of the population that commits most of the crime is actually lower than 6.5 %!!
i know the libbs and racist blacks will find a way to blame white society for these stats ,that is why nothing can be done to solve the problem .
Yep, mostly black male.

Blacks cause 52% of all murders at 13% of the population. The left doesn't so much as want to work with the blacks to charge this? Are these people dumb or what?
Deport them back to Africa? Reinstate Jim Crow? Create a black district for them in every state? What should we do?
Another major problem nobody talks about it that a growing number of blacks incarcerated are turning to Islam.
Funny how the left loves knowledge(crime stats) right up until it says something they don't like. lol.
No ideas on what to do about this guys? What's the final goal here? Public declaration by the government that black people are a problem? Without coming up with a solution?
What is sad is that the individuals of my race that steal, kill, and rape make my race look bad. When slaves were freed, they did no crime. They were trying to find jobs and support their families. The white race hated them and judged them with no real excuse (some made up lies for an excuse) but now today, those blacks make us look bad. They give racist people an excuse. The more we do crime, the more it goes in the racists favor.

I didn't believe at first that blacks did the most of the crime since whites are the majority of this country and that it would be silly to think that the minorities who are human to would be causing all of this evil. When I looked into it, I am being made looked bad along with other good black individuals. I have a theory on how and why this is happening though.
No ideas on what to do about this guys? What's the final goal here? Public declaration by the government that black people are a problem? Without coming up with a solution?

I'd really like to know what black crime stats were like prior to say 1960. Since then we've had the welfare state and affirmative action which have robbed blacks of their dignity and encouraged poor black mothers to have lots of kids and black fathers to abandon their children.

Like many people, i think liberalism has been a disaster for blacks.
Think of it this way. When the slaves were freed, they didn't do any crime. They were trying to get jobs and support their families. However, the whites treated them badly and made laws to restrict them. The Ku Klux Klan started targeting them and killing them for no reason. Whites wanted to be segregated from them and much more. This is nothing but negative influence. If you be mean to a child so much, he or she will grow up with so much hatred (I am taking blacks in the category of children because they were new to freedom and didn't know much. They were innocent like a child.) Over time, they saw the country ruled by people who hated them and felt like even if they tried, the white man will find or make up an excuse for them to not succeed. Just look at the past laws that used to exist in this country that were against blacks. They felt like the only way to survive is too steal and murder. They don't bother trying because in their mindset, "Why bother? The white men hate us. Whites don't have to do much to be accepted and nurtured. If blacks try, they are instantly rejected."

They feel that this country is against them and instead of moving along like the other black individuals like myself and others who educate ourselves and make good choices, they choose to do the opposite out of rage. They don't bother trying because they feel like there is no point. Words and actions from the past was like a bad drug thats effect was long term. Negative influence, will eventually cause whatever its being influenced on to happen. Not just a belief, but in science as well!

This scientist did a test with rice and water. He got 3 beakers of water and put rice in them. He said to one of the beakers, "I love you." Then he said to the other beaker, "You are an idiot!" Then he ignored the other one. After 1 month, the beaker that was loved still was healthy water. The beaker that was called a name turned black and rotten. The one that was ignored began to rot. (Indifference in a way is isolation in which a person or something has nothing supporting it and it simply rots.)

This relates to how it was back in the late 1800s. Overall, it is likely that whites treated each other equally and loved each other. Blacks however, got little respect and were hated. (The only real love they got were from very little white people and each other vs the majority of whites that hated them.) Over time, negative energy has warped their minds and they misuse their free will.

Once again, you can relate this to a child. A child that is treated with love will grow up and be a loving person who will likely make good decisions in his or her life. A child that is treated with cruelty and hatred will likely grow up to be a hating person who makes bad decisions based on how he was treated as a child. This is nothing different than history. That is why I think that blacks have very high crime rates.
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Think of it this way. When the slaves were freed, they didn't do any crime. They were trying to get jobs and support their families. However, the whites treated them badly and made laws to restrict them. The Ku Klux Klan started targeting them and killing them for no reason. Whites wanted to be segregated from them and much more. This is nothing but negative influence. If you be mean to a child so much, he or she will grow up with so much hatred (I am taking blacks in the category of children because they were new to freedom and didn't know much. They were innocent like a child.) Over time, they saw the country ruled by people who hated them and felt like even if they tried, the white man will find or make up an excuse for them to not succeed. Just look at the past laws that used to exist in this country that were against blacks. They felt like the only way to survive is too steal and murder. They don't bother trying because in their mindset, "Why bother? The white men hate us. Whites don't have to do much to be accepted and nurtured. If blacks try, they are instantly rejected."

They feel that this country is against them and instead of moving along like the other black individuals like myself and others who educate ourselves and make good choices, they choose to do the opposite out of rage. They don't bother trying because they feel like there is no point. Words and actions from the past was like a bad drug thats effect was long term. Negative influence, will eventually cause whatever its being influenced on to happen. Not just a belief, but in science as well!

This scientist did a test with rice and water. He got 3 beakers of water and put rice in them. He said to one of the beakers, "I love you." Then he said to the other beaker, "You are an idiot!" Then he ignored the other one. After 1 month, the beaker that was loved still was healthy water. The beaker that was called a name turned black and rotten. The one that was ignored began to rot. (Indifference in a way is isolation in which a person or something has nothing supporting it and it simply rots.)

This relates to how it was back in the late 1800s. Overall, it is likely that whites treated each other equally and loved each other. Blacks however, got little respect and were hated. (The only real love they got were from very little white people and each other vs the majority of whites that hated them.) Over time, negative energy has warped their minds and they misuse their free will.

Once again, you can relate this to a child. A child that is treated with love will grow up and be a loving person who will likely make good decisions in his or her life. A child that is treated with cruelty and hatred will likely grow up to be a hating person who makes bad decisions based on how he was treated as a child. This is nothing different than history. That is why I think that blacks have very high crime rates.

Interesting point of view. I will add these thoughts. Post slavery, during The Jim Crow era, and right up until the Civil Rights movement, there was far more loyalty, pride and solidarity among the black population than there is now.

Even if you were a world renknowed sports celebrity like Joe Louis or Jackie Robinson, you were still subjected to second class citizenship by law.

The same whites that cheered you on in ring or on the field in most cases regarded you as nothing more than an animal like a racehorse.

Based on that, YOUR own community was your safe haven, where you were recognized and protected.

Black citizens had a much greater incentive to be united, because with the exception of a very small fraternity of whites, we were all viewed with disdain and were subject to the same legalized oppression.

So, fast forward past the civil rights movement, to now. The laws of oppression are abolished, there are no more segregated public facilities and with those changes, the sense of unity that propelled us to freedom also disappeared.

After gaining access, what should have happened was a united effort to build black generational wealth, by mass investing in the development of black communities, by the black population. In other words, a culture of "self reliance"

Instead what has happened is that the black middle class model for success has been abandoned for individual excess versus collective strategic gain.

The only way that a minority can survive and thrive in a capitalistic environment is to pool resources and help one another. Asians and hispanics have followed that program with great success.

The proof is in the fact that THEY own more businesses in predominately black communities than blacks do.....that is a self inflicted crime that we allowed to happen.

We have left our poor people behind, and now they are victimizing and killing each other.

Only we can fix it. There are no goverment programs that can do that, and there should not be.
It's the poor blacks that are killing one another? Really? How come a black guy in a Range Rover had a rolling shoot out with another black guy in a Maserati down the Las Vegas strip yesterday? Were they poor?
It's the poor blacks that are killing one another? Really? How come a black guy in a Range Rover had a rolling shoot out with another black guy in a Maserati down the Las Vegas strip yesterday? Were they poor?

An expensive car does not necessarily define if one is rich or poor. There are poor people who "drive" expensive cars and practically live in them and have no other real assets. Were they both multi millionaires? Who knows? That was an isolated case, the majority of black on black violence happens in inner cities between the financially and socially poor.
It's the poor blacks that are killing one another? Really? How come a black guy in a Range Rover had a rolling shoot out with another black guy in a Maserati down the Las Vegas strip yesterday? Were they poor?

An expensive car does not necessarily define if one is rich or poor. There are poor people who "drive" expensive cars and practically live in them and have no other real assets. Were they both multi millionaires? Who knows? That was an isolated case, the majority of black on black violence happens in inner cities between the financially and socially poor.

Actually, the one aspiring rapper was also a well known pimp, so he had plenty of money.

They are financially and socially poor for a reason. It's the same reason that leads to violence whether rich OR poor. What kind of welfare do you propose for "social" poverty?
Living in Sin City, I'm quite interested in the story.

I have a hunch the police know EXACTLY who the shooters were! They came from the new Aria Hotel and Casino that has thousands of surveillance cameras. They should also have pictures of the SUV that fled the scene.

"Poor people" don't hang out in Strip casinos. The argument started there and there has to be lots of witnesses, even at 4 am.

My guess is that Metro know who was involved and is sitting on the info to keep them from knowing what information the authorities have. The SUV is probably already out of state and that brings the FBI into the picture.
Think of it this way. When the slaves were freed, they didn't do any crime. They were trying to get jobs and support their families. However, the whites treated them badly and made laws to restrict them. The Ku Klux Klan started targeting them and killing them for no reason. Whites wanted to be segregated from them and much more. This is nothing but negative influence. If you be mean to a child so much, he or she will grow up with so much hatred (I am taking blacks in the category of children because they were new to freedom and didn't know much. They were innocent like a child.) Over time, they saw the country ruled by people who hated them and felt like even if they tried, the white man will find or make up an excuse for them to not succeed. Just look at the past laws that used to exist in this country that were against blacks. They felt like the only way to survive is too steal and murder. They don't bother trying because in their mindset, "Why bother? The white men hate us. Whites don't have to do much to be accepted and nurtured. If blacks try, they are instantly rejected."

They feel that this country is against them and instead of moving along like the other black individuals like myself and others who educate ourselves and make good choices, they choose to do the opposite out of rage. They don't bother trying because they feel like there is no point. Words and actions from the past was like a bad drug thats effect was long term. Negative influence, will eventually cause whatever its being influenced on to happen. Not just a belief, but in science as well!

This scientist did a test with rice and water. He got 3 beakers of water and put rice in them. He said to one of the beakers, "I love you." Then he said to the other beaker, "You are an idiot!" Then he ignored the other one. After 1 month, the beaker that was loved still was healthy water. The beaker that was called a name turned black and rotten. The one that was ignored began to rot. (Indifference in a way is isolation in which a person or something has nothing supporting it and it simply rots.)

This relates to how it was back in the late 1800s. Overall, it is likely that whites treated each other equally and loved each other. Blacks however, got little respect and were hated. (The only real love they got were from very little white people and each other vs the majority of whites that hated them.) Over time, negative energy has warped their minds and they misuse their free will.

Once again, you can relate this to a child. A child that is treated with love will grow up and be a loving person who will likely make good decisions in his or her life. A child that is treated with cruelty and hatred will likely grow up to be a hating person who makes bad decisions based on how he was treated as a child. This is nothing different than history. That is why I think that blacks have very high crime rates.

Interesting point of view. I will add these thoughts. Post slavery, during The Jim Crow era, and right up until the Civil Rights movement, there was far more loyalty, pride and solidarity among the black population than there is now.

Even if you were a world renknowed sports celebrity like Joe Louis or Jackie Robinson, you were still subjected to second class citizenship by law.

The same whites that cheered you on in ring or on the field in most cases regarded you as nothing more than an animal like a racehorse.

Based on that, YOUR own community was your safe haven, where you were recognized and protected.

Black citizens had a much greater incentive to be united, because with the exception of a very small fraternity of whites, we were all viewed with disdain and were subject to the same legalized oppression.

So, fast forward past the civil rights movement, to now. The laws of oppression are abolished, there are no more segregated public facilities and with those changes, the sense of unity that propelled us to freedom also disappeared.

After gaining access, what should have happened was a united effort to build black generational wealth, by mass investing in the development of black communities, by the black population. In other words, a culture of "self reliance"

Instead what has happened is that the black middle class model for success has been abandoned for individual excess versus collective strategic gain.

The only way that a minority can survive and thrive in a capitalistic environment is to pool resources and help one another. Asians and hispanics have followed that program with great success.

The proof is in the fact that THEY own more businesses in predominately black communities than blacks do.....that is a self inflicted crime that we allowed to happen.

We have left our poor people behind, and now they are victimizing and killing each other.

Only we can fix it. There are no goverment programs that can do that, and there should not be.

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