Let us discuss this openly... What exactly IS the "two states solution"?

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Gold Member
Apr 11, 2012
I'm ready to open this up with the Pro-Palestinians on this board who are willing to have a logal discussion, and those who are not haters who want Israel in the sea.

Let us talk this rationally. What exactly IS the two states solution? One for Israel and one for the Palestinians? What will be the borders of such states?

Can you openly tell me what is the benefit of the so called 67 lines? what good there is in them? and why they are better than a 1 state solution?

Please elaborate. Let us discuss this rationally. No name calling and cusses.
Lipush, a two state solution is no longer possible without ethnic cleansing of Jews or non-Jews. It will no longer work. A single state solution is now the only solution.
I'm ready to open this up with the Pro-Palestinians on this board who are willing to have a logal discussion, and those who are not haters who want Israel in the sea.

Let us talk this rationally. What exactly IS the two states solution? One for Israel and one for the Palestinians? What will be the borders of such states?

Can you openly tell me what is the benefit of the so called 67 lines? what good there is in them? and why they are better than a 1 state solution?

Please elaborate. Let us discuss this rationally. No name calling and cusses.

If your looking for a rational discussion it helps to not label your opponents as "haters who want Israel in the sea" I'm assuming you mean haters not as in religious bigots but as "player haters" as in they're just jealous of they're gold rings and pimped out Cadillacs. I know Trump uses that one alot but I dont think you people know what it means, the push them into the sea comment I'm guessing was a random out of context quote from Ahmadinejad from 2004 I think.

here is the older of map of israel

as you can see most of palestine is occupied by Israel, the 1967 agreement, is where most Palestinian groups say Israel should move back to. But since jews were safer in muslim palestine then they were in christian europe most people say this entire occupation was unnecessary and illegal to begin with, and has more to do with white vs arabs then it has anything to do with Jewish people.

Many jews are anti israel, and claim the state goes not only against scripture but causes further persecution of jews, and creates more problems than it solves





so before you label everyone who is against israel as "haters who want Israel in the sea." you should try learning a little bit more than what fox news force feeds you. Then you might know what the "so called 67 lines" are all about
Lipush, a two state solution is no longer possible without ethnic cleansing of Jews or non-Jews. It will no longer work. A single state solution is now the only solution.

Ok. And what will be the regine of such a state?
I'm ready to open this up with the Pro-Palestinians on this board who are willing to have a logal discussion, and those who are not haters who want Israel in the sea.

Let us talk this rationally. What exactly IS the two states solution? One for Israel and one for the Palestinians? What will be the borders of such states?

Can you openly tell me what is the benefit of the so called 67 lines? what good there is in them? and why they are better than a 1 state solution?

Please elaborate. Let us discuss this rationally. No name calling and cusses.

If your looking for a rational discussion it helps to not label your opponents as "haters who want Israel in the sea" I'm assuming you mean haters not as in religious bigots but as "player haters" as in they're just jealous of they're gold rings and pimped out Cadillacs. I know Trump uses that one alot but I dont think you people know what it means, the push them into the sea comment I'm guessing was a random out of context quote from Ahmadinejad from 2004 I think.

here is the older of map of israel

as you can see most of palestine is occupied by Israel, the 1967 agreement, is where most Palestinian groups say Israel should move back to. But since jews were safer in muslim palestine then they were in christian europe most people say this entire occupation was unnecessary and illegal to begin with, and has more to do with white vs arabs then it has anything to do with Jewish people.

Many jews are anti israel, and claim the state goes not only against scripture but causes further persecution of jews, and creates more problems than it solves





so before you label everyone who is against israel as "haters who want Israel in the sea." you should try learning a little bit more than what fox news force feeds you. Then you might know what the "so called 67 lines" are all about

You said much without really saying anything.

What is the ideal solution, in that case?
Lipush, a two state solution is no longer possible without ethnic cleansing of Jews or non-Jews. It will no longer work. A single state solution is now the only solution.

Ok. And what will be the regine of such a state?

Whatever government is democratically elected.

Nice waffle. A democratically elected government means nothing without equal representation. The Hamas terrorists were "democratically elected" but have no conception of terms such as representative government.

I think the problem you're having is that words thrown carelessly around tend to lose all connection to their intrinsic meaning. To suggest that a "democracy" is represented by heavily armed Islamic terrorists forcing a fascistic / ancient theocratic code on a population is just nonsense.
I'm ready to open this up with the Pro-Palestinians on this board who are willing to have a logal discussion, and those who are not haters who want Israel in the sea.

Let us talk this rationally. What exactly IS the two states solution? One for Israel and one for the Palestinians? What will be the borders of such states?

Can you openly tell me what is the benefit of the so called 67 lines? what good there is in them? and why they are better than a 1 state solution?

Please elaborate. Let us discuss this rationally. No name calling and cusses.

If your looking for a rational discussion it helps to not label your opponents as "haters who want Israel in the sea" I'm assuming you mean haters not as in religious bigots but as "player haters" as in they're just jealous of they're gold rings and pimped out Cadillacs. I know Trump uses that one alot but I dont think you people know what it means, the push them into the sea comment I'm guessing was a random out of context quote from Ahmadinejad from 2004 I think.

here is the older of map of israel

as you can see most of palestine is occupied by Israel, the 1967 agreement, is where most Palestinian groups say Israel should move back to. But since jews were safer in muslim palestine then they were in christian europe most people say this entire occupation was unnecessary and illegal to begin with, and has more to do with white vs arabs then it has anything to do with Jewish people.

Many jews are anti israel, and claim the state goes not only against scripture but causes further persecution of jews, and creates more problems than it solves





so before you label everyone who is against israel as "haters who want Israel in the sea." you should try learning a little bit more than what fox news force feeds you. Then you might know what the "so called 67 lines" are all about

You said much without really saying anything.

What is the ideal solution, in that case?
there's no ideal solution, other than changing the past, the ideal solution would be if there had been no holocaust, or centuries of jewish persecution throughout christian europe, the creation of israel or palestine which is really just a former british colony.

you could say the ideal solution might be to just create one large democratic state, but not everyone would be happy with that since one group would be the majority. So they bicker over these lines, the 2 state solution means they should have two democratic states for muslims and jews. So they can be separate but equal (sound familiar) but most palestinians would prefer if jews left israel entirely or if they stayed and complied with a majority muslim government. There are plenty of jews living in Lebanon for example that do not need a separate government, jews lived in the area for centuries.

there is also the issue of holy sites that are claimed by both jews and muslims, and since islam worships judaism (the same way christians do) they basically lay claim to all jewish historical sites.
I'm ready to open this up with the Pro-Palestinians on this board who are willing to have a logal discussion, and those who are not haters who want Israel in the sea.

Good luck with that.

Israel haters are generally bed wetting libturds who love jihadists. You'll get nothing of intellectual value from them.

The 2 state solution is summed up this way.

The palescumians get a state with Jerusalem as it's capital, the jews get a state within that state where they accept subservience to islamic sociopaths.
I'm ready to open this up with the Pro-Palestinians on this board who are willing to have a logal discussion, and those who are not haters who want Israel in the sea.

Good luck with that.

Israel haters are generally bed wetting libturds who love jihadists. You'll get nothing of intellectual value from them.

The 2 state solution is summed up this way.

The palescumians get a state with Jerusalem as it's capital, the jews get a state within that state where they accept subservience to islamic sociopaths.

Well, that's one way of putting it.
I'm ready to open this up with the Pro-Palestinians on this board who are willing to have a logal discussion, and those who are not haters who want Israel in the sea.

Good luck with that.

Israel haters are generally bed wetting libturds who love jihadists. You'll get nothing of intellectual value from them.

The 2 state solution is summed up this way.

The palescumians get a state with Jerusalem as it's capital, the jews get a state within that state where they accept subservience to islamic sociopaths.
you nazis only like jews when theyre killing brown people
I see we are off to a good start. Israel has created a terrible mess that will be difficult to unwind. The two state solution is wrong in many ways. It was first thrown on the table in 1937. Eighty years later we are farther away from a two state solution than we were then. "Everybody knows" that it is the only solution. So if it is such a good idea, why hasn't it happened?
I see we are off to a good start. Israel has created a terrible mess that will be difficult to unwind. The two state solution is wrong in many ways. It was first thrown on the table in 1937. Eighty years later we are farther away from a two state solution than we were then. "Everybody knows" that it is the only solution. So if it is such a good idea, why hasn't it happened?

More of your whining as a means to sidestep incompetence on the part of Arabs-Moslems.

Israel created a modern, educated and first world society / economy in spite of the efforts by Arabs-Moslems to prevent that. It is the Arabs-Moslems who created a mess and are still mired in ancient hatreds, their societies horribly dysfunctional.

Get past your petty hatreds and insecurities and face the fact that Arab-Moslem societies across the Islamist Middle East are disasters of tribal rivalries, social and political apartheid, gender discrimination and of course, leadership toward those goals.

Regarding the three state solution - Israel, Gaza'istan and Fatah'istan, things are, as they are. There is no two state solution when the competing Islamic terrorist enclaves have self- interests in the prize that is the UNRWA welfare fraud.
I see we are off to a good start. Israel has created a terrible mess that will be difficult to unwind. The two state solution is wrong in many ways. It was first thrown on the table in 1937. Eighty years later we are farther away from a two state solution than we were then. "Everybody knows" that it is the only solution. So if it is such a good idea, why hasn't it happened?

Because it's as bad as the status quo?

And if it is, then what is your solution?
I see we are off to a good start. Israel has created a terrible mess that will be difficult to unwind. The two state solution is wrong in many ways. It was first thrown on the table in 1937. Eighty years later we are farther away from a two state solution than we were then. "Everybody knows" that it is the only solution. So if it is such a good idea, why hasn't it happened?

Because it's as bad as the status quo?

And if it is, then what is your solution?
I see we are off to a good start. Israel has created a terrible mess that will be difficult to unwind. The two state solution is wrong in many ways. It was first thrown on the table in 1937. Eighty years later we are farther away from a two state solution than we were then. "Everybody knows" that it is the only solution. So if it is such a good idea, why hasn't it happened?

Because it's as bad as the status quo?

And if it is, then what is your solution?

That means nothing at all. You are living in the past. Any realist can see that there are 2 peoples living in that area right now. The more both sides dig in their heels, the worse the problem will become.
"Decolonization" doesn't mean anything. Israelis are a people now. Six million people are not going to move to Russia, Poland, Yemen, Morocco, the U.S., Ethiopia, etc. It's stupid and ridiculous. The only Jewish country in the world is not going to self-destruct for a 23rd dysfunctional Arab state.
I see we are off to a good start. Israel has created a terrible mess that will be difficult to unwind. The two state solution is wrong in many ways. It was first thrown on the table in 1937. Eighty years later we are farther away from a two state solution than we were then. "Everybody knows" that it is the only solution. So if it is such a good idea, why hasn't it happened?

Because it's as bad as the status quo?

And if it is, then what is your solution?

That means nothing at all. You are living in the past. Any realist can see that there are 2 peoples living in that area right now. The more both sides dig in their heels, the worse the problem will become.
"Decolonization" doesn't mean anything. Israelis are a people now. Six million people are not going to move to Russia, Poland, Yemen, Morocco, the U.S., Ethiopia, etc. It's stupid and ridiculous. The only Jewish country in the world is not going to self-destruct for a 23rd dysfunctional Arab state.
The two state solution is dead. What are your suggestions?
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