Lets apologize

I find that unlikely since they were willing to surrender, which North Korea never did.

Why did we have to bomb Nagasaki then? Did we just ignore any attempts to surrender during those 3 days? Or maybe we just ignored the attempts during the previous six months that we were fire bombing 67 cities in Japan.

We ignored the attempts to surrender before Hiroshima, let alone before Nagasaki. We wanted an unconditional surrender, and were willing to drop as many bombs as necessary for that to happen.

I get it, they were willing to surrender, if they could keep the military and rebuild so they could try again later, and not give up anything they took away from anyone else.

News flash, that is not surrender, that is regrouping so you can try again. That makes the bomb necessary to get a real surrender, and not one where they get to stab us in the back.
That was a good story thanks for the link.

I dont see us apologizing in the link though, just attending the memorial with 75 other country's representatives.

You ever wonder why we are the first to send a delegation to any ceremony marking a memorial like that? You would think that we would wait until Japan sent a delegation first, which is probably why no other US administration has ever done this before. All this does is reinforce the perception of Obama as weak in the eyes of the world, even if it is not an apology.

Just the opposite. It enhances the U.S. in the eyes of the world and diminishes the GOP, Boehner, and McConnell. Rightfully so.


Did you know the Japanese press refused to print the photo of Obama "not bowing" to the emperor of Japan because it was shameful? Or that Obama's approval numbers are going down worldwide?

Keep drinking the Kool-Aid.
You ever wonder why we are the fsirst to send a delegation to any ceremony marking a memorial like that? You would think that we would wait until Japan sent a delegation first, which is probably why no other US administration has ever done this before. All this does is reinforce the perception of Obama as weak in the eyes of the world, even if it is not an apology.

Just the opposite. It enhances the U.S. in the eyes of the world and diminishes the GOP, Boehner, and McConnell. Rightfully so.


Did you know the Japanese press refused to print the photo of Obama "not bowing" to the emperor of Japan because it was shameful? Or that Obama's approval numbers are going down worldwide?

Keep drinking the Kool-Aid.

Why should Obama bow to the Emperor, QWB? Who cares if the Japanese press did not print that photo? And you have no evidence that BHO and the U.S. approval ratings are going down dramatically. Bet you can find it is much higher than in 2005.

Keep worshiping in the First Reactionary Church of the United States with Bishop Boehner and Cardinal McConnell.

You loons are funny, but you are not dangerous at all because you don't have the political power to drive the American bus into the economic ditch again.
My wife is from Okinawa so obviously she's Japanese. Her grandmother and grandfather were at Hiroshima the day it was bombed.

Her grandfather was too small to join the Japanese Army (imagine that) so he worked as an engineer for the government. He actually had a hand in designing some of the suicide planes. As an aircraft nut, he and I had some interesting conversations, limited by my poor Japanese and his Okinawan dialect. My wife translated for us most of the time. He said the F6F Hellcat turned the tide in the Pacific as most war buffs would agree.

The week of the bombing he and his wife attended a meeting in Hiroshima. The day of the bombing he fell sick and stayed at the little apartment on the outskirts of the city. His wife saw the B-29 fly over and witnessed the mushroom cloud.

The next day he walked into the city and said "It was hell on hearth". But he also said this: "America had to do it. Japan was under Military rule and was never going to surrender". He never showed any animosity toward Americans and in fact, encouraged his grand daughters to marry Americans and move to America.

Whenever I hear people talk about how terrible America was for dropping the bomb I tell them this story. I have a few pictures of him I'll post later if I can find them.


Except they were going to surrender.

No, they weren't you stupid fuckhead.

If it were up to you, the Japs would have made it to Chicago.
There is certainly more than one way to interpret this action. It isn't an apology. It is a recognition of the effects of nuclear weapons. Not a condemnation of the decision to use them. Of that, there little room for debate, there was an imperative to use that weapon at that time. It was unavoidable. It was inevitable. Unlike Japan’s decision to attack the US. Every time the anniversary of Hiroshima arrives, this debate rears it’s ugly head.
Why did we have to bomb Nagasaki then? Did we just ignore any attempts to surrender during those 3 days? Or maybe we just ignored the attempts during the previous six months that we were fire bombing 67 cities in Japan.

We ignored the attempts to surrender before Hiroshima, let alone before Nagasaki. We wanted an unconditional surrender, and were willing to drop as many bombs as necessary for that to happen.

I get it, they were willing to surrender, if they could keep the military and rebuild so they could try again later, and not give up anything they took away from anyone else.

News flash, that is not surrender, that is regrouping so you can try again. That makes the bomb necessary to get a real surrender, and not one where they get to stab us in the back.

Yeah, we wouldn't want to make any concessions to end hostilities and save thousands of lives. :rolleyes:

Much better to vaporize innocent civilians.
KK, in this case, since the Emperor and the military were not ready to offer sincere offers of surrender, yes, then the vaporization of innocents became necessary.

Your head, Kevin, is in the clouds of theory and 'what should be.' Ask any military personnel here, retired or active or former, how they feel about war? I doubt you will find anyone that really wants to say "let's go" unless it is necessary.

Sometimes war is necessary. Imperialism is wrong, but some forms are worse than others, and the Japanese imperialism of the first half of the 20th century was barbaric, catastrophic, revealing a terrible ethnic supremacism in the Japanese nation that threatened the eastern world with disaster. As it was from 1910 to 1945, the price the prey of the Japanese paid was unimaginable.

You simply don't comprehend of what you talk.
That is because he was taught that America is always wrong since he was first in school, and has never even attempted to overcome the conditioning.
That is because he was taught that America is always wrong since he was first in school, and has never even attempted to overcome the conditioning.

What a moronic comment above. The mind that produces it cannot objectively, rationally, critically evaluate evidence. Absolutely stunning, just stunning.

Want to give us some evidence for your statement, QWB? And, please, your opinion is not evidence.
That is because he was taught that America is always wrong since he was first in school, and has never even attempted to overcome the conditioning.


Right, because the public school system definitely teaches that dropping two atomic bombs on Japan was a war crime.
Not true, KK, not true. I imagine some schools do, but the majority do not. Why? Because you can't prove it with evidence. Remember, Kevin, try taking your head out of the clouds.
I know you were, but I was funning with wind bag. I mean conhog and bigreb aren't here, so I gotta make do with what I got.
This is not an apology in my opinion. I see nothing wrong with sending a contingent to Japan. The people of Japan will not see this as weakness in my opinion nor will they see us in a negative light. Even if it is seen as an apology it is not sorry we did it but sorry it had to come to this.
That is because he was taught that America is always wrong since he was first in school, and has never even attempted to overcome the conditioning.
Really...is that what you were taught? Where did you go to school AQU?

What a moron you are.
We had no choice, it was either use the bombs or invade, an invasion would probably seen millions of dead Japanese soldiers and civilians. It took 2 bombs to convince the Emperor to surrender. And even then his Army tried to stage a coup to prevent it.

U.S., allies to send first delegation to Hiroshima memorial - Yahoo! News

This President is an idiot.

Is that what you call an excuse? The end justifies the means...? Pathetic!!!

1. If you were alive at the time, you were nothing more than a kid!!! Don't act like you were there!!!

2. We successfully drop a second bomb; this means that we had air supremacy; we could had drop a "warning bomb", just outside of Hiroshima for the emperor to see.

3. It was dropped on civilians, not on a REAL military target. You saw how we were angered at the idea of our civilians being killed. We only lost +3000 at 9/11, they lost 70,000.

I support any President Obama's willingness to admit that the decision as to where to drop the bomb was ill advised. However, as always with you conservatives, I still don't see in your link, a quote from President Obama supporting your claim. I don't see a quote from him offering an official apology. Figures start to lie when liars start to figure:eusa_liar:

President Obama is smart enough to understand the idea of apologizing for the way an action was carried out versus apologizing for why the action was carried out.

You could understand if you would care to listen; but before you can listen, you must dig the poop out of your ears; but before you you dig the poop out of your ears, you must first pull your head out of your a...

Food for thought.

It was very much dropped on a "real" military target. Hiroshima was an industrial city manufacturing military assests. The PEOPLE making them were the enemy, just as much as the soldiers using the weapons that they were making. There were several army headquarters there and it was a supply shipping hub. It was a HUGE military target.

Carry on with your re-writing history. :eusa_liar:

I'm still standing by my position. WE HAD AIR SUPREMACY!!! We could had easily attacked the military installations and factories there with conventional bombs; deaths recorded at those spots would had been acceptable. But come on man!!! Women and children!!! What kind of animal are you???
hylandrdet, the U.S. Airforce had destroyed 61 cities, had killed more than 1.2 million citizens by August 1 in just the previous 12.5 months, and the Japanese had not surrendered and were not going to surrender.

You have a fail.
Sorry to interrupt. Yes , we had to nuke Japan. There was so many pounds of fissionable plutonium in 1945. We had enough for three bombs. Test one. Drop another on Hiroshima, and the Japanese wanted ignore Hiroshima at the time. Onward with the war progress! Please. Japanese government didn’t’ care THEN. Well now, they want make it a monument to human suffering. Please, it’s about Pearl Harbor, Remember THAT?

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