Let's Get it on China

The WHO tests were defective. Do try and keep up!
And so were ours. And oops, so are the some we are using now:

Do try and keep up.

The WHO stated that there was no human-to-human transmission of the virus either.

The entire content of your post....a big steaming pile...
Trump is going on the theory that if he can get everyone pissed off at China, then his part in the disaster will be overlooked. I don't see it happening that way.

Yes, Trump is responsible for Italy, Spain, and half the world getting COVID-19 BEFORE the Chinese admitted that it could be spread easily.

Thanks for making my point. Focus on China, but ignore the ways Trump dropped the ball.

Exactly how did Trump drop the ball, Nostradumbass?

Testing - Trump made the decision not to use the WHO test. American companies could make a bigger profit if they owned the rights to the test. The CDC under Trump's hand picked Director - whom many professionals said was unqualified and ill-equipped for the job, fucked up the testing. THIS ONE MISTAKE IS THE MOST DEADLY

After calling all of the Americans back from China on January 29th, Trump allowed 40,000 Americans to return from China without testing them or quarantining them. He allowed flights into New York from all over Europe without testing or quarantining them. BRINGING IN 40,000 PEOPLE FROM CHINA, AND TENS OF THOUSANDS MORE FROM EUROPE WITHOUT TESTING ANYONE.

In January, Trump loosened trade restrictions with China to allow American companies to sell China their entire stocks of masks and PPE without keeping or buying any for the American people. TRUMP HAS PAID MORE ATTENTION TO BUSINESS, THE STOCK MARKET AND PROFITS, THAN HE HAS THE AMERICAN PEOPLE.

And those are just the first three ways that Trump has totally fucked this up. The list is endless.

The WHO tests were defective. Do try and keep up!

The WHO stated that there was no human-to-human transmission of the virus either. Look what that got us.

If you are going to make mindless errors on the topic, I suggest you shut your overgrown mouth!

You rude piece of shit. Every one of your responses is false and misleading. I suggest you learn what really happened and don't tell those who are better informed that you to shut up. I am sick to death of your mindless dolts accepting the lies coming out of Trump's mouth and letting him destroy the nation.

The WHO test were NOT defective. The CDC tests were defective. The rest of the world is still using the WHO tests.

That was in January. That was quickly found to be wrong.

He's also going after the WHO, trying to blame them. Undermining them internationally, and attempting to get other nations to do the same.
Now WHO is writing prescriptions for all those unnecessary narcotics? Doctors need legible signatures, not drunk-ass medieval abbreviations.

Just open that food flap in your jail cell, doc. Someone smarter than you was kind enough to prescribe a meal for you t.i.d. (ter in die) on a steel tray. Scientific studies have shown prison loaf to be quite nutritious, actually.
Yeah we need WWIII. Have you got a hole in your head?
I ain't got blown away yet. It's about time to put away those damned docs and stop dodging the draft.
Trump is going on the theory that if he can get everyone pissed off at China, then his part in the disaster will be overlooked. I don't see it happening that way.

Yes, Trump is responsible for Italy, Spain, and half the world getting COVID-19 BEFORE the Chinese admitted that it could be spread easily.

Thanks for making my point. Focus on China, but ignore the ways Trump dropped the ball.

Exactly how did Trump drop the ball, Nostradumbass?

Testing - Trump made the decision not to use the WHO test. American companies could make a bigger profit if they owned the rights to the test. The CDC under Trump's hand picked Director - whom many professionals said was unqualified and ill-equipped for the job, fucked up the testing. THIS ONE MISTAKE IS THE MOST DEADLY

After calling all of the Americans back from China on January 29th, Trump allowed 40,000 Americans to return from China without testing them or quarantining them. He allowed flights into New York from all over Europe without testing or quarantining them. BRINGING IN 40,000 PEOPLE FROM CHINA, AND TENS OF THOUSANDS MORE FROM EUROPE WITHOUT TESTING ANYONE.

In January, Trump loosened trade restrictions with China to allow American companies to sell China their entire stocks of masks and PPE without keeping or buying any for the American people. TRUMP HAS PAID MORE ATTENTION TO BUSINESS, THE STOCK MARKET AND PROFITS, THAN HE HAS THE AMERICAN PEOPLE.

And those are just the first three ways that Trump has totally fucked this up. The list is endless.

The WHO tests were defective. Do try and keep up!

The WHO stated that there was no human-to-human transmission of the virus either. Look what that got us.

If you are going to make mindless errors on the topic, I suggest you shut your overgrown mouth!

You rude piece of shit. Every one of your responses is false and misleading. I suggest you learn what really happened and don't tell those who are better informed that you to shut up. I am sick to death of your mindless dolts accepting the lies coming out of Trump's mouth and letting him destroy the nation.

The WHO test were NOT defective. The CDC tests were defective. The rest of the world is still using the WHO tests.

That was in January. That was quickly found to be wrong.


You are a Canadian. Shut the fuck up until you become a citizen!

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