Let's just call a spade a spade shall we?

Doubt that will help anything. They will just say the Dems are a different party now even though they were racists for almost 2 centuries they are now enlightened and are the party of inclusion. And the party that has always lead the charge in equal rights are now the real racists.
watch and learn black Americans, and see why Malcolm X called black democrast chumps and betrayers to their own race.

Too bad the right wing is worse, and they vote republican.

Here is an example folks of what Malcolm X was talking about.

More true than ever.
That is why understanding the language our Constitutions are written is important.

The left is more willing to obey the laws, unlike the right wing who prefer to sacrifice the End to the Means, virtually every time it comes up.

The Citizens of each State shall be entitled to all Privileges and Immunities of Citizens in the several States.

Obey the law, right wingers.

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