Let's Laugh About "Election Interference"


Diamond Member
Jul 14, 2011
Doesn't seem funny, right?

Maybe not - I mean, not now that what goes around has come around:

U.S. does its share of interfering

But it WAS funny when Obamerica was doing it in other countries - using YOUR tax dollars to play their little pranks. They WERE just pranks, weren't they? I mean, not serious act-of-war election interference?

"Most recently President Barack Obama’s State Department sent $350,000 to an Israeli group, OneVoice, that was supposed to use the dough to support Israeli-Palestinian peace negotiations, but instead used it t build a campaign to oust Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in last year’s Israeli parliamentary elections. Obama, it turns out, is no fan of Netanyahu."

"OneVoice used the money to build a voter database, train activists and hire a political consulting firm – with ties to President Obama’s campaign – all of which set the stage for an anti-Netanyahu campaign."

"There have been countless other cases of manipulation and interference by the U.S. The attempt on Fidel Castro’s life with an exploding cigar and the 1961 Bay of Pigs fiasco, immediately come to mind."

"Foreign Policy magazine listed successful and confirmed coups with U.S. fingerprints all over them. Iran in 1953; Guatemala, 1954; the Congo, 1960; the Dominican Republic in 1961; South Vietnam, 1963; Brazil, 1964; and, Chile in 1973. Those are just the ones everybody agrees on."

Just kids at play, right? Perhaps a United Nations investigation into Obamerica's world-wide fucking around with elections might be just the comic relief we could all use just now!
Was any of that a crime ? Unlike hacking private info and leaking it.
The US has been fucking around in other folk's elections and taking out other govt's leaders for ages. All this hissyfitting is hilarious.
This is f****** hilarious.

America has been interfering in other nations' affairs for 100 years, and American conservatives justified it as American Exceptionalism, Manifest Destiny and in our national interests.

They castigated liberals for playing footsies with foreign ideals and nations if it suited their ideology.

And they - rightly - criticized Obama for diminishing America's standing in the world.

But now that foreign interference into our nation that benefits them, they rationalize it.

And they further diminish America's standing in the world by implicitly becoming Putin's bitch, and his attempt to diminish American democracy.
"Election interference". Is that where 3 million illegals fraudulently vote?
I witnessed the election interference first hand...then I adjusted my satellite dish and watched Trump win. Ahaha libs psych! :laugh:

1. The MSM is/was totally in the tank for Hillary
2. The FBI let her off the hook for her "negligent bathroom server" containing classified material
3. She had billions from her shakedowns as Secretary of State
4. She sold uranium to Russia and pocketed $145,000,000 (I thought Russia was bad??)
5. The polls were fixed so "don't bother voting for Trump, she has it locked up"

a. Russia hacked the DNC and released emails via wikileaks showing that the DNC cheated Bernie (bye Debbie) and colluded with CNN to cheat Trump during debates (Bye Donna), i,e, exposed the DNC cheating...nothing more...so how is this "interference"?

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